SRHR Campaigns:
Calls for Action and Solidarity:
WGNRR at Global and Regional SRHR Events:
Following the 2030 Agenda:
Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs)
Events Resources and Opportunities!
Greetings from WGNRR! March and April were both very busy months as we were excitedly preparing for and participating in global and regional advocacy events. At the international level we were active participants at CSW60 in March where together with allies and partners we advocated for the strongest possible language on SRHR as well as language on WHRDs. Later that month we supported advocacy efforts at the 3rd IAEG in Mexico City, and in April we collaborated closely with our regional partner LACWHN at CPD49. At the regional level we were quite active in Asia Pacific where we attended the Inroads Global Member Gathering as well as the Asia Pacific CSO forum for Sustainable Development. We also had some bitter-sweet moments as we said farewell to our Program and Advocacy Manager, Vanessa Coria and wished her the best of luck in her future projects. Finally, our Africa Programme Officer was busy strategizing and strengthening media skills at a course hosted by our wonderful partner RNW-Media!
This month, WGNRR's Executive Director, Kathy Mulville and Communications & Campaigns PO, Marisol Ruiz will be attending Women Deliver and look forward to seeing you there! Please contact marisol@wgnrr.org if you're planning on going to Copenhaghen and wish to meet and strategize with other WGNRR members and partners.
We hope you enjoy the newsletter!
In solidarity,
The WGNRR Team
Farewell to Vanessa Coria, Advocacy and Programme Manager!
WGNRR wants to recognize and thank Vanessa Coria for her hard work, dedication and commitment to WGNRR for the past 4 years. Vanessa helped make WGNRR visible throughout the Latin American and Caribbean region and consolidated WGNRR as a leading voice in the SRHR world. As Vanessa turns the page in her life story, WGNRR wishes her every success in all future endeavors.
"My journey through WGNRR was full of challenges, many learnings, sisterhood, but above all fellowships and friendships. I leave deeply grateful, most of all for my fellows in the struggle, our members and allies, for all the moments shared and for showing me the world through their eyes." - Vanessa Coria
We are also happy to announce that Lara Cousins will take on the lead as Advocacy Manager, you can contact her at lara@wgnrr.org
SRHR Campaigns
Information about WGNRR's campaigns, allies' campaigns & calls for solidarity
Mark the Day! May 28 International Day of Action for Women's Health
For over 30 years, women’s rights advocates and allies have mobilized all over the world on May 28, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. This year, WGNRR encourages its members, partners and allies worldwide to organize actions in their communities and advocate for women ’s comprehensive health and wellbeing, particularly their unmet sexual and reproductive rights. Show your support on social media using #May28 and #WomensHealthMatters
WGNRR stands in solidarity with Polish women!
WGNRR joined ASTRA Network's Campaign to support Polish women's sexual and reproductive rights and condemn the draft law introducing a complete ban on abortion and a new category into the criminal code – “prenatal murderâ€, which would introduce a penalty of 3 to 5 years in prison for women, doctors and anyone helping a woman to perform an abortion. You can keep sending your support to federa@astra.org.pl
Calls for Action and Solidarity
By ANRed/ Image: LucÃa AlegrÃa
Freedom for Belén!
In Argentina, twenty-seven-year-old Belén has been held in pre-trial detention for over two years in Tucuman Province, northern Argentina, after suffering a miscarriage in a public hospital. Medical personnel and police officials violated her right to privacy and have unfairly accused and mistreated her. Learn more and support here!
WGNRR at Global and Regional SRHR Events
WGNRR actively participates in regional and global events related to WGNRR’s focus areas (youth SRHR, sexual rights, access to safe abortion, and access to contraception) as one of its strategies for advocacy and networking.
WGNRR's Asia Programme Officer, Marevic Parcon, was invited to participate at the INROADS (International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma) Global Member Gathering in Bangkok, Thailand 7th-11th March 2016. During this five day gathering of inroads members, attendees engaged in workshops, participatory panels, mutual learning, and discussions with an exciting group of fellow experts all active in mitigating abortion stigma across the globe and their diverse respective fields.
Inroads members participate in video campaign: "I Support The Safe Abortion Bill"
WGNRR at CSW60 (March 14-24, 2016)
WGNRR was very active during this year’s CSW60, of which the thematic focus was "women's empowerment and its link to sustainable development." Advocacy Manager, Lara Cousins participated as a panelist in the "'High-level Forum on Adolescent Girls and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development," which focused on how investing in adolescent girls – especially in their education and SRHR – will ensure sustainable development for all. Lara shared the panel with Ms. Katja Iversen, Chief Executive Officer, Women Deliver and Ms. Kathy Calvin, President and CEO, United Nations Foundation among other distinguished panelists. You can learn more about her participation here.
WGNRR's Communications & Campaigns PO, Marisol Ruiz, delivered a joint statement on behalf of LACWHN and WGNRR, calling for a balanced and rights-based approach to sustainable development, and the recognition of women and girls' SRHR as central to the achievement of social, environmental, and economic justice. You can see the full statement here. As part of IWHC's delegation at CSW, WGNRR also collaborated with other partners in undertaking advocacy and communications efforts to ensure the strongest possible SRHR-related commitments at this year's CSW.
WGNRR collaborating with LACWHN at CPD49 (April 11-15, 2016)
This year, CPD49 had a thematic focus on "Strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post-2015 development agenda." WGNRR undertook collaborative communications efforts with our partner LACWHN (Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Netowrk) through launching the #MásQueUnNúmero (More than just a number) campaign on social media, and provided a joint space for the reading of an oral statement. WGNRR, together with a number of other partner organizations, endorsed a written statement submitted by Stichting Rutgers that you can access here.
The final outcome document of CPD49 is a solid text that recognizes the need for political commitment and commesurate resources to tackle disieases like Zika and Malaria. It also stresses the need for disaggregated data to assess the situation of marginalized groups such as girls, adolescents and youth, older persons, local communities, indigenous peoples and populations of African descent, persons with disabilities, migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless persons. Here is the full chair's text.
WGNRR at a "Media for Behaviour Change" course by RNW-Media
WGNRR's Africa Programme Oficer, Nondo Ejano, was invited bye RNW-Media to participate at the "Using Media for Behaviour Change†at Radio Netherlands Training Centre in Hilversum, during 11 – 29 April, 2016. The focus of this course was Sexual and Reproductive Health and it was intended for those whose work includes raising awareness and encouraging behavioral change in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Following the 2030 Agenda
WGNRR's work to push for SRHR in the Post-2015 agenda, as well as helpful information on the New Development Agenda process for SRHR organizations
WGNRR at the 3rd IAEG meeting in Mexico City
WGNRR participated in the third meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), held from 30 March to 1 April 2016 in Mexico City, Mexico. The IAEG-SDGs was established by the Statistical Commission at its 46th session to develop an indicator framework for the monitoring of the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development at the global level, and to support its implementation. Together with other civil society partners, WGNRR collaborated on a joint statement regarding the targets and indicators for Goals 3, 4, and 5 (click here), as well as a statement regarding the Metadata Compilation on Global SDG Indicators (click here). For more information on the outcomes of this meeting read here.
ARROW's Webinar: An Advocate’s Guide to the SDG Indicators Process
Our partners at ARROW hosted a useful webinar that provides an overview and highlights of the Global SDG indicators process so far. Check out the video here!
WGNRR at the Asia Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development
Delivered by Malyn Ando, Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) Photo credit: ARROW
WGNRR's Asia Programme Officer, Marevic Parcon, participated at the third session of the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD 2016) on 3-5 April 2016, at the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand which was convened by the The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The theme was “Regional priorities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific.†This was the first regional forum on sustainable development to take place following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda in September 2015. At this space, together with Kate Lappin, Leanne Sajor, Sarah Zaman, Sulique Waqa, Veena Singh, and Viva Tatawaqa, Marevic played a major role in the development of the Women's Constituency Statement. WGNRR's particular contribution relates to crafting strong language on access to safe and legal abortion. Please find the complete statement HERE