Earth Day edition.
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What's new

Recycling old electronics

If you have old computers or other electronics lying around, please don't just throw them in the garbage! Find out where I take all my electronics recycling.

Rechargeable batteries

Do you still have alkaline batteries in your home? Save yourself a lot of money and trips to the store by switching to rechargeables, and help the environment in the process.

Tech Tip

A frequent topic of these tech tips has been keyboard shortcuts, mostly because I like them but they can also be useful. I find many situations where I can keep both hands on the keyboard and not need to reach for the mouse.

Tab by its self will move the cursor to the next text box in a form, which is by far the easiest way to fill out forms online.
Ctrl+Tab will switch between open tabs in your browser
Alt+Tab switches between applications on your computer

Adding the Shift key before you hit Tab on these shortcuts will always go the opposite direction. For example, Ctrl+Tab will take you to the next tab in your browser. Ctrl+Shift+Tab will take you to the previous tab. This can take a bit of dexterity, but I'll often need to switch back and forth between two tabs when I have 10-15 open. Shift+Tab is extremely useful when filling out forms and you need to go back to a field you need to change.
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