
Are you attending the upcoming Vascular Annual Meeting?

The SVS is seeking volunteers to serve as faculty at the Open & Endo Simulation Workshop as well as mentors to medical students or general surgery residents. We are expecting 150-200 students/residents to attend the meeting. 

You will be asked to submit your name, check off any activities you are interested in helping with, and verify your submission with your email address.  We will confirm your assignments in the weeks leading up to VAM.

Click here to learn more about volunteering.

Special VAM Sessions
To further help SVS members more effectively develop their careers and manage their practices, special VAM sessions have been developed by SVS Committees for Innovators, Private Practitioners, Researchers & Young Surgeons.

Sessions include " Tools to Navigate the Changing Vascular Landscape," "Connections and Conversations for Young to Mid-Level Vascular Surgeon Researchers," and "Essential Tools for Young Academic and Private Practice."

Boston Scientific Fellows Course - Minneapolis
Boston Scientific is hosting "Fellows CLI and CTO Treatment Strategies Training Program" in Minneapolis on May 24th .

"Combining didactic and extensive hands-on learning, this program is designed to demonstrate best clinical practices and treatment strategies for the management of symptomatic Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) patients and complex Chronic Total Occlusions (CTO’s). Boston Scientific will pay travel expenses in compliance with state and institutional requirements."

AVF Fellows Courses - New Jersey & Los Angeles
The American Venous Forum is hosting two fellows courses in 2016.

If you are unable to attend the spring course May 15-17 at Englewood Hospital in Englewood, NJ, mark your calendar for December 2-4 when the Fall Course will be held at UCLA.

Abstract Opportunity from the SAAVS
The South Asian Association for Vascular Surgery (SAAVS) is accepting submissions for their 2016 abstract competition.

The competition is open to all fellows, residents, and students and submissions are due May 10, 2016.

Winning abstracts will be invited to present at the SAAVS Annual Meeting.

"Compensation Models and Benchmarks in Choosing Your Practice"
Drs. Nair and Kashyap have prepared a synopsis of a session from the SVS Leadership Development Committee and Community Practice Committee at last year's Vascular Annual Meeting.

The session addressed different compensation models and how to find the model that best fits you.

Digital Edition of April Vascular Specialist Now Available
The most recent edition of Vascular Specialist is now available online.

This issue features a report about the correlation between patient outcomes and shorter resident hours, a point/counterpoint examination of Fistula First, and tips and tricks for clampless endarterectomy surgery.

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