EAS invites you, <<First Name>> to the Chinaplas
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EAS Boardmembers

Chinaplas 2016

Where design meets innovation, where EAS meets you ? 
Dear *|MMERGE15|* <<First Name>> <<Last Name>>,

The 30th edition of Chinaplas is held in Shanghai from 25th till 28th April. 
Suzhou EAS Mold & Die Change Systems CO., LTD will have a stand. We will be very pleased if you pay us a visit in the Machinery & Equipments Zone:

Hall E3, booth number E3S41

As you know the Chinaplas is the most important exhibition for the Asian market. Besides meeting our team, you're sure to see Asia's finest when it comes to design and innovation. Furthermore we'll show you what improvements we have made to make you gain competitive advantage. 
Of our clamping solutions, we have made the magnetic clamping safer and easier to control. The ERC clamps have been redesigned and you can see a nice demonstration of our multicoupler system at our stand. 
I am looking forward to meeting you there.

With kind regards,

Vincent Nijzink
President at EAS Holding B.V.

5 good reasons to stop by our stand

Win an IPhone 6S

Pre-register now! It gives you free and express admission, plus the opportunity of winning an iPhone 6S on the 4th day of show.

Use the QR-code or click this link to the pre-registration online form
(free admission if pre-registered before 19 April)

Meet the new management

As you might have read, EAS has a new board of directors. Vincent Nijzink -CEO, and Thierry Pastor -COO , worked together in 2007 starting up the EAS branch in China. 
They are happy to welcome you to the EAS stand and tell you more about our organization's future plans and its impact on you. 

ERC - the perfect fit

Easy clamping, thanks to the extra rollers that have been added to the ERC design. 

Fits in any T-slot, flexible in practice and in application. Ordering has been made quick and simple, with fast delivery times.

Get an attractive update

The Pressmag LP system incorporates a series of design updates that improve upon the high clamping performance and control.
Let us tell you more about this strong automation product at stand S41, hall E3.   


More efficient, more safe.
The EAS automatic multi couplers apply unique flat face self-locking mono couplers for water, air , hydraulic and steam connections. 
There's more change that EAS has undergone over the past year.
A new management, a new corporate identity. Change is what we thrive on. 
Let us tell you more during the 30th Chinaplas: 
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