
The New Day Campaign is an initiative using art to challenge stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness and addiction, making the world a more healing place.

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April 2016


If it seems that we have been quiet, there is a reason.

In early 2016, the New Day Campaign shifted its attention to the internal work required for the New Day Campaign to continue its development. In many ways, this initial period may be thought of as laying the foundation, something that takes place more below than above ground.

First, there is the transition from single-person leadership and management (under founder Peter Bruun) to a more organizational effort. Then there was the task of finding a new fiscal agent - see below for that news. Then there is the work of securing early funding for the next run of the Campaign. This transition is spearheaded by a diverse, committed, and talented 16-member Advisory Board.

Such work takes time.
But we want you to know that those of us charged with stewardship of the New Day Campaign mission are hugely committed to continuing and honoring to the bottom-up, grassroots, democratic spirit that helped make the Campaign such an incredible success in 2015. Even as we talk among ourselves and begin to reach out to key stakeholders in a slow and deliberate manner, we are ever mindful of the need for expanding transparency and inclusion. But first, we need a clear plan, and a foundation to stand upon.

Please bear with us as we develop means to bring everyone into the conversation.  

NAMI Metro Baltimore: Our New Fiscal Agent

We are pleased to announce NAMI Metro Baltimore will serve as the New Day Campaign's new fiscal agent. This move gives the New Day Campaign greater capacity and accountability in its operations, governance, fundraising, and fiscal activities.

In our first year, Baltimore Performance Kitchen generously served as the New Day Campaign's fiscal agent. We are grateful for their fiscal support, which allowed 2015 donations to the Campaign to be tax-deductible.

In light of this new arrangement, donations to the Campaign now can be made through NAMI Metro Baltimore. Stay tuned for more details in our next newsletter, or write Peter if you just can't wait that long!

Shout Out: 4th Annual Health & Wellness Conference - This Saturday!

New Day Campaign 2015 partner The Institute for Integrative Health is hosting the 4th Annual Health and Wellness Conference on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The Conference, presented by the Center for Integrative Medicine, part of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, features University of Maryland faculty and other world-renowned experts leading a variety of exciting and immediately applicable workshops on topics such as Brain Health, Food as Medicine, Interventions for Chronic Pain, Healing Practices for Veterans and more.

Anyone interested in health and wellness may attend. Go to for details and to register. Use code "SOCIAL5" to save $5 on registration.

June 12 event to showcase Touched with Fire: Kristin & Elisif

On Sunday, June 12, New Day Campaign 2015 sponsor and partner the Kristin Rita Strouse Foundation is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a speaker event at Maryvale Preparatory School featuring Major General Mark Graham (Ret.) and Carol Graham.
Ten years ago, General and Mrs. Graham lost both of their sons within months - one to suicide, and one to an IED in Iraq. Both young men were soldiers from a proud military family, yet they fought and died in very different battles. The Grahams are inspiring speakers who will share their journey through suicide and grief and their work today as leading advocates for increasing mental health awareness, reducing the stigma associated with mental illness, and ensuring that troops and civilians receive care with dignity on their road to health and recovery.

As part of this event, the New Day Campaign will share the exhibition Touched with Fire: Kristin & Elisif, originally on view at McDonogh School as part of the 2015 New Day Campaign. This powerful exhibition revealing an up-close and personal look at the artistry and illness of two women who died too young.

For event details, tickets, and sponsorship information, visit

Shout Out: Volunteer at the AATOD Conference in Baltimore This Fall

This year, Maryland is hosting the prestigious American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) Conference, It takes place at the beautiful Baltimore Marriott Waterfront October 29-November 2, 2016, and we're pleased to say the New Day Campaign will be prominently featured in a program taking place October 31, 6:30-8:30pm. 

Organizers are currently seeking 120 volunteers who are reliable and have great smiles. Beyond having a great experience, volunteers may earn reduced-rate and free attendance at the conference. To learn more about how to volunteer and the benefits of doing so, please contact Marian Currens, Chairperson of the Volunteer Committee.
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