Humans Relating Together
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(Pre) Funding Campaign Kickoff

We're going to change things up a bit here at our Newsletter full of Love for the Creative Process.

At least for a while anyway, as I work to raise the logistical funds to help support the broader campaign to raise the significant funds needed to produce my film.

For those who donate through my website, I've developed Reward Packages that will allow me to help those who help me.


Author Sherrie Cronin

Book Promotion
($25 Reward Package)
Coming Soon

My assumption is that many who follow my website Relating to Humans are Independent Creator-types like myself; so, the Reward Packages are geared to help these Indie Authors and other indie-types promote their books and other creations.

The added bonus for you all is that regardless the donation amount, I will also promote via our newsletter right here, the work of any donor who is also a newsletter subscriber like yourself.

On why I choose to refer to those who help fund my film as “Donors”…

But we still are going to do the things here that we normally do. Like share our work, collaborate together, and help build a thriving community of creative and caring souls.

And while I have one submission that is in works, as of this writing I have nothing to share with the group because I haven't received anything recently. So please do send me something so that I have something to share with you all so that we all can collaborate and create together.

When you do, please remember to give me permission to share your email with the group so they can contact you to provide you their feedback.

Let the collaboration begin.

As for latest happenings at the site... we're still looking for Relating to Humans Women's Issues submissions as we continue to celebrate Women's History Month.

And speaking of the Relating to Humans feature... all submissions prior to 2016 have been archived and it is now in dire need for new work. New features have been added - such as Criminal Justice Issues, Health Issues, and a new feature for Reviews - so please check it out and see if there are any opportunities there to share your work with a broader audience.

Much to your dismay, I've found a new way to annoy you - and for you to ignore me - with the launching of my new video blogging effort. I will admit it is just another ploy - for the present time - for me to try to shake out donations for my film. However, provided I can get over my discomfort and awkwardness, it may evolve into a forum for me to discuss/rant about current events and other matters that are important to me and/or make me irate... such as the current state of the US political "system," among many other things.  We'll see how it goes..
Geez, just look how long this sucker is.  I don't know how it happens but it seems, no matter what I set out to write, as soon as I begin my words suddenly and without notice turn into an exasperatingly long exposition of exhaustive whatnots and random this and thats.

I just can't explain it.

So, with much yet to say, I will begrudgingly sign off.

Please do consider sharing some of your work with us here and at the website.

Thanks so much for all your support, my friends.

Write on!

Copyright © 2016 Kurt J Brindley, All rights reserved.

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