
What's happening this month at Auckland’s Port  APRIL 2016

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Welcome to our monthly newsletter, Rapport. We value our role in Auckland and think it's important that we keep in touch and keep you up to speed on what's happening behind our red fence. 

You may remember Rapport in it's previous life as a printed newsletter in Auckland's suburban newspapers, or perhaps you received an e-newsletter about one of our community events.

We're pleased to let you know that we'll now be sending out Rapport as an e-newsletter each month but, if you don't want to hear from us you have the option to unsubscribe at the end of this email.  (If you're wondering how we're getting in touch with you, it's likely you signed up to our database at SeePort or during the Auckland Heritage Festival!). 

So what can you expect to hear from us? We'll be sharing news from our community sponsorships and events, sustainability work and performance and providing updates on port development and other areas of our operations. We'll also introduce to some of our people through MyPort to learn about what our staff and customers get up to day-to-day. 

If there's anything special you'd like to hear about, just let us know!
Lorenze Ware (right) with Harbour Control Duty Officer, Nevenka Erceg (left) and actor Gavin MacLeod (centre) who played Captain Stubing on TV series The Love Boat
Lorenze - Marine Master

Q: How would you describe your job?
A: My job as a member of the marine team member includes tying up and letting go of ships, engineer on tugs and pilot boat and being a master on-board all of our pilot and tug boats. I've been at the port for 14 years now and enjoy the flexibility of my role as each day is different. We get to see amazing sights, sunrises and sunsets, different vessels and different ports around the country!

Q: What's the most unique aspect of your role?
A: I have such a diverse role that essentially lets me do five different jobs. Getting to work outside means my office window is an ever-changing picture. How many people actually like their job? I'm glad to say I do!

Q: What has been the best thing so far about working at the port?
A: Getting to 'play' on all the floating plant - taking people out on the water, showing them what we do and giving them an insight to what happens behind our red fence. A lot of people can't believe what I do actually counts as a job. "You call this a job?!" is a question I get asked a lot!

Q: What's on your bucket-list? 

A: My bucket-list includes making it to retirement here and keep on enjoying what i'm doing! 
News in Brief

Liz Coutts Appointed as Ports of Auckland Chair
Liz Coutts became the first woman to chair the Ports of Auckland following her appointment last December. She was appointed to the board as a director in 2010. 

Sea Scouting in New Zealand
Towards the end of last year, Ports of Auckland announced a three year partnership with SCOUTS New Zealand as part of an on-going commitment to support local sea scouting. The Port first teamed up with SCOUTS in 2014 and the funding will help develop scouting in the Auckland region.

We've had a Makeover
Earlier this month we launched our new website. The site is much better optimised for mobile and other devices making it easier for our customers to access information on-the-go. 

Over 60,000 Aucklanders Visit SeePort
More than 60,000 people visited Ports of Auckland’s annual open weekend, SeePort, held at Captain Cook wharf over Auckland Anniversary weekend, 30 January to 1 February 2016.

Are we Oceania's Best Seaport?
We've been nominated as the best seaport in Oceania by freight and logistics industry peers for the 2016 Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain (AFLAS) Awards. One of eight finalists, we're the only New Zealand port to be included. The awards will be held on June 14.
What's on this month?

Port Boat Tours
Tuesday, 26 April at 11.00am

Tickets for public port boat tours are just $5 per adult and free for children under the age of 16. Bookings are essential. Please call 360 Discovery on +64 9 307 8005 to book. 

We run tours all year long - check out our full schedule here.
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