April's Reclaimed Material Special and Deconstruction Update
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Resourcing:  All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

April 2016

Brothers and sisters in resourcefulness... Welcome to the single greatest e-letter the world may ever know. Feast your eyes on a tantalizing page filled with wonder, surprises, and surprising wonders. Let's start things off with an incredible deal sure to please. We just received a massive shipment of BRAND NEW 6 mil thick, 14'x48' billboard signs. They are perfect for drop cloths, light temporary weather proofing, and general purposes. A steal at $35 each PLUS, with our April special (below), you'll save even more!  Check it out below, left (and don't forget to click the link). And of course, its remodeling season, which is the perfect time to integrate deconstruction and donation into your project plans. Who knew being responsible and charitable could be so easy?

Snap into a Slim...Savings?

Throughout April, if you buy 3 or more repurposed billboards and use the code-phrase "BONESAW IS READY", we'll give you 15% off! (Say it like Macho Man from the film and we'll take an extra 5% to help fund your budding WWE career). Use them for tarps, weed barrier, pond liner, shade material, HUGE slip n' slides, drop cloths, RV covers, hay tarps, room partitions....

Come by our "Lab" to check out these and other reclaimed materials, get ideas for your upcycle project, or just shoot the breeze with some witty, good-looking guys! Ok, so we're mostly just good-looking. Here's where: 
36 W. Fayette Ave, Unit 1, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 or call 801-478-6843.

COMING IN MAY: Reclaimed furniture BLOWOUT! Filing cabinets, office desks, drafting tables, shelving, and much more. 25%-50% off.  Awesome!

Bonesaw is Ready!

Remodel Without The Waste

Could your domicile use a little sprucing up?  Maybe a complete rebuilding is in order?  Before you break out the sledgehammer or bulldozer, call us first. We have a much better way to dispose of unwanted building materials. We can DISASSEMBLE and DONATE your home, kind of like Legos, but with much more care than the average 9 year old. We call this process deconstruction; unbuilding to reclaim and donate unwanted building materials for reuse rather than no use. Deconstruction could save you hundreds or thousands on the cost of your project. Plus it preserves good material, supports non-profits and low-income families in your community, and helps our planet.

Click the button below for our website, then click on "Services" at the top of the page.  Or just give us a call at (801) 478-6843.  

Deconstruction Details
Copyright © 2016 Material Resourcers, All rights reserved.

Our physical/mailing address is:
36 West Fayette Ave, Unit 1, Salt Lake City, UT, 84101
Visit us Mondays through Fridays, 9 am to 5 pm. 

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Material Resourcers · 36 West Fayette Ave. · Unit 1 · Salt Lake City, UT 84101 · USA

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