We’ll stay in a quaint farmhouse near the village of Larnagol and be catered to by our host, Dominique. During the best light of each day, we’ll photograph the surrounding area and I’ll show you the capture apps and techniques I use for different subjects. Later, we’ll spend time in the classroom, working with your images. I’ll show you new apps and guide you through some of the processes I’ve used since 2010 to create award-winning images. At the end of the workshop you’ll have images you’ll be proud to share, as well as new skills and knowledge for creating more great work on your own.
Whether you are an experienced iPhone photographer, or new to the art, you will find opportunities to grow. Because each workshop is limited to only 8 participants, and because we’ll have 10 days together, there will be ample opportunity to get your individual needs met.
Our registration deadline is March 31. Currently we have two openings in Workshop 1, and three in Workshop 2. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to take your iPhone photography to new artistic levels!