We're co-hosting a Car Cruise on April 9th, 11-3pm.
Hello everyone! Welcome back to Bellanca Airfield Museum for the 2016 Season! During opening weekend the museum will be accessible during the hours of 11-3pm and we're happy to announce that The First State Ford and Mustang Club will be co-hosting a car cruise with us that same day.
Outside of the museum, there will be classic automobiles, refreshments, music and more! Inside, guests can tour the museum, view the train exhibit and relax in the Media Room.
We will have Bellanca volunteers inside and outside of the museum to help assist guests. Please look for one of these helpers if you have any questions or needs. Also! If you or anyone you know has a classic car they'd like to bring along then please encourage them to do so. We have Dash Plaques available for the first 100 participants. Proceeds from this event go the museum for enhancements and repairs!
Gathering together volunteers and donors to our organization is an ongoing process, so if you know anyone who'd like to join us please send them our way, thank you!
What's New at the Museum?
NEW T-shirts Available!
As many of you know, we've been taking steps to modernize our image and offer displays, services, and museum merchandise that is more eye catching and appealing to visitors. We now have classic t-shirts available in sizes: small, medium, large and x-large, which features the Bellanca Cruisair.
T-Shirt Design
NEW Website Coming Soon!
We've decided to clean-up our branding. The Bellanca Airfield Museum is housed inside of the beautiful and historically significant Air Service Hangar which is located on the Bellanca Airfield. The museum is maintained and cared for by the organization known as Friends of Bellance Airfield, Inc.
These are two joint but separate entities. With the launch of the new website www.bellancemuseum.org the museum will take the forefront and we will be able to share our exhibits, displays, schedule of events, special happenings and more. We will also have a section dedicated to the happenings of Friends of Bellanca Airfield, Inc, including membership information, their schedule of events, signups, and etc.
We feel that the new website will be more friendly and less confusing to visitors of the museum and will offer a richer experience for all those involved. We will formally announce the launch of the site in the coming weeks. For now, you can still visit the current website www.friendsofbellanca.org. Thank you!
Areas that Need Volunteer & Donation Support:
Media Room Ceiling
(Click for larger view)
Needed: Donations
We've come a long way with the Media Room but we still need donations for a drop ceiling to finish and brighten the space.
Airplane Restoration
(Click for larger view)
Needed: Volunteers Seeking individuals who have mechanical skills and who can help reassemble these vintage airplanes.
Display Maintenance
(Click for larger view)
Needed: Volunteers
Seeking creative individuals who can donate time to help restore various display boards.