Kristen Davis is going to do a study of Stephen Charnock's collection of sermons entitled The Existence and Attributes of God. Who in Jacksonville wants to join? These are sermons given to every day people so don't be intimidated and the book only costs $0.99 on Amazon Kindle! If you want to join, sign up with the following link.

We'll be meeting at The Loop (8221 Southside Blvd), each Monday at 7pm, starting Feb 8th! We'd love for you to join us!

Genesis 42:10-20
In verse 11, the ten sons of Jacob assert “we are all sons of one man; we are honest men…”. Unbeknownst to them, they were proclaiming their honesty to the one person who knew differently. Just 23 years before, they were anything but honest. They had sold Joseph, the very brother they are testifying before, into slavery and lied to their father about Joseph’s fate. Verse 42:13 reads “…One [brother] is no longer alive.” Joseph knew his father Jacob well – he would have moved heaven and earth to get Joseph back if Jacob believed he was alive. Joseph knew with certainty they had lied to their father about Joseph’s fate. These “honest men” lied.
The wise Joseph continued to look out for the best for his family. He knew their very survival depended upon his hospitality. Joseph likely reasoned if he revealed himself too soon to his brothers, they might conspire against him again and prevent Joseph from saving the fledgling Israelite nation. They might falsely claim they were mistreated in Egypt and move Jacob and their tribe far away to a remote place where Joseph could not help. Joseph’s scheme served to summon more “bargaining chips” to ensure his plan was successful.
Do we not also, on occasion, “put on” a public character depicting how we want others to perceive us? Aren’t we like Joseph’s brothers? This passage provides us an analogy into the depth of insight God has in our lives. Joseph, unrecognized by his brothers in his new position of power, knows of his brother’s deeds. It is like that with God. He knows everything about us. In the Genesis passage, Joseph heard how his brothers claimed Joseph had been killed. God knows our hearts as well. He knows we have lied, we have had angry feelings toward others, even our deepest most secrets. While Joseph’s brothers thought they were speaking privately amongst themselves, Joseph could understand it all. God knows even our own private thoughts. That makes Him the perfect judge.
Jesus has expressly warned us there is none of us that are good. He, like Joseph in this passage, knows when we are dishonest – despite our claims to the contrary. He knows our intentions, much like Joseph listened in on his brothers’ schemes. Having all our thoughts and deeds revealed before God is bad news.
But there is also good news! Joseph had a plan to save his dishonest brothers and the rest of the family. God has done the same for us – He has set up an area where His family – us – can dwell with Him forever. Like Joseph, Jesus has already done the hard work. It is up to us to trust in God. While Joseph’s plan was limited to his tribe, God’s is unlimited. His salvation is for all who repent and place their trust in His plan.
Text By: Kyle Clark
Copyright © 2016 DoubtLess Faith Ministries, Inc., All rights reserved.

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