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GWP commits to 2030 Agenda

GWP celebrates its 20th anniversary at a time when the global development agenda is at a turning point. Following the recently adopted 2030 Agenda in 2015, a new animation video has been released to show GWP’s response to the world’s water challenges: partnership and cross-sector collaboration are key. Read more >>

March 2016

Cleveringa and the GWP change agenda

The Executive Secretary of GWP, Rudolph Cleveringa, says that GWP as a network needs to change: “We can’t use the same agenda as we did 20 years ago”. Approaching World Water Day 2016, Cleveringa takes a moment to reflect on GWP’s 20 years in the water world and talks about his vision on how to make the network fit for the future. Read more >>


GWP women water champions on IWD2016

“Water, gender and development are closely interconnected, and GWP realizes this fully. We think that water empowers women, and this transforms their societies,” said GWP Interim Chair Alice Bouman-Dentener on International Women’s Day 2016. Alongside her, remarkable women in the GWP network also speak up. Read more >>

GWP in the news
"Vivimos en un mundo sin agua segura" (Eroski Consumer)

Running dry (Vietnam Hour)

Woman Power – Latoya Minott-Hall, 21st Century Superwoman (Jamaica Gleaner)

More news >>

Up-coming events
22 March, World Water Day

22 March, Public launch: Water Intergrity Global Outlook 2016, Berlin, Germany

4-8 April, India Water Week, New Delhi, India

6-8 April, Asia Water Week, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

More events >>

In memoriam: Mr Iswer Raj Onta (1942-2016)

Vacancies at GWP
Institutional & Legal Expert. Deadline 31 March.

Programme Management Officer. Deadline 10 April.

More vacancies >>

New resources
GWP West Africa video on integrated drought management

Transboundary Water Cooperation and the SDGs (UNESCO)

More resources >>

IDA International Water Reuse Conference. Papers deadline 31 March. 

‘Spring into Action' - Funding opportunity for Emerging Water Professionals. Deadline 1 April.

More calls >>

Harvesting rain for climate resilience in Caribbean

Caribbean countries face a number of challenges in maintaining adequate supplies of water. Challenges range from low annual rainfall levels to inadequate storage, polluted water sources, and poor management of existing water resources. Read more >>

More news from the IWRM ToolBox:

Waste water innovation in CEE

Since December 2015, Global Water Partnership in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) develops a project proposal to shift the existing water paradigm by engaging in innovative waste water management in rural areas. The objective is to bridge the gap between legislation, current practice and integrated approaches. Read more >>


Wetlands: Beneficial but undervalued

Water For Life Cameroon, in partnership with GWP Central Africa, celebrated World Wetlands Day 2016 with a youth-led workshop: “Sustainable livelihoods in wetlands in developing countries: the vision of the African youth”. The event was held 3 February, in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

New Mediterranean water culture on the rise

The “Non Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) Programme in the Mediterranean” addresses critical water challenges in Mediterranean islands. In the run-up to World Water Day 2016, the organisers call everybody to become ambassadors for change. Read more >>

More from GWP Mediterranean:

New youth portal for climate change campaign

Last year a group of youth from more than 20 countries started a global initiative where they produced a white paper in the lead up to COP21, which allowed for a Youth Commitment under the Lima-Paris Action Agenda. GWP and partners are now taking the next step in launching a new portal, where voices of young people will be gathered in one place. The portal is launched on World Water Day, 22 March. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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