April 2016
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Message from Craig King, 
Executive Director


Justin Voltaggio – Greater Opportunities Graduate, and Special Olympian of the Year

We are very proud of Justin’s tremendous athletic and sportsmanlike achievements as San Jose’s “Special Olympian of the Year”. An avid athlete, he was honored by Special Olympics for excelling as a competitor in swimming, basketball and softball. But these are not the only sports he loves – he also plays flag football, soccer, and golf! If there was an Olympics for video games, he would win that too! 

Please watch Justin's video below and read more about him here!

Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408-248-4464 x23

Justin Voltaggio:
2015 San Jose Sports Hall of Fame
Special Olympics Athlete of the Year

2nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Join us!

Friday, June 17, 2016
Greater Opportunities Day Program

The evening will include: Dinner, raffle prizes, art for sale, and more!
All Funds Raised Will Support Our Social Recreation Services! Ticket sales and donations will support a wide variety of social recreation activities. Our participants gain friendship and camaraderie, integration and inclusion in the broader community, personal health and fitness, as well as social and physical competencies. 
We'd love to see you there!

Get your Tickets!

Can't attend the event but would like to support us in another way? Here's what you can do:

  1. Donate an item for the raffle. Click here!
  2. Make a donation our website!

April is National Autism Awareness Month

California’s developmental services system has experienced a staggering increase in cases of autism, a demographic phenomenon that carries profound implications for California’s future, given the severe functional limitations presented by individuals with this level of disability. To address the unprecedented challenges before us, we must actively plan for the intensive needs of this growing adult population. 

We regularly post about the lives of our consumers and important information for people with developmental disabilities. Just follow this link!
Please support Greater Opportunities every time you shop on Amazon - all year long! Just follow this link!
Copyright © 2016 Greater Opportunities, All rights reserved.

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