
Club Meeting

Tuesday, April 12th, 6:00pm
Callahan's Pub and Grill
8111 Mira Mesa Blvd
San Diego, 92126

click here for directions


We will have our election for the Board of Directors at the general meeting tomorrow. We will be electing the next President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. 

We also have other appointed positions on the board that are just as important. Because there are so many, they are not listed here, but I recommend you take a few minutes and check the website to see if there is a position you would be interested in. We are always working at improving the club, so please think about helping out one of the board members with their job this year as an assistant. This will give you a opportunity to give back to the club and help us to continue grow into the future.

Dave Arnold

San Diego Council Trips

San Diego Council has 2 trips they would like you to know about!

Join NIS members and SDCSC for an exciting European trip to Ireland, Scotland, Octoberfest Sept 1-19, 2016. You can book each country separately. The price includes airfare. We only have a few spots left. Contact Eileen Sanford for more information. 858-761-6192.
Click here for the Ireland flyer.


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