Many times we will be forsaken.
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Living for Him in the Face of Rejection

Dear <<First Name>>,

The Psalmist said: "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up." (Psalms 27:10)

Many times we may be forsaken in this life as a result of sin. Pride draws people away from hearing the truth, shame brings us further away from repentance, but love can cover a multitude of sins. When we are tormented, we ought to feel a desire to confess it. I heard a character once say: "The devil loves unspoken secrets especially those that fester a man's soul."

We can remember that Christ was forsaken by his dearest friends. We can also attest to having forsaken Him ourselves whenever we live in the flesh. In those moments, it is up to us to draw nigh to Him and remember His death and burial and resurrection. As we commemorate the love the Saviour bestowed to us on the cross, let's respond to those instances of rejection upon us as opportunities to grow closer to Him by living more purposefully each day.

When our hard work seems to get put aside or passed up for something better or bigger, we can take comfort in knowing that our perseverance is what matters in eternity. Let's keep our work centered on the Lord. Let's remember that He did it all for us.

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Annie, the Flower Girl

A little girl is handed over to an old widow by her father and grows into her formative years with an entrepreneurial spirit and a loving heart for righteousness. In Annie, the Flower Girl by author unknown, it would seem like a heart-wrenching circumstance to grow up without your parents, but not so for Annie. She is compelled to assist her surrogate grandmother during her bout with illness and learns to sell flowers at the marketplace, an endeavor she takes very seriously and with the greatest care. Her grandmother, the care-giver and teacher that she is to Annie, used to say that, "God placed man in a garden when he was happy and holy; and when he was sorrowful, it was in a garden that the blessed Saviour wept and prayed for the sin of the world; and when his death had made atonement for that sin, it was in a garden his blessed body was laid." Isn't it wonderful to know that the Saviour welcomes orphans forsaken by their parents and is willing to adopt them into His family? We know Christ speaks in a very simple manner to us and has "instructed his disciples from vines and lilies, corn and fruit, and birds and all natural things around them."
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