Gatineau River Yacht Club News & Notices
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GRYC News & Notices

APRIL 3, 2016
In this Newsletter...
  1. Commodore's Corner 
  2. Youth Program
  3. Volunteer Corner
  4. Bridge Down

               Commodore's Corner

Well, the ice is leaving the river and bridge down is only 5 weeks away.  Despite snow falling and the forecast of an unusually cold first week of April,  Amy Throop the youth program director, and Paul Place, our Youth commodore and head sailing instructor are busy with the difficult task of choosing instructors for the summer sailing camp from the many excellent candidates who have applied. There are only so many positions available so many thanks to Amy and Paul and I am sure the summer sailing camp will be a great success again this summer.

The dock committee is exploring different methods of improving the catwalk floatation to extend the catwalk life. The catwalk decking needs to be improved to reduce the hazard of getting foot splinters. Replacing the foam floats under the swimming area docks in accordance with our agreement with Environment Quebec (EQ) is another project to be done this year. Also in agreement with EQ we will be limiting access to the island docks to one access path only. There will be ample opportunity for volunteering if you have even basic hammer and saw skills.

 So keep an eye on the I Volunteer feature on the web site and keep checking as jobs will continue to be posted going forward. We will try to minimize any inconvenience but we ask for your patience and understanding during these projects.

Unfortunately our Rear Commodore is resigning his post because personal, family and business commitments will leave him insufficient time to fulfill his duties to his usual standard of excellence. Disappointing news indeed however this provides an opportunity for someone to join an excellent board of directors as Rear Commodore.

If anyone is interested in becoming the rear commodore, please get in touch with me for more info. Marc Ranger or call 819-210-5677.

                 Coin du commodore

Eh bien, la glace quitte le fleuve et “bridge down” sera dans 5 semaines. Malgré la neige qui tombe et la prévision d'une première semaine d'Avril exceptionnellement froide, Amy Throop, le directeur de programme pour les jeunes, et Paul Place, notre commodore jeunesse et instructeur chef de la voile sont occupés à la tâche difficile de choisir des moniteurs pour le camp de voile d'été parmi un nombre excellents  de candidats  et de candidates qui ont postulés. Il n'y a que tant de postes disponibles alors un gros merci à Amy et Paul. Je suis sûr que le camp de voile d'été sera un grand succès cette année.

Le comité de quai explore différentes méthodes d'amélioration de flottage  afin de prolonger la vie du “catwalk “. Le tablier du “catwalk” doit être améliorée afin de réduire le risque d'obtenir des éclats de pied. Remplacement des flotteurs en mousse sous les quais de la zone de baignade conformément à notre entente avec Environnement Québec (EQ) est  aussi un autre projet à compléter cette année. Toujours en accord avec EQ, nous limiterons l'accès aux quais de l'île à  uniquement un chemin d'accès . Il y aura de nombreuses occasions de bénévolat pour toute personne ayant des compétences de base en menuiserie.

 Alors gardez un œil sur la fonction “ I Volunteer” sur le site Web afin de voir les emplois  à être affichés à l'avenir. Nous allons essayer de minimiser votre jouissance de l’ile , mais nous demandons votre patience et votre compréhension au cours de ces projets.

Malheureusement, notre Commodore arrière démissionne de son poste parce que les engagements de la famille et des affaires personnelles lui laissent insuffisamment de temps pour remplir ses fonctions à son niveau habituel d'excellence. Ce sont des nouvelles décevantes en effet mais cela offre une opportunité pour quelqu'un de se joindre à un excellent conseil d'administration en tant que Commodore arrière.

Si quelqu'un est intéressé à devenir le commodore arrière, s'il vous plaît communiquez avec moi pour plus d'infos. Marc Ranger ou composez le 819-210-5677

Bridge Down,our first big event of the 2016 season, will be held on Saturday, May 7 from 10AM - 2PM

GRYC Website
2016 Calendar
Youth Program Registration
Membership Renewal


The Gatineau River Yacht Club is dedicated to providing a unique experience for youth sailors in a beautiful island setting on the Gatineau River. With a high focus on fun, students learn new skills in small classes using games and interactive lessons with most of the day spent on water.

The GRYC offers fully bilingual instruction to sailors ages 9 to 16, no sailing experience required with great importance on safety and learning.  Young sailors will advance their knowledge of weather and navigation principles while gaining the skills and confidence associated with operating a sailboat. Find out more at
Summer Camp registration is now open!


JULY 11- JULY 22

JULY 25- AUG. 5

AUG. 8- AUG. 19



2016 Membership Renewal notices were sent to current members by email on March 13. If you have not received yours, please contact ASAP. Membership renewals and payments may be submitted online at



REAR COMMODORE            

Manages all social events at the club, although the planning of individual events may be delegated to others.

Responsible for ensuring that approved food handling and food safety practices are followed. 
Sits on the board of directors and assists the Commodore and Vice-Commodore and replaces the Commodore in his absence.
**There will also be a need for volunteers to assist in planning and managing club events with the Rear Commodore.**
Please contact Commodore Marc to discuss this position at or call 819-210-5677.

GRYC Website
Copyright © 2016 Gatineau River Yacht Club, All rights reserved.

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