Mantra: I will continue
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“This isn’t Instagramable.”

People say this. You probably have said this if you’re a regular on social media. You know that teenagers have two Instagram accounts? One that is public and portraying a “socially acceptable," Kardashian-style life and another that is private and more realistic only for their true friends.

Have you stopped yourself from posting a photo or a story on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat or your social media of preference these days because you think you won’t get enough likes, comments, or social clout?

Have you stopped yourself from starting a business, launching a new program, filming a new video, or recording a podcast because you’re afraid no one will buy, watch, or listen?

Today, we need an audience for everything.

You take 56 selfies to make sure your contoured cheekbones show up in the light. You let your food get cold while you snap 13 different angles, trying to get the most drool-worthy photo. You copy others because it looks like it’s working for them, so why wouldn’t it work for you? Their photos, their quotes, their blogs, their programs, their coaching, their consulting, their exercise videos, their marketing tactics, and on and on and on.

Just to have an audience.

I’m going to take a wild guess that you do beautiful things every day. That you give someone something to talk about every day, whether that’s a client, your child, your spouse, your friend, or a random stranger on the street. That your photo will inspire another. That your blog will open up the possibilities for someone. That your random message to a friend will brighten their day.

It doesn’t have to be public unless you want it to be, but continue to do beautiful things. Create. Live. Love. Laugh. Consume. Expand. Believe.

People are listening. People are watching. People are learning. You are setting the example—for your colleagues, team, family, children, friends, and even strangers. Do not worry if the purchases, likes, or comments aren’t the numbers you think are socially acceptable. Do not think others didn’t notice. Because they did notice. Perhaps they didn’t tell you. Perhaps they’re going to tell you at a later time. Perhaps they’ll show you one day.

Don’t give up. Continue to inspire. Continue to give. Do it for you. Do it because you love it. Do it because it brings you life. Do it because someone is watching, and you’re helping them whether you know it or not.

This week's mantra: I will continue. 

Because stopping would be a shame. For you and for those watching.

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