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Not busy
Lenten Reflections from Daniel Hazard, UCC "Stillspeaking" Devotional

"Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God..." - Romans 5:1

Ever notice how "busy" is how you're supposed to be? And how, should you not be "busy," you risk being viewed as odd or insignificant?

The other day my friend Brad, who works some as an attorney (but really prefers writing novels), shared this story.

"I was going up the elevator in my office building. Someone who I don't know well greeted me and said something about how hard he's working these days. Then he asked, 'You been busy?' expecting me to bond by telling him how hard I've working, too. Instead, I responded (honestly) 'Not particularly.' The conversation stopped and there was an embarrassing silence. It's as if he had asked 'How are you?' expecting the usual 'Just fine' and instead I responded, 'Crappy, the syphilis has been acting up.'"

It is as if not being particularly busy and saying so is sinful (though I imagine few would use that word for it).

With Luther, let us "sin boldly," by daring - at least sometimes - to not be busy, and by daring to not seek to justify our existence by telling everyone just how "busy" we are. Because - good news - we don't have to justify ourselves. God has done that. We are justified by God's free grace in Christ.


Grant me grace, O God, to take a risk today, the risk of not being busy. Amen.

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