March 2016 (#2)

Seeking First: 

An update from Mike & Marianne Botting   Like Bottings in Uganda - We're Back! on Facebook

We're Back!

We just spent 4 great months in Canada. We were in 10 cities, visiting family and friends and connecting with different churches and supporters. We want to say thank you to everyone we got to see. We were very encouraged in our various meetings, and we pray you were too.
So we're back in our hometown, Pader. We've been very warmly received by our friends and the community. Last week, Marianne went to Pader Girls Academy and was overwhelmed by the streams of hugs and greetings. We've also been "warmly" received by the weather...extremely HOT and DRY. We are thankful as well that our house is still standing, as shortly before we got back, a wildfire tore through our yard!

On our way back to Pader, we made two stops. Read about our visit to the UAE, and keep up to date on our adoption journey on our blog:


We are making the rounds, visiting various ministry and church leaders, hearing what God's been doing in our absence, and listening with our spiritual ears for how we can join in now that we're back. We're thankful that the radio opportunity is still open, and we will go back on air next week. As we following up with different youth groups about the Understanding True Love course, Mike is also feeling out whether there is still a core group of people in Pader who would like to re-start the Alpha course, as a sort of town-wide effort.
We've also visited the Bishop Lee Rayfield Leadership Training Centre (theological college). They have 16 new students this year - a smaller than hoped-for intake. They were happy though to receive the donated books from EI Canada! Also, we are very, very happy to report that Pader Girls Academy has found a wonderful teacher (Concy) who is filling the duties of Chaplain.
We are Mike & Marianne Botting, serving with Emmanuel International in Northern Uganda. 
Thank you for following
our updates!


Had good last visits with friends and family in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Belleville, and Ottawa.
Saw dear friends in the UAE on our way to Uganda
Met baby Elias for the first time
Bought a new fridge for our expanding family with gift money from different friends - thank you!
Visiting various leaders in Pader to see next steps in ministry development
Knock, knock! "Who" is there?
We've got 8 of these guys making a racket in our roof right now...
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Prayer Corner

Thank God for safe travels and good visits
Thank God that Bible study groups started 2.5 years ago in Pagwari are actually multiplying!
Wisdom as we seek which of many areas to focus our attention in ministry
Physical adjustment to heat, food, etc.
For the new Board of Governors at Bishop Lee College to help the college to grow and develop
For little Elias to be led into the right family, whether ours or his birth family, if found
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We'd love to hear from you!
PO Box 12, Kitgum Town Council, Uganda, AFRICA
(647) 797-4446 

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