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Sing Me Home, the sixth and latest album from Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble

Sing Me HomeThe new album from Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble is now available for pre-order in iTunes and Amazon, and will be released on April 22nd. 

Titled Sing Me Home, the album explores the ever-changing idea of home through original and traditional folk tunes interpreted by the Silk Road Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, and a range of remarkable guest artists, including Galician musicians and Rústica members Davide Salvado, Anxo Pintos and Roberto Comesaña, that Cristina brought to the Silk Road to record the song Cabaliño, a new arrangement of this beautiful traditional Galician song. Other renowned artist include Gregory Porter, Bill Frisell, Sarah Jarosz, and Abigail Washburn.

The album was developed and recorded alongside The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, the documentary film from Oscar and Emmy-winning director Morgan Neville that tells the story of Silkroad, and that had its European Premiere in the 66th Berlinale just last February 19th. You can find here pictures from the Premiere, as well as a video of the incredibly special and meaningful performance that Silk Road members Kayhan Kalhor, Kinan Azmeh and Cristina gave together with the Syrian refugees of The Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra after the screening.

Here are some clips from the press covering the event:

Screen Daily, Feb 18, 2016:
Also inspiring is the charismatic Cristina Pato, who plays the Galician gaita (bagpipe), breathing new life into what was considered an old man’s instrument. [...] it’s poignant when the Syrians Kinan Azmeh and Kevork Mourad make female refugees from that country laugh in a windswept Jordanian camp of tents. 

Indiewire, Feb 9, 2016:
the documentary "The Music of Strangers: Yo Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble" is now heading to Berlin and bringing with it its explosion of creativity and musical ingenuity. [...]The film will premiere on February 15 at the Berlin International Film Festival. The Orchard will release the doc in U.S. theaters in late spring. 

The Silk Road USA Tour that has led the ensemble to several cities of the USA West Coast has been a wild success. With sold-out concerts in pretty much all the venues they performed in, they have received rave reviews from the critics. The concerts featured Edward Perez's The Latina 6/8 Suite, the piece commissioned by Cristina for her album Latina, as well as the piece Vojo, by Cristina and Kojiro Umezaki. Here's an excerpt of one of the reviews:

"Silk Road Ensemble brings its lively blend of musical influences to the Palladium" – Jay Harvey Upstage →
One of the most all-embracing pieces was “The Latina 6/8 Suite,” a commissioned work based on an idea from Pato, who introduced it from the stage Saturday. The piece uses different dance idioms with a 6/8 meter in common.(…)Pato’s hearty sense of building excitement into her solos, her brightly flowering melodies and acute rhythmic knack added up to a reliable source of pleasure in Silk Road’s presentation.

· Tour with Lil Buck·

In April, Cristina will team up once again with Lil Buck for a series of unique performances created by Damian Woetzel that will lead them to the stages of Chapel Hill (April 15-16), Washington DC (April 22-23) and the College of the Holy Cross (April 29-30).
· Education ·

In parallel to the performances part of the tour, Cristina, as the Ensemble Educational Advisor, took part together with Shane Shanahan and under the leadership of Lori Taylor in several educational activities with the University of California in Santa Barbara, including lectures and workshops on the diversity of cultural traditions of the Silk Road, in collaboration with the Department of Music and the College of Creative Studies of the UCSB.

They also collaborated with the Bing Center at the University of Stanford, where they carried out an outreach program with over 600 students of elementary school.

After that, Cristina made a quick trip to Spain to take part in Foro de Foros, in Segovia (Spain). 

In March, Cristina returns to the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Lame Deer, Montana to carry out an educational project with SilkRoad members Lori Taylor, Shane Shanahan and Kojiro Umezaki.

There's a new section in Cristina's official website where you can read her press contributions. Currently, you can find an archive of all of Cristina's enlazARTE columns for El Correo Gallego →


Sing Me Home, o sexto album de Yo-Yo Ma e o Silk Road Ensemble

Sing Me HomeO novo album de Yo-Yo Ma e o Silk Road Ensemble xa se pode pedir por anticipado en iTunes e Amazon, e será lanzado o 22 de abril. 

O album, que leva por título Sing Me Home, explora a sempre cambiante idea de fogar a través de melodías folk tanto tradicionais coma orixinais interpretadas polo Silk Road Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, e unha variedade de salientables artistas invitados, incluíndo os músicos galegos e membros de Rústica Davide Salvado, Anxo Pintos e Roberto Comesaña, que Cristina levou ao Silk Road para gravar Cabaliño, un novo arranxo desta fermosa canción tradicional galega. Outros artistas de renome inclúen Gregory Porter, Bill Frisell, Sarah Jarosz, ou Abigail Washburn.

O album foi desenvolvido e gravado en paralelo a The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, o documental do director gañador dun Oscar e un Emmy Morgan Neville que narra a historia do Silkroad, e que tivo recentemente a súa estrea europea na 66 Berlinale o pasado 19 de febreiro. Podes atopar aquí fotos da premiere, así coma o vídeo da incríblemente especial e significativa actuación que os membros do Silk Road Kayhan Kalhor, Kinan Azmeh e Cristina ofreceron conxuntamente cos refuxiados sirios da Orquestra Filharmónica de Expatriados Sirios (The Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra) trala proxección.

Aquí van algunhas citas da prensa que cubríu o evento:

Screen Daily, Feb 18, 2016:
Also inspiring is the charismatic Cristina Pato, who plays the Galician gaita (bagpipe), breathing new life into what was considered an old man’s instrument. [...] it’s poignant when the Syrians Kinan Azmeh and Kevork Mourad make female refugees from that country laugh in a windswept Jordanian camp of tents. 

Indiewire, Feb 9, 2016:
the documentary "The Music of Strangers: Yo Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble" is now heading to Berlin and bringing with it its explosion of creativity and musical ingenuity. [...]The film will premiere on February 15 at the Berlin International Film Festival. The Orchard will release the doc in U.S. theaters in late spring. 

A xira estadounidense do Silk Road que levou o ensemble aos escenarios de varias cidades da Costa Oeste dos EEUU foi un gran éxito. Coas entradas esgotadas en todas as actuacións, os concertos recibiron excelentes críticas. O repertorio incluía The Latina 6/8 Suite de Edward Perez, a obra encargada por Cristina para o seu album Latina, así como a peza Vojo, de Cristina e Kojiro Umezaki. Isto é o que unha das críticas dixo: 

"Silk Road Ensemble brings its lively blend of musical influences to the Palladium" – Jay Harvey Upstage →
One of the most all-embracing pieces was “The Latina 6/8 Suite,” a commissioned work based on an idea from Pato, who introduced it from the stage Saturday. The piece uses different dance idioms with a 6/8 meter in common.(…)Pato’s hearty sense of building excitement into her solos, her brightly flowering melodies and acute rhythmic knack added up to a reliable source of pleasure in Silk Road’s presentation.

· Xira con Lil Buck·

En abril, Cristina xuntarase de novo con Lil Buck para unha serie de actuacións únicas creadas por Damian Woetzel que os levarán aos escenarios de Chapel Hill (15-16 de abril), Washington DC (22-23 de abril) e o College of the Holy Cross (29-30 de abril).
· Educación ·

En paralelo ás actuacións parte da xira, Cristina, no seu papel de Asesora Educativa do Ensemble, participou xunto con Shane Shanahan e baixo a batuta de Lori Taylor en varias actividades educativas na Universidade de California en Santa Barbara, incluindo clases e obradoiros sobre a diversidade de tradicións culturais do Silk Road, en colaboración co Departamento de Música e a Escola de Estudos Creativos da UCSB.

Tamén colaboraron co Bing Center na Universidade de Stanford, onde levaron a cabo un programa asistencial con 600 estudantes de educación primaria.

Tras isto, Cristina fixo unha escapada rápida a España para participar no Foro de Foros, en Segovia. 

En Marzo, Cristina volta á Reserva Cheyenne do Norte en Lame Deer, Montana para levar a cabo un proxecto educativo cos membros do SilkRoad Lori Taylor, Shane Shanahan e Kojiro Umezaki.

Hai unha nova sección na páxina web oficial de Cristina onde podes ler as súas colaboracións en prensa. De momento, podes atopar o arquivo das columnas de enlazARTE para El Correo Gallego →


Sing Me Home, el sexto album de Yo-Yo Ma y el Silk Road Ensemble

Sing Me HomeEl nuevo album de Yo-Yo Ma y el Silk Road Ensemble ya se puede pedir por anticipado en iTunes y Amazon, y será lanzado el 22 de abril. 

El album, que lleva por título Sing Me Home, explora la siempre cambiante idea de hogar a través de melodías folk tanto tradicionales como originales interpretadas por el Silk Road Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, y una variedad de destacados artistas invitados, incluyendo los músicos gallegos y miembros de Rústica Davide Salvado, Anxo Pintos y Roberto Comesaña, que Cristina llevó al Silk Road para grabar Cabaliño, un nuevo arreglo de esta hermosa canción tradicional gallega. Otros artistas de renombre incluyen Gregory Porter, Bill Frisell, Sarah Jarosz, o Abigail Washburn.

El album fue desarrollado y grabado en paralelo a The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, el documental del director ganador de un Oscar y un Emmy Morgan Neville que narra la historia del Silkroad, y que tuvo recientemente su estreno europeo en la 66 Berlinale el pasado 19 de febrero. Puedes encontrar aquí fotos de la premiere, así como o vídeo de la increíblemente especial y significativa actuación que los miembros del Silk Road Kayhan Kalhor, Kinan Azmeh y Cristina ofreciero conjuntamente con los refugiados sirios de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Expatriados Sirios (The Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra) tras la proyección:

Aquí van algunas citas de la prensa que cubrió el evento:

Screen Daily, Feb 18, 2016:
Also inspiring is the charismatic Cristina Pato, who plays the Galician gaita (bagpipe), breathing new life into what was considered an old man’s instrument. [...] it’s poignant when the Syrians Kinan Azmeh and Kevork Mourad make female refugees from that country laugh in a windswept Jordanian camp of tents. 

Indiewire, Feb 9, 2016:
the documentary "The Music of Strangers: Yo Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble" is now heading to Berlin and bringing with it its explosion of creativity and musical ingenuity. [...]The film will premiere on February 15 at the Berlin International Film Festival. The Orchard will release the doc in U.S. theaters in late spring. 

La gira estadounidense del Silk Road que llevó al ensemble a los escenarios de varias ciudades de la Costa Oeste de los EEUU ha sido un gran éxito. Con las entradas agotadas en todas las actuaciones, los conciertos han recibido excelentes críticas. El repertorio incluía The Latina 6/8 Suite de Edward Perez, la obra encargada por Cristina para su album Latina, así como la pieza Vojo, de Cristina y Kojiro Umezaki. Esto es lo que una de las críticas dijo: 

"Silk Road Ensemble brings its lively blend of musical influences to the Palladium" – Jay Harvey Upstage →
One of the most all-embracing pieces was “The Latina 6/8 Suite,” a commissioned work based on an idea from Pato, who introduced it from the stage Saturday. The piece uses different dance idioms with a 6/8 meter in common.(…)Pato’s hearty sense of building excitement into her solos, her brightly flowering melodies and acute rhythmic knack added up to a reliable source of pleasure in Silk Road’s presentation.

· Gira con Lil Buck·

En abril, Cristina se juntará de nuevo con Lil Buck para una serie de actuaciones únicas creadas por Damian Woetzel que los levarán a los escenarios de Chapel Hill (15-16 de abril), Washington DC (22-23 de abril) y el College of the Holy Cross (29-30 de abril).
· Educación ·

En paralelo a las actuaciones parte de la gira, Cristina, en su papel de Asesora Educativa del Ensemble, participó junto con Shane Shanahan y bajo la batuta de Lori Taylor en varias actividades educativas en la Universidad de California en Santa Barbara, incluyendo clases y talleres sobre la diversidad de tradiciones culturales del Silk Road, en colaboración con el Departamento de Música y la Escuela de Estudios Creativos de la UCSB.

También colaboraron con el Bing Center en la Universidad de Stanford, donde llevaron a cabo un programa asistencial con 600 estudantes de educación primaria.

Tras esto, Cristina hizo una escapada rápida a España para participar en el Foro de Foros, en Segovia. 

En Marzo, Cristina regresa a la Reserva Cheyenne del Norte en Lame Deer, Montana para llevar a cabo un proyecto educativo con los miembros del SilkRoad Lori Taylor, Shane Shanahan y Kojiro Umezaki.

Hay una nueva sección en la página web oficial de Cristina donde puedes leer sus colaboraciones en prensa. De momento, puedes encontrar el archivo de las columnas de enlazARTE para El Correo Gallego →
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Galician Connection 2014
The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble
Copyright © 2016 Cristina Pato, All rights reserved.