gapingvoid: your toughest business problems solved visually
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If you live long enough, you see a lot of things around you getting old, including yourself.

Well, there’s nothing you can do about that. Your body ages. Same is true with everyone else.

But what you can do anytime you want and at any age you want? 
Renew yourself spiritually.

How? It doesn’t really matter. Some discover religion. Some discover running Triathlons. Some discover volunteering to feed the homeless.

What matters isn’t the door, what matters that you walk through it. We all have spiritual lives, religious or otherwise. And we forget that at our peril.


Inspire, Motivate & Innovate

"Beauty is Everywhere"
Acrylic Award
6 x 4 x 3/4"

There is always a reason to show those around how much you care for them, or to simply say thank you. What better way to do that by giving them a special, inspiring and constant reminder of how great they are? 

Our acrylic awards are 4" x 6" mini sculptures. Sized perfectly for bringing inspiration & motivation to desks, cubicles, bookshelves and virtually anywhere you can think of!

[custom designs for companies & events - pricing available upon request]
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