
April E-Newsletter

ASB Annual Concert Preparation

This is an exciting time for the students of A Step Beyond.  Our annual concert is near and all seventy of our first and second year students are busy preparing.  A Step Beyond is a dance-based youth development program working with students whose families are living below the poverty line in North County San Diego.  This newsletter is dedicated to unveiling some of the process behind the dance-making and what to expect on performance night.  
ABOUT THE CONCERT: The concert will feature three separate dances, two performed by our first year students and one performed with a live musician/composer by our second year students.  The creation of each dance is a blend of students' movement choices and the choreographer's artistic vision.   The dances are then shaped and presented from a contemporary dance performance lens.  From this perspective, each dance is not performed as a narrative where the audience can follow a story from beginning to end (although you are invited to make meaning as you see it), nor will the dances showcase student's virtuosity (although you may notice some outstanding dancing).  We invite you to lose yourself in a journey of discovery and watch as our students engage with the movement and connect with each other.  You do not need to be a dance-expert to find something to love in this performance.
WHAT STUDENTS ARE LEARNING: Working towards a production teaches our students the value of hard-work, dedication, discipline and teamwork.  Every part of our journey at ASB places the child at the center.  We ask students to reflect on the theme of each dance and bring to the work their unique perspective.  By voicing their thoughts and questions through movement, students are learning to engage in the world democratically, to consider their opinions and that of their peers, and then to present their collaborative thoughts artistically.   
JOIN US: We look forward to personally greeting you at The Center Theater and introducing you to our students.  You are invited to join us for our A Step Beyond 2016 Annual Concert.

Concert Details:
A Step Beyond 2nd Annual Concert
Thursday and Friday, May 12 & 13, 2016
7:30 PM - 8:20 PM
Tickets are free and all ages are welcomed

RSVP to Karla Navarro

There's More...

Pre-Performance Reception: For those interested in learning more about the organization, the people behind the mission and how you might further support our journey, there is a hosted reception before Thursday's performance for a limited number of RSVP's.
Contact ASB for more information.

Featured Artist:  This year's concert will feature live music from Mandi Miller. Ms. Miller is a pianist and vocalist working with our second year students to create a music composition to accompany their dance. Ms. Miller is also a music therapist specializing in working with both adults and children. Mandi Miller will perform live at the concert.

Copyright © 2016 A Step Beyond, All rights reserved.

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