LIFE Devotions–Thur. March 17
"God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only
Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.
10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that He loved us
and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”
–1 John 4:9-10 [NLT]
The British-American rock band Foreigner released the song "I Want to Know What Love Is" in November 1984, becoming one of the greatest songs of all time. Millions of people are still asking the same question. Movie producers and artists have tried to provide the answer, but all have failed to point people in the right direction. The reason is simple: True love can’t be found. True love finds us. It pursues us. It runs fiercely after us to emancipate us, to deliver us from the torment of self government and pride. True love starts with God and ends with God. It is not earthly, it is divine. It is not a cold noun at the center of a Valentine card. It is a verb, a force, an indomitable river that flows with untamed power to cleanse and revive. God embodies this love in Jesus. We didn’t come to Him. He came to us. We didn’t seek Him out, He sought us. This is the definition on love. Not that we loved God but that He loved us and gave Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. Thus, any evidence of love on the earth is never the fruit of men trying harder but the sole result of God having loved us longer; before we could even realize we needed His affection. This love is the hope of marriages. This love is the hope of families. This love is the hope for humanity.
– Think about the time when love found you. How did it change you? How did it transform you? Thank God for His tenacious pursuit of you.
– Ask the Lord to help you be a channel of His love here on earth, so others can find true love, the love the world can’t give because it doesn’t have it and doesn't know how to find it. True love does not wait to be found, it goes out and finds someone to love.