Learn iPhone Photography in the South of France!
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This message is to all my friends
who have expressed an interest
in my International Workshops.

iPhone Photography Workshops
in France
May 1-10, or May 15-25


Look at each of the images below. Can you tell what each of these very different images has in common? You guessed it! They were all captured and processed with the iPhone! Some are “straight shots,” some are vintage, some are painterly, but all have an artistic quality that makes them compelling and artistic in their own right.

Would you like to learn to create images like these with your iPhone or iPad?

If so, please join us for our 10-day iPhone Photography workshop in the South of France! This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself for 10 days, going deep into this art and exploring your creativity.

We’ll stay in a quaint farmhouse near the village of Larnagol and be catered to by our host, Dominique. During the best light of each day, we’ll photograph the surrounding area and I’ll show you the capture apps and techniques I use for different subjects. Later, we’ll spend time in the classroom, working with your images. I’ll show you new apps and guide you through some of the processes I’ve used since 2010 to create award-winning images. At the end of the workshop you’ll have images you’ll be proud to share, as well as new skills and knowledge for creating more great work on your own.

Whether you are an experienced iPhone photographer, or new to the art, you will find opportunities to grow. Because each workshop is limited to only 8 participants, and because we’ll have 10 days together, there will be ample opportunity to get your individual needs met.

Our registration deadline is March 31. Currently we have two openings in Workshop 1, and three in Workshop 2. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to take your iPhone photography to new artistic levels!

You'll Learn How to ...
  • Capture images using HDR, Macro, and long exposure apps and techniques
  • Create extraordinary Panoramas
  • Process for color, contrast and sharpness
  • Apply special effects with subtly and balance
  • Use textures to add depth & interest to your photos
  • Create grunge, painterly, and vintage images 
  • Create composite images and alter your subject to maximize visual impact
  • Blend images to temper effects for subtilely beautiful results
  • Use Hipstamatic for artistic effect
  • Create and process portraits
  • Effectively use accessories like a tripod and attachable lenses
  • Transfer traditional camera images for processing on your iPhone or iPad
  • Create abstracts using various special apps 
  • And much more!
The iPhone Photography Experience
Each day we'll spend time in the field shooting, and in the classroom working with your images learning new processing techniques. 

We'll spend the best light of each day photographing in the countryside in and around the village of Larnogol in the Lot region of Southern France. Rad will be there, looking over your shoulder or demonstrating techniques that will allow you to make memorable images and create works of art. Participants are welcome to shoot with traditional cameras but all post processing will be done using the iPhone or the iPad.

Part of each afternoon or evening will be spent in the classroom where Rad will introduce you to numerous apps and processing techniques. Because we have 10 days together and because our group is limited to 8, Rad will be able to spend time with each participant addressing individual interests. 

Bonus Session — Creating in Metal 
You'll have the option to let Nancy guide you through the process of creating a work of art in copper. Unless you already work with this medium – and we don't expect you do – the activity will likely encourage you to exercise brain "muscles" that rarely get worked! You'll learn to think in three dimensions, anticipate and plan your design, and experience the excitement of watching your dream take form. You'll take away not only new insights into how your creative mind works, but also a beautiful metal keepsake, like a brooch, a cuff bracelet, or a 4x4 landscape painting on copper using a patina, as a memento of your experience in the South of France.

To learn more about the workshop and what will be covered, see this link. For details about your host, accommodations, and the beautiful region in which we'll be, go to Lisa's Art and Travel site, Gryphon, and explore.

Trip Cost and Registration
The cost of the trip is $3,599, with a discount of $100 when you pay the full amount in one payment. To see what your fee covers and to register, click the enrollment button for the desired workshop below.

I’m going! Sign me up! Click Here to Register for the May 1-10, 2016 Workshop

I’m going! Sign me up! Click Here to Register for the May 15-25, 2016 Workshop

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