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Let’s blow the roof off Amplify Austin!

If you’ve made your Amplify donation, thank you for being amazing! We’re feeling the love! If you haven’t made a gift yet, may we nudge you along? There are just a few hours left before Amplify Austin ends at 6 pm today. Please help us offer even more East Austin kids the inspiration, skills and confidence that come with art lessons and mentoring by professional Big Artists.

Why do we DO it?Running Chula League’s Little Artist BIG ARTIST program is a huge labor of love. Look at the individual Amplify fundraising pages, and you’ll see why volunteers, artists and staffers give so much of their time.

  • It’s personal for Renée Rice, an illustrator and Chula League board chair. Renée says LaBA means a lot to her because she went to one of the schools in the program. It was her fifth-grade art teacher who gave her that first push toward art.
  • For Sherri Whitmarsh, a graphic designer and Chula League treasurer,
    it’s knowing the impact mentoring can have. It was her high school art teacher’s encouragement that led her to a full college scholarship in design.
  • As a repeat Big Artist, woodworker Brian David Johnson says he chooses to be involved because he knows mentoring can change children’s lives.
  • And for photographer and LaBA program coordinator Jennifer M. Ramos, it’s about creating opportunity for kids, especially those in schools where the need is great.
That’s why.

Save the date!

On April 15th, the fine folks at CompARTE are throwing a party and benefit art show at Cement Loop for Little Artist BIG ARTIST. The event is a one night only art exhibit featuring multiple artists from the Austin arts community who have generously contributed artwork. Lucky raffle winners will go home with great art. And more kids will get to be Little Artists.

CompARTE Charity Art ShowFriday, April 15th • 7–11pm • Cement Loop
5811 Berkman Dr. Ste. 140, Austin 78723



Austin-based non-profit that supports local arts, art education and artful outdoor spaces in East Austin communities.


A unique art mentoring program for 5th graders supporting East Austin elementary schools.


Cherrywood Art Fair is a two day event supporting new and established artists for 15 years running. More details.


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info@chulaleague.org | Chula League PO Box 4283 Austin, TX 78765

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