Dear Ross Juniors Supporter,
Have you been down at the Sports Centre recently? If not and want to watch some great games then why not start tomorrow?
Just to mention a couple of games you might see, the U11 boys are playing Ledbury in a cup semi-final at 10:30am, whilst the U15s are hosting Stratford Town FC at the same time.
Refreshments will be sold all day with the bar being open for the first time in the afternoon for the 2pm Men's "Ross El Classico" game Ross Juniors v Weston.
Please remember the new parking charges in the big car park (till 6pm) and please park sensibly at all times. The safety of our children is most important to us and is not worth the £1 you might save by parking dangerously.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Your RJFC Committee