Seeking articles for the June - August 2016 edition of Australasian Plant Conservation (APC)
The theme for the next issue will be electronic and integrated tools and resources for plant identification and conservation. This may include online Floras, keys, resources for citizen science and other new or emerging tools such as phone applications. For this issue, we welcome articles, reports, and short reviews and communications. Reviews may include new tools and resources that you have developed or found useful, or even a wish list of tools or resources that would be useful for plant identification or to support plant conservation. The deadline for submissions for the June - August 2016 issue is Friday 13 May 2016. Click here to find out more.

Rangelands Paddock Walk near Booroorban, NSW - Thursday 31 March 2016
Plant identification and site inspections with ANPC Project Manager Martin Driver, in collaboration with Riverina Local Land Services. Following on from the interest in the first paddock walk held in October last year, a second walk is being held today, especially for landholders involved in project work with Riverina LLS. Please contact the ANPC if you are interested in holding a similar workshop in your area.

Seed Collection Workshops at Broken Hill and Menindee - Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 April 2016
With ANPC Project Manager Martin Driver and in collaboration with Western Local Land Services. Are you interested in learning the correct seed collection, processing and storage techniques for your next Landcare project? Presenter Martin Driver has over 35 years experience in native vegetation management and reclamation. He helped establish and operate several large scale seed banks as well as deliver direct seeding vegetation enhancement projects across the state.
RSVP: to this email. As spaces are limited, we recommend you RSVP early to avoid missing out. For more information contact Susannah Sage on 08 8082 5205.

11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC11) 2016 - update
'New Approaches to Plant Conservation Challenges in the Modern World'.
Registrations and Call for Abstracts open on Monday 9 May 2016.
Keynote speaker: Federal Threatened Species Commissioner, Gregory Andrews.
Confirmed Plenary speakers: Dr David Kendal from the Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology, The University of Melbourne, and Dr Jen Silcock from the University of Queensland.
Click here for further information.

National Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Australia - now available online
These national Standards were launched at The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan on March 15 2016 by the federal Threatened Species Commissioner, Gregory Andrews. The Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (SERA) and 12 partner organisations including the ANPC, collaborated and developed the Standards over the last three years. They are designed to encourage all restoration and rehabilitation projects in Australia to reach their highest potential. The Standards list (a) the principles that underpin current best practice ecological restoration and (b) the steps required to plan, implement and monitor restoration projects to increase their chance of success. They are applicable to any Australian ecosystem (whether terrestrial or aquatic) and any sector (whether private or public sector, mandatory or non-mandatory). Download the Standards here.

ANPC Committee member, Anne Cochrane, and ANPC Project Manager, Martin Driver (at left) at the launch of the National Standards. (Little Gecko Media)
AABR Rainforest Tree-Bark-Trunk Workshops - Border Ranges NP and Burleigh Heads NP
Spend time with Peter Poropat who will take participants on a rainforest walk to learn about the bark textures and trunk features of rainforest trees. Peter has written two books on the identification of rainforest trees using these features.
Saturday 30th February 2016, 10am to 2 pm, at the Brindle Creek picnic area car park in the Border Ranges National Park.
Saturday 20th February 2016, 10 am to 1pm, at the Jellurgal Cultural Centre carpark near the Tallebudgera river mouth, Burleigh Heads National Park.
Click here for more information.
Illawarra and south coast lowland grassy woodland ecological community - potential listing
This ecological community is being considered for potential listing as threatened under the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. It is proposed to include this ecological community in the category of critically endangered. If listed, this would help to protect and restore this ecological community, which has been extensively cleared and modified since the 19th century. The ecological community extends from north of Wollongong to just south of Moruya and includes all plants and animals within these eucalypt dominated woodlands that have forest redgum (Eucalyptus tereticornis) in the canopy and have a grassy or shrubby understorey. The best remaining examples of the woodlands would be covered by a national listing, which proposes to encompass and extend the area covered by the NSW listing of ‘Illawarra lowlands grassy woodlands in the Sydney Basin bioregion’. Public consultation is now underway with comments accepted until 12pm Monday 9th May 2016. Further information can be found on the Department of Environment’s website here.
New app to provide sustainable property management advice
Landholders will soon be able to access expert advice, resources and information on sustainable property management from their smartphone. LandSmart, a free app developed by Greater Sydney Local Land Services, will feature the latest information about land management practices on rural properties across New South Wales. The app will be available for download at the end of March from the iTunes App Store and Google Play store. Click here for more information or contact Angela Maier at Greater Sydney Local Land services.
The ANPC gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Corporate Members:
Albury Botanic Gardens, NSW |
Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, NSW |
Australian National Botanic Gardens, ACT |
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, VIC |
Botanic Gardens of South Australia, SA |
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, TAS |
Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, ACT |
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus, VIC |
Department of Parks and Wildlife, WA |