Sailing leaderboard, Greek night success & upcoming events
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view from the club
April 2016

Last Saturday evening nearly 60 members, family and friends enjoyed our Greek-themed night at the club. There were some great costumes, delicious souvlakis and traditional Greek desserts, lots of dancing and socialising. ‘Dennis’ Roussos and his slimmer brother, ‘Nina’ Mouskouri, a Greek Finance Minister, a few Fishermen and several Athenian Goddesses dropped in for a souvlaki and Ouzo. Thanks in particular to Lois, Margaret and the social committee for organising such a fun night. Oh and let’s not forget the band.  
Soon the ‘racing’ sailing season will be drawing to a close, and barring any re-sails the last competitive racing day is Saturday 30 April. There are some close results in the Class Championship series thus far so it looks like the last race of the season will be a hotly contested one.

This season, three weekends of social sailing will immediately follow our regular season racing with the season wrapping up on presentation night on Saturday 28 May - so don’t put away your sailing gear just yet. Presentation night tickets will go on sale from Saturday.

Simon van den Berg | Commodore
Greek night dancing

Social calendar

Presentation night - Saturday 28 May

Presentation night is closing in pretty quickly so make sure you circle the date in your diaries – Saturday 28 May. Awards, food, celebrations, and reflections on the season’s races, that amazing lift and how much better we are at sailing than a year ago. Thinking of selling your boat and upgrading to a new one? A change of class? Lots to talk about. Don’t miss out, more details shortly….
Time: Doors open 6pm, dinner at 7pm
Tickets: members & guests - adults $20, family $50

First Friday of the month 6 May

Come down and on 6 May for another relaxing Friday night of great music and delicious mix of home cooked lasagna and spaghetti dishes - just like Nonna used to make. For the adults a glass of red wine might be the call for the night.  What better way to warm up on these cool autumn evenings.

Social committee survey

Over the next few weeks watch out for an online survey about the kinds of social activities you would like to see happening around the club.  Your input into this survey will guide us in preparing for future social activities; possibly early June or July.  So if you’re a new or long standing club member no matter what age you may just have the next great fresh idea that our Social Committee is looking for. 

Members to join the Social Committee

Currently there are only three club members who organise all our social activities, and regardless of your age, sex or experience they could really do with a few more helping hands to come on-board the social committee. Mind you, anyone with catering knowledge or hospitality experience would be greatly appreciated. Whilst we do have some fantastic helpers on the night it’s the planning and preparation that takes time and effort, so if you’re interested please call Lois on 0412341223.

Visit the website for more information.

WSC jetty

Club rowing dinghies and facilities

A friendly reminder that the club dinghies for rowing to and from moored boats are simply for that purpose. Members wishing to clean their hulls, or undertake work on their moored boat are requested to use either of the two fiberglass dinghies located in the external rack.

We also need to keep our facilities clean and tidy. If you use the club, outside a formal club activity, it's your responsibility to leave the club clean and secure. Please remember to switch off lights upstairs as well as (near the front door master switch), and lock any doors to the upper deck and downstairs. Emptying any garbage and recycling bins that you have used will also reduce the likelihood of any vermin. A store of garbage bags can be found in the upstairs cupboard near under hot water urn. Please help us keep the club pleasant for all to enjoy.

Marine licensing

Under the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic), a person operating a powered recreational vessel on Victorian waters requires a marine licence. This includes paddle craft (kayaks, canoes etc.) and sailing boats fitted with a motor, regardless of engine size. The master of a vessel must also carry their licence with them when operating a vessel.

See the recreational boat licensing section on the Maritime Safety website for more information about how to get your marine licence and other requirements.

Other news

Danielle Watkins – Changing the face of officiating at 2016 Rio Paralympics

Danielle Watkins is changing the perceptions of sailing judges locally and nationally, and this year Watkins will be the world’s youngest female judge at the 2016 Rio Paralympics. Read more on the Yachting Australia website.

Underwater sculptures

An underwater sculpture installation in Port Phillip Bay, featuring life size figures, will be part of  Victoria’s future marine international tourism attraction. The protected water of the northern Bellarine Peninsula is the location for the proposed installation. Read more.


Race season countdown

As we approach the end of the competitive racing season, we see that after 9 April, race 24, the skill and persistence is starting to show, and we see the current position in the various series starting to take shape. However with one scheduled class championship race and a few social races to go, things can change!

Club championship

1 Scuppers 5.0
2 Electrafy 10.0
3 Rince Wind 24.5

Class championship

1 Fiz IV 6.0
2 Swallow 7.0
1 Hissing Sid 5.0
2 Phantom 8.0
1 Scuppers 5.0
2 Electrafy 9.0
1 Rincewind 7.0
2 JAAS 8.0
1 Sea Somfin 5.0
2 A Good Egg 10.0

See all the results on the website

yachting victoria logo

Yachting Victoria roadshow - Wed 18 May 

Yachting Victoria is conducting a road show to the 91 clubs across the state. They aim to educate clubs in the support and services that YV provides, and give updates on trends in the industry with the aim to make our clubs sustainable and successful. The night with YV at our club will be on Wednesday 18 May, 6:20pm - 8:30pm. This session is for Committee Members, Flag Officers and staff. Please let know if would like to attend.

Kayaks: Do you know how to get back in?

Canoes and kayaks are not as stable as most other craft on the water. You need to be prepared to enter the water, even if you don't plan to, and it is essential that you understand the risks and how to self-rescue. Find out more about reducing the risks, staying with your craft, and how to get back in your canoe or kayak if you capsize on the Maritime Safety website.

VHF radio training

It is a legal requirement that operators of VHF marine radios are qualified.  The new AWQ VHF Marine Radio Certificate can be run at our club for groups of  20 members, in one evening for only  $130 pp. The new AWQ VHF Marine Radio Certificate was introduced by the Australian Media and Communications Authority (AMCA) as a simplified qualification for coastal operators of VHF Marine Radios. The course consists of one hour ‘at home’ online pre reading, videos and sample questions, followed by a 3 hour course of some theory and ‘hands on’ use of radios, a multiple choice theory test and a practical test using the radios. On successful completing both tests, a certificate and card are issued.

Anyone interested in this training, please contact Brian Fentiman.

Thank you Trevor

A big thank you to Trevor Burke for fixing the slip winch gearbox. The winch became inoperable during the Easter break and Trevor was able to quickly rebuild it.

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