I've never heard this before....
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This is the first time...
<<First Name>>,

This is the group of college students you have been praying for in ChangHua each week. (You can see Brian Lee in the back center - more on him later)

We've been working through the book of Genesis each week and this week we started working through the account of Noah. Several of the students had seen the hollywood movies that had fictionalized the story and thought some of the things they had seen in the movies were true. A few however had not seen the  movies and had not ever heard or read this account. For them, it was their very first time to ever read these words in the Bible. 

Romans 10:14-15 says, "How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent?"

Because of you, we are here - and they are hearing - and they will believe. We can see the Holy Spirit working in them, drawing them to Christ. Please be faithful in your prayers!

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It seemed like it wasn't going to happen, but Brian has finally arrived. His first week has been full to overflowing and I am so thankful to God for providing a partner to work alongside. He is a great match for our ministry and also a great friend. All of my Taiwanese friends who have had the chance to meet him have told me the same - that I have found the best kind of co-worker. If you want to receive updates from Brian - join his e-mail list - CLICK HERE.

Just a couple of days after he arrived, I took Brian to see one of the largest religious pilgrimages in the world and certainly the largest in Taiwan. The annual Dajia Matzu Festival Parade. You can read more about Matzu here, but in short, she is one of the more famous local deities that is worshipped in Taiwan. 

Once a year, one of the temples takes her idol out for a walking tour of central Taiwan's coastline. People line up for miles to seek her blessing, especially trying to be one of the few who can bow prostate on the road underneath her carriage as it passes over. Smaller temples, businesses and homeowners all prepare tremendous amounts of fireworks and offerings trying to get the carriage to pause in front of their location, seeking the goddess' blessing. I've seen a lot of interesting things since coming to Taiwan, but this definitely is in my top five. 

Check out this short video of the time we were there. And please remember to pray that God would break the power of darkness and idolatry here. Two of the girls pictured above went and laid in the street so the statue would pass over them the same day Brian and I went. 
Short Clip of the Matzu Pilgrimage Parade
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