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Words from Kathy's Heart
March 15, 2016

At Mitzvah Circle Foundation we work to restore dignity that has been lost and create hope.

We believe that words matter.  Our words can encourage, empower and inspire. Please read Kathy's words below.

If you feel moved by them, contact us to see how you can  get involved at Mitzvah Circle Foundation.

I wanted to write to say thank you very much for the love, compassion, kindness and services you have shown to me and my family.

Truly words could never express my gratitude and appreciation.

You have truly been the wind beneath my wings in such a time of need.

The clothes, shoes, diapers, wipes and household items have helped in such a huge way.

In addition, I must add and commend you and your staff for being very kind on the phone and in person.

Thank you for that kindness because some people have made me feel that I am a waste of life just because I am in need and sometimes this has caused me to not reach out for help and just suffer even more.

My heart is truly touched at the fact that you have totally tried finding the items on my family’s list of need.

I want you to know that your efforts brought tears to my eyes.

I was always taught to be thankful for the little things in life and some little things mean more than the greater.

In closing, my prayer is that the lord watch over you and your families, healing all sickness and supplying your every need.

For you and your families I will always be praying.

From my heart,


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