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 Strata News & Information

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Welcome to this edition of Your Strata News. 

Editors picks not be missed this week:

Article: A while back, we received an email from a NSW Lot Owner asking for information about what window locks are being used to satisfy the NSW Window Lock legislation. We have received a whole host of information in from the LookUpStrata community and the responses have been pulled together to create one huge post. Thank you to everyone who responded and provided comments. Take a read of the article - The Guide to Window Locks Legislation NSW - and please provide any further information or questions you may have in comments section of the article.

News: The biggest story of the week has to be Insurer rejects storm-damaged Lidcombe apartment building claim because of numerous defects. Read the article and catch all the comments in our LinkedIn Group - links provided below in the Latest News section of the newsletter.

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Latest Articles

NSW window locks

The Guide to Window Locks Legislation NSW

Compilation post
What types of window locking devices are being installed in strata buildings to comply with the new window locks legislation NSW?
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Vic airbnb

VIC: Should Landlords Add a Special Condition into Residential Tenancy Agreements to Prohibit Tenants from ‘Licensing’ Apartments on Airbnb?

Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law
As Airbnb’s popularity increases, so do the number of tenants in Melbourne listing their rented apartments on Airbnb for their own commercial gain. Landlords of those apartments are often unaware of their tenants’ Airbnb arrangements and upon becoming aware, may wish to take steps to terminate their tenants’ residential tenancy agreement. However, a recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision suggests that Landlords may not be able to use their termination rights under section 253 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.

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repairs to common property

NSW: Q&A Upkeep the Repair of Common Property

Jan Browne, Ian McNamee & Partners
Question: Is it the responsibility of the Strata Manager to advise the Owners Corporation to upkeep and maintain the repair of common property?
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Strata Finance: What is it?

Janette Comish, StrataLoans
The decision of which strata finance option your owners corporation uses will depend on the circumstances. You do have choices and should consider them all.

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NSW reno bylaws

NSW: Q&A Are there template renovation bylaws available?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: We have regular applications from owners proposing to renovate their apartments and were wondering if there are renovation bylaws available?

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Strata tenants rights

WA: Q&A Strata Tenants Rights - What is a Tenant Entitled to Know?

Sandra Glossop, Ace Body Corporate Management (Fremantle)
Question: What are my strata tenants rights? Am I entitled to information such as 'Who is the Strata Manager'? If not, why?
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NSW pool certs

NSW: Do You Need a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate?

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Selling or leasing your lot? Do You Need a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate? These Regulations come into effect on 29 April 2016 - find out now if they affect you.

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WA Riem expenses

WA: Q&A Reimbursing out of pocket expenses

Sandra Glossop, Ace Body Corporate Management (Fremantle)
Question: Can our secretary be reimbursed through our Strata Manager for small, out of pocket expenses accrued during routine maintenance e.g. ant spraying?
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NSW repairs

NSW: So What Happens if the Owners Corporation Does Not Fix the Building?

David Bannerman, Bannermans Lawyer
Many owners face problems with strata schemes failing to repair/maintain common property. Is the 2015 Strata Reform going to assist?
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What is strata

What Is Strata - Podcast

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property
How are strata plans created? What is the difference between lots and common property? What are by-laws, and what steps can you start taking today to become more active in your strata community?
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NSW Dog Bylaw T&Cs

NSW: Q&A Bylaws - terms & conditions upon which a dog may be kept

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Can we arrange a by-law to be prepared granting permission for a dog, but with certain limitations should a nuisance arise?
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Vic smoking in strata

VIC: Is it illegal to smoke cigarettes in an Owners Corporation?

Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
The legal position on smoking in Owners Corporations varies between each state and territory in Australia and as such this article will focus on Victoria specifically.

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News of the Week

Lidcombe defects insurance

NSW: Insurer rejects storm-damaged Lidcombe apartment building claim because of numerous defects

Esther Han, SMH
Hundreds of residents left homeless after a storm ripped off the roof of their Lidcombe apartment block have suffered another blow, with their insurer rejecting their multi-million dollar claim. Insurance giant AIG has denied payouts to repair the building - developed by controversial Auburn councillor Ronney Oueik - because its expert found it did not comply with the Building Code of Australia.

We have a lively debate on this topic going on in our LinkedIn Group. View comments and contribute HERE


WA Strata Reforms

Community title schemes - why are they part of the WA Strata Reforms?

Currently in Western Australia strata schemes can only have one strata company and one set of rules or by-laws, to set out standards of behaviour and other management policies. Strata reforms will introduce community titles, which allow for multiple strata schemes on one land parcel or in one building, under an overarching (or umbrella) body corporate.
Rents rise

Rents rise despite record number of new apartments

Ricardo Conclaves, SBS News
There may be talk of an impending oversupply when it comes to apartments, however it has not been reflected in most capital city rental prices.

In the year to March, Melbourne saw the biggest increase: up 4.1 per cent, with the median weekly rent at $380.

Sydney remains the country's most expensive capital, setting tenants back $520 a week on average. This is a rise of 4 per cent, and is despite a record number of new dwellings coming on to the market.

Nearly 90,000 apartments were approved to be built in Sydney since the beginning of 2013. That is 2,000 more than Melbourne, with more to come.
GC Dev Map

Gold Coast Development Map

Brisbane Development 
The Gold Coast Development Map below is a free development map of all known Gold Coast projects, created collaboratively by the people who use it. The map illustrates major proposals, approvals and projects under construction. Zoom in to reveal developments.


We are very excited to welcome StrataLoans as a new Premium site sponsor on our Homepage Banner.

You may have noticed, we also have a new fortnightly sponsor of our weekly newsletter.
Welcome Benjamin & Khoury!

Have Your Say

Victoria: Issue Paper 2: Owners Corporations


Consumer Affairs Victoria
The focus of this issues paper is the Owners Corporations Act 2006, which provides for the management, powers and functions of owners corporations (formerly body corporates), and mechanisms to resolve disputes.

The Owners corporations issues paper looks at whether these Acts are achieving their purposes and, in doing so, whether they are also achieving their informal purpose of improving the ‘liveability’ of strata communities.

This issues paper is open for public consultation until 29 April 2016. Feedback on this issues paper will inform the development of an options paper on potential legislative changes, which will be released in mid-2016. 

More Information
Apr 19 - 21: 
A100: SCA National Introduction to living & working in the strata community (VIC/TAS)

Apr 22: 
SCA (WA): Strata Reform Overview – Landgate (Crawley)

Apr 27: 
SCA (WA): Settlements on Strata Living

Apr 30: 
SCA (NSW): Strata Owners Day

May 2: 
City Of Sydney: Strata 101 The New Executive Committee Member: Individual need or the collective good

May 4 - 6: 
A100: SCA National Introduction to living & working in the strata community (WA)

May 5: 
SCA (QLD): Standard V Part 5 Agreements (Sunshine Coast)

SCA (QLD): Compliance (Sunshine Coast)

May 9: 
City Of Sydney: Strata 101 The Handover: From developer to owners

May 10: 
SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

May 14: 
NSW: OCN – Flat Chat Live Trivia

May 25 - 27:
SCA National ConveNTion 2016

Visit our Strata Events Page

Most read article from our last newsletter

Record meeting nsw

NSW: Can a Strata Meeting Be Recorded?

Adrian Mueller, J. S. Mueller & Co Lawyers 
It is becoming increasingly common for strata meetings to be recorded. But is it legal to do so? The answer might surprise you.

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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Is the latest anti-smoking pitch an assault on our ciggie rights? The Drum

NSW: Developer tries to stop defect inspection of new strata building Domain

Hot air and cold facts as Sydney chills out with Airbnb Domain

QLD: Is this the future for shopping centres - Apartment buildings?

Commonwealth Games helping boost Gold Coast property prices Domain

The Jupiters Hotel and Casino expansion in Broadbeach goes up as new tower deal confirmed Gold Coast Bulletin

VIC: Renting in Melbourne: median house, apartment price soars Domain

WA: Apartment glut looms in Perth as housing market slows ABC News

Apartments set for solar world first The Western Australian

NZ: Body corporates struggle over quake strengthening

Buy apartments, Auckland's first homebuyers told Radio NZ

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