Are angels really real? Spirit News - Spring 2016
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Welcome to the spring edition of Spirit my way news!

This is my first newsletter. Every season I will let you know the latest news at Spirit my way and a few exciting things that will inspire your spirituality and creativity. The highlights from this edition are angels, after-death communication, book cover design, a sacred pilgrimage to Bali, free guided meditation and more!

But before I delve into spring, I'd like to thank publisher Kate Durak and interviewer Lisa O'Rourke for featuring my story recently in Offspring Magazine's winter edition, thereby spreading the good news throughout Australia and online about spiritually transformative experiences, my book and art, and the business side of spirituality.

Do you love flowers? They love you! The quickest way to get some perspective on life, well-deserved relaxation or creative inspiration is to take a walk outside, breathe the air and sense the sweet love. It's springtime in Australia which is a wonderful time for observing God’s fingerprints – ever present in nature – especially flowers!
Highlights from the Spirit my way Mindfulness Project
To find out more about the Spirit my way Mindfulness Project, click here.
Ask me!
Linda, are angels really real?
Well, yes – really. People love hearing about angels because isn’t it a comforting thought to know that someone is always looking out for you, no matter who you are or what the circumstances of your life happen to be, and loving you unconditionally. Or that your family is being cared for even when you can’t be with them, and always there to welcome your loved one as they transition into heaven. 

All of this is true. Angels are concerned with your wellbeing 24/7 and they do assist you but will not impede upon your free will or affect your life circumstances if it doesn't serve your soul's highest purpose. We grow spiritually through all our earthly experiences – especially the tougher ones. That's just the way it is. Angels will not interfere with your learning but they will inspire you and give you encouragement and support like a good parent does.

Angels are also very much concerned with the collective welfare of humanity and our planet, assisting in much the same way. How is this even possible? Angels are pure spiritual energy. Their light transmits instantaneously and they can be in multiple places at once. If you think this is rather miraculous, well, your spirit can do this too when out-of-body. Angels are not restricted by physical laws like humans are.

Angels take on a human-like appearance and interact with us if it serves a higher purpose. In meeting an angel in this way, you may not be able to tell them apart from another ordinary person or they may exhibit outstanding features like luminous eyes, a healing touch, or they may arrive at a particularly pertinent time in your life, or one moment they're there and then they're not! Angels can also be sensed, intuitively, or they may literally touch you but not be seen.

To really understand the reality that angels occupy, we need to shift our thinking outside of the constraints of our daily, physical reality. Angels live in the spiritual realms and in vastly complex spectrums of light, colour, and sound, where very different laws apply but can still affect what is happening here on earth. They are guardians and messengers who have never incarnated as human beings and their spiritual purpose is to love, protect and support us.

I have encountered countless angels. To me, they have appeared as bands of pure light. I have encountered other kinds of light beings but an angel has a particular energy pattern that makes them who they are – angelic. Pray to them – they can hear. Ask of them – they will assist you. And yes, they’re with you right now! I have also encountered human-like angels and I do believe, they walk amongst us, every day.

So what of the feathered variety angels? There are many first-hand accounts of people having encountered these types of angels. Famous galleries house many impressions of winged angels. They are represented in art and poetry. I too have spontaneously painted winged angels. Angels can and do present themselves with wings and feathers. Primarily, however, they are glorious light beings!

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Featured posts from the Spirit my way Blog
Hello from Heaven!
Is there life after death? Absolutely! Would you like to know how the deceased communicate with their loved ones from heaven? You may have had a similar experience yourself or know someone who has. Many people do receive messages from heaven but may share it with only a select few – or no one – because the experience is just so special to them.

I've just finished reading Hello from Heaven! co-authored by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim. It's an excellent read which is why 20 years on from first publication it's still selling well and is available in English and 18 other languages. It's very well researched and full of authentic, spontaneous, heartfelt after-death communication stories that sparkle with love and hope!

Bill and Judy are the researchers who first coined the term after-death communication (ADC) which is now widely accepted by experts worldwide and refers to any type of communication that is received by a living person from the spirit of a deceased person – like Granny, Gramps, mother, father, spouse, sibling, child, friend and even the family dog. Yes, even our beloved pets can send us messages from heaven!

There are 353 ADCs featured in Hello from Heaven! selected from 3,300 first-hand accounts that the authors gathered over seven years from the US and Canada. They then organised these featured accounts into different ADC types and also included a short summary or conclusion after each which is especially helpful if you're someone who is approaching the subject of ADCs for the very first time.

* * * * * A fantastic read!

Hello from Heaven! is the only spiritual book I’ve read this year, so you can imagine my happy surprise when earlier this month, with just a few more chapters of the book left to read, I received an email from Bill Guggenheim – yes – out of the blue – telling me how much he enjoyed reading MY BOOK! Well, hello! It made my day!

Bill had bought my book in late July from the IANDS Conference. Quite a synchronicity, don't you think? And I do love synchronicities!!! They make me feel connected to the whole. So, what are the chances of Bill and me reading each other’s books at exactly the same time, me in Perth, Australia, and Bill in Florida, USA, having never met before? Very cool. Have you too had a synchronicity, lately?
Genetics & my book Where The Light Lives
In my book Where The Light Lives, I mention that my dad has Marfan syndrome which is a connective tissue disorder. Amongst other things, my dad’s illness affects his cardiovascular system – his heart valve was changed, his aorta split completely and he’s got aneurisms. It’s a bit of a miracle that he’s still here at 82.

I wrote about dad in my book and explained how his health issues were a fixture in my life from early on. And how when my scoliosis was discovered at 14, I was tested for Marfan syndrome and the doctors told my parents and me that I didn’t have it.

In making sure I referenced the syndrome correctly in my book, I did a bit of research and came across a list of features typically associated with Marfan syndrome – that is, features which I have. Almost 30 years on from when I was first tested, I had doubts over my initial diagnosis.

To make a long story short – this year I was able to undergo genetic testing and two weeks ago was informed that I do have Marfan syndrome. What this means for me as far as longevity goes is uncertain but if dad’s my example, I should be around for some time yet.

What has changed is now there is an unintentional falsehood in my book. So, I just wanted to make a record of this fact. If there is ever another edition of Where The Light Lives I will then make a textual correction. And it's worth noting, if you're an STE or NDE researcher looking into triggers, this syndrome may be relevant.
Writer - Cover Design
Talking about my book Where The Light Lives, I thought you'd enjoy seeing the development of its cover (above). Since publication, I've received lots of complimentary feedback about it – thanks! Without a doubt, one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of self-publishing is being able to design or contribute to the design of your book. There are many authors who have no say whatsoever about how their book will look when their work is acquired by a traditional publisher.

If you’re an aspiring author or an established author considering the indie route for your next book, I highly recommend that you visit Joel Friedlander’s website. He’s a self-publishing guru from San Francisco who provides loads of excellent information about all aspects of self-publishing including book cover design. From Joel’s helpful staff, I acquired a list of reputable book designers and decided on Damonza. It was a combination of liking their website, book cover examples and print/ebook package pricing.

I then provided Damonza with keywords and a short summary on my book's subject matter and how I wanted my cover to look – a feminine light-body with fluttering hair symbolising transcendence; colourful birds flying from her heart centre symbolising liberation, bliss and homecoming; a white bird symbolising the soul; an illuminated book title symbolising The Light – God – Spirit; and my favourite colour as the background. They were very accessible, responsive and creative. I was really satisfied with the design process and the end result – it was a lot of fun!

To find out more about my book, click here.
Artist - Painting: Encounter with an angel
My readers often ask me about Spirit my way's header image which is of my painting Encounter with an angel. I painted it intuitively in 2012 by a method known as spontaneous inspired creativity. It’s only a small piece and I gifted it – so I no longer have the original. Fortunately, I have a good photo of it. The inspiration behind the piece was an encounter I had with a very real angel made of light. Yes, angels are real and they are a part of our lives, whether we believe in them or not – whether we’re aware of them or not!

When you personally encounter an angel, it will have a message for you straight from heaven! This message may be delivered telepathically or symbolically; you may even find yourself immersed in a very real scene that plays out as a vision or out-of-body or in real time that relays something with great meaning to you personally or to all humanity. This was my experience and it may be your experience too. For me, it was a truly remarkable event in my life.

These are the keywords I associate with the painting Encounter with an angel: angel, angelic energy, power, love, protection, messenger, soul, eternity.

To view more of my art, click here.
Be inspired!
Spiritual awakening
Here are two excellent articles, beautifully written by Bruce Davis, Ph.D., author of many inspiring books and an expert in the field of spiritually transformative experiences (STEs).

If heaven is real, what are we doing here?
Is there a key to having a spiritual awakening?

Bruce and his wife Ruth run reputable interfaith meditative retreats in Napa, California,  Assisi, Italy, and Bali, Indonesia. The next sacred pilgrimage to Bali is planned for February 6-13, 2017 and going by previous experiences there, it promises to be a personally enriching and inspiring way to begin the New Year and you're invited! Why not treat yourself?

Feel the power
I've watched this one over and over! The bride and groom featured in this awesome flick are from New Zealand. They were about to leave their wedding reception when the guests surprised them with an emotional and empowering Haka. I love the ending – it's really beautiful.

A burst of happy
This lovely spirited flick, Betty in Paris will make your heart happy.

Claire Bourgein is a highly regarded spiritual counsellor and meditation teacher. She is featured at Spirit my way under the Lessons from my teacher category. To sample Claire's free meditations click here. Her meditation CD With Meditation in Mind is available for purchase through iTunes.

Feathers, moons & sacred patterns
I'm a regular 'lover' on Colin Adrian's Instagram account which features his masterful stain glass pieces perfectly against beautiful environments. You may like to be too!

ACISTE 2016 Conference
The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE) will be hosting its annual conference 22-24 October in Palm Springs, California with renowned authors and researchers sharing their latest field work. You can register for the event here

Best wishes to Australian researcher Nicole Gruel who will be presenting at the conference on the following topic: Exploring STEs and their Aftereffects through Jung's Typology. You can get further info about presenters and their topics including Dr. Bruce Davis here.
See you next time at Spirit news!

If you'd like to contact me with a query or to share your spiritual experience please do so here. I'd love to hear from you!

I'm on Facebook and Instagram regularly and would love to keep in touch with you there too!

Best wishes
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the power is now
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