stanford center on poverty and inequality
Center News

How Generous is the U.S. Safety Net?

How does our safety net stack up relative to those of peer countries? Stanford University professor Karen Jusko addresses this question in the third installment of our “State of the Union” video series. 

Faculty Research Fellowship Program

The Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity is accepting applications for its faculty research fellowship program. The program brings together Stanford scholars addressing issues of race and ethnicity. Applications are due on May 6, 2016.

News from Other Poverty Centers
Poverty Research and Policy Summit

The Center for Poverty Research at UC-Davis is hosting a summit on April 22 that brings together researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and advocates to discuss the state of poverty research and how it can better inform public policy in the coming decade.
Anti-Poverty Policy Innovations

Proposals are due by April 15 for a special edition of the Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences devoted to anti-poverty policy innovations. Each article should propose a specific, potentially high-impact, innovative, or particularly promising policy or policy approach.

Talks and Events

Art, Images, & Race in Post-Civil Rights America

Jeff Chang and Jerome Reyes of Stanford’s Institute for Diversity in the Arts examine contemporary art, justice movements, and popular culture to illuminate social change and cultural politics in the U.S. over the past half-century.

Monday, April 4, Cantor Auditorium, 5:30pm

The Humanities in Tomorrow's Public Schools

Michael Kirst, President of the California State Board of Education, and Jennifer Wolf, Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, lead a discussion on the likely effects of the Common Core on humanities teaching in public schools.

Friday, April 8, Terrace Room, Building 460, Margaret Jacks Hall, 12pm

Emerging Trends in Public Health and Medicine

This seminar considers how social medicine and an integrated team approach can be used to address the problem of homelessness.

Tuesday, April 12, LKSC 203/4, 12:30pm

Why Is There So Much Inequality?

Rucker Johnson, Emmanuel Saez, and Sandra Smith (from UC-Berkeley) join Raj Chetty, David Grusky, Pablo Mitnik, and Sean Reardon (from Stanford) for the third annual Berkeley-Stanford Conference on Inequality. This year’s featured topics: education and labor markets.
Friday, April 15, Koret-Taube Conference Center, 9am

TEDxStanford: The Human Race

The fifth TEDxStanford features some of Stanford's most accomplished pioneers in the arts, technology, medicine, and social sciences. This year's topic: "The Human Race."

Sunday, April 24, CEMEX Auditorium, 11am
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 1H79AE000101 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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