Social events, footy tipping and Vale Daryl Janes
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view from the club
March 2016

Easter is traditionally a time of reflection, of rebirth or renewal.  At our most recent Committee of Management meeting I flagged that whilst the club is running well, we have had some operational shortcoming over the past few months. We need to start developing and implementing some changes to club operations, the club cannot continue to rely too heavily on key individuals.  

Over the next few months CoM members will begin implementing some changes that will hopefully lead to better operations and successful succession planning. This work began whilst Ian McGrath was Commodore in the development of our Strategic Plan. Over the past few years the club has evolved, we’ve become stronger more robust in some areas and not so in others.  And as time passes and our experience grows we can focus on those weaker areas. For example we want our TACKERS program to expand, and it must be done so in measured way that is supported with appropriate resources such as instructors, rescue or coaching support boats and of course more OziOptis.  

All Flag Officers, our Secretary and Treasurer have clearly define roles, work areas or portfolios of responsibility. Our ordinary CoM members will closely support the flags officers, our Secretary and Treasurer in their roles. We will also seek to enlist the help from members with these areas or committees so that the work shared and learned.    
As we all prepare to celebrate the Easter season, I wanted to extend my best wishes for a happy and safe Easter to everyone at Williamstown Sailing Club.

Simon van den Berg | Commodore
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! Lois and Julie take a break from Xmas party preparations, jumping in with the TACKERS... fully clothed!

Social calendar

Friday 1 April - live music & pasta

Don’t be an April Fool and miss out on the Friday night music, food and bar night. This will be the last Friday night before daylight saving ends- so make the most of the diminishing light. Melissa and Tony will be back to entertain us with some great live music. The food for the night will be pasta - so come along for some home cooked spaghetti bolognaise or vegetarian option, garlic bread and combine it with some nice red wine or cold beer.

Saturday 16 April – Greek International Night

We have one of our regular bands playing- they have no official name, but some Greek members so the Zorba theme will be there and some dancing for sure. Food for the night will be Greek- a souvlaki caterer is cooking for us on site, and yummy Greek treats for dessert. I am sure Jude will have some Ouzo for the bar! This event is an adult only event and is for members and member’s partners only - sorry but no guests for this event. We have had many new members join the club over the summer, and this is a great opportunity to get us all together. The deal is every guest has to wear at least some item of clothing, jewelry or even a whole costume that has some Greek connection. Use your imagination. Ticket prices are $30 a head – a cheap night and it will be great fun. Tickets must be prepaid and can be ordered and paid for at the canteen on Saturday mornings, or tickets can be ordered via email to, but these will need to be paid for by Saturday 9 April. Come and join in for a great night.

Past social events

Friday night 4 March

The weather was just ideal again for our Friday night gathering in early March. About 70 members and guests enjoyed the weather, our iconic view and the friendly atmosphere as they listened to the music filtering out on to the deck. Thanks to Melissa and Tony who provided some great background music for the evening. The hot dogs were popular again, with even a thumbs up from some members who are American- so there we go. Thanks to Catherine, Margaret, Tracey, Julie, Peter and any other helpers we have missed for their help with the food prep, cooking and serving.

Visit the website for more information.

view to the city


Whether you are a committee member or an ordinary member of the sailing club we all have certain responsibilities and owe certain duties to the club and our members.

Many of these are common sense duties such as keeping the facilities clean and tidy, turning the lights off, emptying your cans and bottles before putting them in the recycling bin, giving way to and assisting rescue boats during boat retrieval.

Others duties are more formal such as signing any non-member into the visitors book, which seems like an obscure and stuffy old rule but an important duty for all. Simply because, at any time it proves who is on the premises, the names of others that were there, which club member is responsible for them, and it demonstrates our culture of responsibility and safety with our insurer.

It’s important to remember that every duty undertaken is simply a demonstration of respect to the Club and your fellow members. Doing them in the right way means you’re being mindful of your duty to other club members and in many ways simply thanking them. Not everyone gets to experience the fun of volunteering such as; behind the bar, only to have the beer dregs spill all over you when you empty the recycling tub. Or volunteer on the Race Committee boat for the first time only to have an experienced sailor swing past yelling and carrying on, wow how does that encourage people to learn about racing or volunteer. Or turn up to one working bee and expect that you’ll be given a bottom rack allocation in the club's storage facilities.

Simply being a member does not provide any privileges, nor does having previously served as a Committee of Management member allow you to rest on your laurels. Membership of this club is one that brings duty and responsibility. It’s a privilege that can be revoked.

Yours sincerely
Simon van den Berg

photo of the Williamstown Sailing Club

Vale: Daryl Janes (1926 – 2016)  

Daryl Janes passed away at Footscray Hospital on Monday 29 February 2016. He had been a member of the Williamstown Sailing Club since 1944 - 72 years of membership. He had not been well over the last five years, with several health concerns. Daryl had remained actively involved on the Committee till about four years ago.

Daryl joined the Williamstown Punt Club in 1944. He was not that interested in the sailing, it was mainly to pursue the affections of Decima Andrews, a young lady who was a crew member, sailing with local identity, Cliffe Elliott. His pursuit obviously worked as he and Decima later married and moved into a new home in Ford Street Newport where he lived up until his death. Sadly, Decima passed away in 2015, and had been hospitalised for 7 years. Despite his own poor health, Darryl visited her every day in the nursing home to help care for her.

Daryl’s working career started in the Costings and Accounting Department at the Government Aircraft Factory at Fishermans Bend. There he was introduced to the world of finance and accounting. He maintained working in the accounting sector for most of his life, including part time activities well into his eighties.

Daryl was elected to the Committee of Management at the Club in 1968, and was elevated to the position of Vice Commodore in 1976. Following the death of Treasure and Life Member James Pearl, Darryl accepted the position of Treasurer and served in this capacity for 34 years. He was awarded Life Membership in 1994. Daryl was known for keeping a very tight watch on the club finances, and would hunt around to get the best price on any purchases. The secure financial position the club is in today, owes much to the historical management of club funds by Daryl.

In 2012 the Committee of Management moved into computerised accounting and Daryl decided it was time to step down as the Club Treasurer and let others take over.

Well may we say ”Well done good and faithful servant”. We say goodbye and applaud this exceptional person who gave so much to the Club over so many years.

Bill Pride


Race results

Sailing results from Saturday 19 March are available on the website. Find out how everyone has been doing over the last 19 weeks of racing..

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Footy tipping competition

The WSC footy tipping competition is a just for fun tipping competition for all the footy enthusiasts amongst our members. 

Each round you login and enter your tips for the AFL competition.

ESPN Footytip is offering prizes within the online tipping competition, every time you tip in our competition you may win prizes within the ESPN tipping competition. This is a private competition, so you’ll require a password to join.

Join the WSC footy tipping completion online here

Name: Williamstown SC Password: Est1910

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