“Do you want to be well?”
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Above: Detail from a window in Southwark Cathedral, London, UK. Photo by Father Lawrence Lew, O.P.

What do you really want from Jesus? This question may seem surprising, but it is essential to the life of prayer. God moves within us and stirs our desires, but He awaits our free response, our cooperation with the movement of grace. It may seem strange that Jesus asked a man who had been sick for 38 years whether or not he wanted to be well (see John 5:1-16). Interestingly the man's response was indirect. He complained that others got to the healing waters first, but he did not express how great his desire was to be healed by Jesus.
This situation is not as uncommon as we might think. How many times have we known that we could pray or go to Mass or confession to seek deeper healing of the wounds of our souls, and yet we have somehow become comfortable in our spiritual sickness? Jesus, however, accepts even our weak desires as an opportunity for healing. As He said to the man by the pool of Bethesda, so He says to us, "Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” He stretches out his hand to heal us, and He calls us to walk in the freedom of the children of God.
St. Dominic and the preachers of his Order knew that the proclamation of the truth awakens the desires of the human heart and directs them to the only One who can fulfill them. Those who knew him said that Dominic spoke only of God or to God, preaching the Word night and day, and praying for the grace of conversion for all who were sick in soul. His great desire was the glory of God and the salvation of souls. God granted him the power to heal both physically and spiritually, the power to liberate his brothers and sisters in Christ, so that they might take up their mats and walk in the way of truth and life.
St. Dominic, preacher of grace, pray for us!
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