Recap  & Winner at Dallas Muslim Hackathon 2016
Muslim Hackathon
Alhumdulillah, our 3rd Annual Muslim Tech Conference & Hackathon event was a success. Jazak'Allah Khair to everyone for attending. In particular, we're very grateful to the Islamic Association of Collin County (IACC). It was inspiring to see everyone come out and partake in what we hope becomes a core part of the community - using technology to connect our communities. We are also grateful to all of the volunteers who spent tireless hours on short notice to provide the best experience possible.

The Hackathon went very well and it was remarkable to see the results produced in such a short period of time. The top 4 teams:

  1. Team X: Muslim Youth Connect App 1st Prize
  2. Team Islamic Toolkit App  2nd Prize
  3. Team Epic Hackers : Dua App (Best Dua App)
  4. Team Anonymous : E-Deen (Best Pitch award)

Check Event Pictures


Thanks again to everyone for their contributions and congratulations again to the winners.

Muslim Hackathon is an incredible event & if you are ever looking to run one in your city, don't hesitate to contact us ( if you have any questions on getting started!

JazakAllah Khair !

Muslim Hackathon Team :)


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