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Crestview Newsletter 4/21/2016
Hebrews 10:19-22, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, and Romans 12:1-2
Sunday is Coming: This week in our series Drawing Near to God we focus on Honoring the Body: Does it Matter?  I invite you to carve out time and pre-read for Sunday the following texts: Hebrews 10:19-22, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, and Romans 12:1-2.  As you prepare for Sunday, notice the references to the body in these texts.  Does God value the body?  What is the connection between the body, soul and mind?  Throughout history, body and soul have been looked at in a dualistic way.  Often the body is perceived as bad.  Perhaps we don't even enjoy or like our body.  But Scripture teaches that we arewhole beings and the body is essential in our worship of God.  Jesus came to redeem our whole being, including our body.  From the care of our body from sexuality, to our eating and exercising habits, God has much to say to us.  First of all, our bodies are a good gift from God!  Does God think that the honoring, care, and nurture of our bodies is important?  Absolutely!  Where is the evidence? The resurrection of Jesus seems kinda important!!!  Can't wait til Sunday - to seek God together and to hear his Word.  
Follow up on last week: Silence and Solitude:  Here is a reflection from my wife Deone after last week's message, she says it better than I can: " Silence and solitude is about being in a posture, creating the space to listen.  The phrase "being found by God" resonates. Silence and solitude is so much about training the inner state of our being. But it starts with a physical response -  to STOP. This is beneficial in and of itself because we learn that we can stop. Rooted in most of us is the belief that we cannot stop - that our services are required 24-7. And rooted in that thinking is pride. "Stopping" is the first step to checking pride and recognizing that God is the author and creator of all things and that I am the creature. So, if all we do is learn to stop, we have at least learned something. But, more/deeper blessings are to be had when we learn to LISTEN in the silence/solitude. I think the best way to listen is through scripture. It is God's word to us. It is difficult to hear God if we do not have his words before us and within us. Solitude and silence are necessary because out of them arises RESPONSE - What am I hearing and what does that call me to do or think or know?
We must carry solitude with us at all times. It is not necessarily antithetical to a full life. We nurture solitude intentionally by withdrawing, but the ultimate goal is to have a quiet heart at all times -  in a very crowded and loud room, in a busy season at work and on a vacation in the mountains. It is an inner orientation that doesn't change with the outer circumstances.
Henri Nouwen says that he knows he is in need of solitude when his words become "noisy gongs." I get that. It is good to recognize the signs of disquiet in our hearts."
May God fill you with his peace, his love, and his grace as you walk with him and He walks with you, 
Pastor Mark 

Care Group Sunday:
Special Conversation Scheduled for this Sunday!  
We invite you to stay after church to engage in a conversation with the leadership about ministry at Crestview Church.  Whether you are a member, regular, or guest with us, you are invited to stay.  We will reflect on our mission and vision, highlight some things that God is doing among us, gather feedback on some questions.  We value your involvement in this special scheduled time.  We also would like your input on leadership nominations for Elder and Deacon.  Click HERE to get a printable copy of the nomination form. Please drop your completed form in the Library Book Return slot in the Fellowship Hall by this Sunday, April 24.


Children's Sunday School 10:15 am
Sunday School this year has been focusing on characters of the Old Testament. Ruth and Jackie have come up with a plan to help Crestview Children learn more in-depth about these characters.  This Sunday, we will review those Bible characters that we have learned about this past year and remember how each of them are part of God's great big plan.

Download Cancelled for CARE GROUP SUNDAY
After the Sunday sermon, we will be gathering in "care groups" with our elder/deacon teams (see "Special Conversation" note above).

Summer Session Young Children's Worship (YCW) Teachers Needed
Great news!  Ruth and Jackie will be filling two of the four open summer volunteer positions.  That means we need just two more people to teach once per month during June, July & August.  Through story telling, you will teach valuable lessons to our younger kids during the Sunday morning service.  AND, your service during the summer allows our gracious school year staff to have a chance to re-charge. If interested please email Jackie & Ruth at


Pastor Mark Installation Celebration
On Sunday, July 17, Mark Quist will be officially installed as pastor of Crestview Church.  Add this to your calendar and plan on attending this service to praise God for His mercy and blessings on our Fellowship through His gift to us of the Quist Family. 

Spring Cleanup Day May 7​
Please plan on helping out with the cleanup day Saturday, May 7.  We can use lots of hands to spruce up the grounds and the parsonage in preparation of Mark's family moving in.  Lots of chores--something for everyone!  If you have any questions please talk to Debbie.

Dinner for 8 -- Sign up Deadline this Sunday
We're making a change to this program!  We had an experimental group of 4 families with children who met last session and we're going to continue to offer this choice.   You'll be able to choose either meeting with Adults Only, Whole Families, or Either of the Above.  Groups of ~8 adults OR ~3 Whole Families meet for dinner once-a-month for 4 months.  Hosting of the dinner rotates among the group, and everyone brings food.  Our purpose is to build deeper relationships.  It’s also an opportunity to invite 1-2 friends you may have been wanting to invite to Crestview, and here's a chance to introduce them to others from your church in a fun setting.  Sign-ups end April 24.  Groups meet May - August 2016.  Find the sign-up sheet at the hutch in the Fellowship Hall or you can contact Muffie VanAndel (303) 444-7036 or

Moab Men's Retreat NEXT WEEK
The Moab Retreat is April 29-May 1.  Please contact Marty Huisjen at if you have any questions.

Summertime Bar-B-Que Coming Soon
Beginning June 8, our summertime BBQs will commence!  The barbecued hamburgers, vegi-burgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments and lemonade are provided while everyone brings a dish to share. Mark your calendars for the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of June, July, and August.  (And watch for details about Crestview hosting an evening event for the community on June 22 as part of Bike to Work Day :)  FUN!!

Crestview Missions
Crestview supports missionaries and missions all over the world. Click HERE for an overview of programs supported by Crestview.  Please remember to pray for our missionaries and those that we partner with to do the work of the kingdom.

CRC Newsletter for 4/20/2016
Click HERE to view a copy of the CRC Newsletter. 

Save the Date
April 24 - Care Group Sunday; Elder/Deacon Nomination deadline
April 29-May 1 - Moab Men's Retreat

May 7 - Spring Cleanup Day at Crestview
July 17 - Pastor Mark Installation Celebration
July 29-31 - Crestview Camping, Golden Gate State Park

Remember that all current and future Crestview events can be viewed on the Calendar

We look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!
Crestview Church
3665 Madison Avenue
Boulder, CO 80303
(303) 444-5780
Sunday Service at 9:00 a.m.
Copyright © 2016 Crestview Church, All rights reserved. 
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