Durban University of Technology Professor Debbie Lutge and the DUT Drama students are on their way to Germany to perform at the prestigious Wolkwang Shakespeare Festival. Much Ado About Nothing, an innovating telling of one of Shakespeare’s best loved comedies, will be staged in Germany as part of a global exchange/research programme to honour the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death.
DUT recently honoured staff members who completed courses in online teaching and facilitation with a certificate presentation held in the Vice-Chancellor’s boardroom at Milena House, DUT Steve Biko Campus.
Eighteen (18) staff members completed the Faculty Certificate in Online Teaching a course offered by the international GlobalNxt University on behalf of Manipal University.
In a bid to raise funds and empower students who cannot afford to pay for their studies although they qualify for entry into higher education, RadioDUT will launch the #IPledgeToGive campaign tomorrow on Friday, 8 April 2016.
RadioDUT believes that in modern society, finance should never determine whether or not a student has access to education, health and opportunity.