Rangelands Paddock Walk held recently near Hay, NSW
Following the success of a Paddock Walk held at Hay in early October last year after a productive wet winter, a second Walk was organised for the end of March at Booroorban, a location approximately 30 km south of Hay, involving site inspections and plant identification with ANPC Project Manager Martin Driver, in collaboration with
Riverina Local Land Services. This time the landscape showed the effects of a long hot and dry summer with a four month gap since the last effective rain.
Read more here. Following the success of the two Paddock Walks, a third one will take place in the Booroorban area, further focusing on management of the sandhill vegetation communities following a significant rainfall event, hopefully before June 30 this year. Interested people can contact Sally Ware by
email or by ph. 0429307627, or Martin Driver by
email or by ph. 0400170957. At least three ANPC plant identification/seed collection workshops will be held in the wider Riverina area this year in conjunction with the NSW Environmental Trust, Landcare and LLS. For more information contact Martin Driver.
Inspecting a Quondong tree on the edge of a Nitre Goosefoot swamp during the Rangelands Paddock Walk at Booroorban. Photo: Annabel Lugsdin
Recent Seed Collection Workshops at Broken Hill and Menindee in the Western Region of NSW
The ANPC's Project Manager Martin Driver delivered two workshops on seed collection, storage and use for native vegetation projects at Broken Hill and Sunset Strip over the weekend of 9 and 10 April 2016. The two workshops were supported by
Western Local Land Services through funding from The National Landcare Programme. The workshops were facilitated by the Regional Landcare Facilitator for Far West NSW, Susannah Sage, in association with Broken Hill Landcare and Sunset Strip Progress Association Inc – Lake Menindee Landcare, who were interested in learning about ways they can still undertake Landcare activities while they are unable to undertake regular community tree planting days due to water restrictions.
Read more here. If you would like to organise or participate in plant identification, seed collection, or other vegetation management workshops tailored to your or your group's needs in your region, please contact the Regional Landcare Facilitator in your area to discuss opportunities or contact Martin Driver at the ANPC by
email or phone on 0400170957.
Martin Driver demonstrating simple seed separation techniques at the Broken Hill Seed Collection Workshop. Photo: Susannah Sage
11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC11) - 14 to 18 November 2016 at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne.
Dr Jen Silcock from the National Environmental Science Programme (NESP) - Threatened Species Recovery Hub will be one of the Plenary Speakers at the conference. Dr Silcock recently started a post-doctoral research position identifying Australia's 100 most imperilled plant species and reviewing plant reintroduction programs across Australia. This work aims to provide a clear picture of plant conservation in Australia and guide directions for future work. The Call for Abstracts and Early Bird Registrations open on
Monday 9 May.
Click here for more information, including the recently added accommodation options near the Gardens.
Dr Jen Silcock has spent the past decade scouring Australia’s so-called ‘dead heart’ for rare plants and has recently been lured to the city to take up a post-doctoral research position at the University of Queensland. Photo: Jen Silcock
Seeking articles for the June - August 2016 edition of Australasian Plant Conservation (APC)
The theme for the next issue will be online tools and resources for plant identification and conservation. This may include online floras, keys, resources for citizen science and other new or emerging tools such as phone applications. For this issue, we welcome articles, reports, and short reviews and communications. Reviews may include new tools and resources that you have developed or found useful, or even a wish list of tools or resources that would be useful for plant identification or to support plant conservation. The deadline for submissions for the June - August 2016 issue is Friday 13 May 2016. Click here to find out more.
Upcoming webinar: Developing Standards for Ecological Restoration: the how, what and why of an Australian initiative - Thursday, 28 April 10am - 11am
Kingsley Dixon, Tein McDonald, and Justin Jonson of the
Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (SERA) will share their insights into the development of these recently-published
standards, followed by a short Q&A session. It is hoped that restoration professionals around the world will learn from this ground-breaking initiative and apply lessons-learned in their home country. Space in the live webinar is limited so please register soon. If you cannot attend during the live webinar, they will be posting a recording of the webinar to their website.
Click here to register.