Published April 15, 2016
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Dear <<First Name>><<Last Name>>,

This month we are featuring information on biochemical imbalances and treatment options for patients with autism. We have two articles in this issue that touch on a topic that is often under-discussed: adults and adolescents with autism.  If you are a new patient, or part of the general audience that has subscribed to our newsletter, you may be interested in registering for the upcoming Autism One conference in Chicago  May 25-29 at the Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel. 

Dr. Mensah will be giving a presentation entitled: "Bio-Nutrient Therapy: An evidence-based model for autism recovery" to attendees. 

Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Location: Cassatt Room, 5300 N River Road, Rosemont, Illinois, 60018

We Have Added a Day to our Burlingame, CA Outreach Next Month

Due to an overwhelming response for our Northern California Outreach, we have recently added a third day to accommodate more patients. Mensah Medical will now be seeing patients on:
  • Monday, May 2
  • Tuesday, May 3
  • Wednesday, May 4
If you are a new patient or would like to schedule a follow up visit please call our main office to schedule your appointment.

Have you Visited Our Updated Website?

New patients can visit our website to learn more information about Mensah Medical and read Dr. Mensah's blog, Dr. Bowman's blog, nutritional tips, nursing tips, and our FAQs page. We also have a patient resource library with podcasts, PDF downloads, and links to our educational YouTube videos.

Would You Like to Update Your Subscriber Details?

You can do so by entering your email address into our Mensah Medical sign up form. You will see an error message, and underneath it will be a link entitled: Click here to update your profile. You will want to click on that link (it is different for each subscriber), and fill out any changes that you feel is necessary. Please take the time to indicate if you are a practitioner, patient, or part of our general audience when you do, so that we can serve you better in the future. If you are an outreach patient, please let us know your location. We have begun sending reminders to our outreach patients about our upcoming outreach dates.

Enjoy this issue,

Caryn Talty, Digital Media Marketing Manager
Like Treatment for Adults and Teens with Autism, Autism Diet, links to Download Patient Forms, Northern California Outreach Expanded, Autism One Conference on Facebook

Adults and Adolescents with Autism: Treating Behavioral Issues

by Albert Mensah, MD

Adults and Adolescents with Autism: As patients with autism age and enter into adulthood there are many looming questions for caregivers, practitioners, and the general public. Are we doing all we possibly can as a society to assist patients with autism as they age, or are we simply missing the boat?

The general public still knows much too little about the biochemical imbalances and environmental assaults that plague the autism population, and the nutritive therapies necessary to assuage many of their symptoms.

Treating adults and adolescents with autism is expensive, costing at minimum $175 billion U.S. dollars a year in the United States, according to a survey study published in JAMA Pediatrics entitled: “Costs of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the United Kingdom and the United States.” Researchers found that medical costs were much higher for adults than for children. Let’s take a look at these statistics, as well as the new DSM-5 definition of ASD disorders for a better understanding on treatment for adults and adolescents with autism from a biochemical standpoint.

Study listing comorbid conditions for adults and adolescents with autism: ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders, intellectual disability, behavioral disorders, depression, and seizure disorders.

So what is going on in our adult autism population?

According to JAMA pediatrics study, cost rises when the ASD patient is diagnosed with an intellectual disability (ID). For adults in the autism community the cost for assisted living is the highest, but medical costs are also very high.

Drexel Survey of Comorbid Conditions for Adults and Adolescents with Autism

In addition, the Drexel University survey showed alarming statistics on the health status of adolescent and adult patients with autism. According to the study, 60% surveyed had at least two health or mental health conditions in addition to their autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, and about 75% took prescription medication regularly for a health or mental health issue.

Carefully Defining Adults and Adolescents with Autism

Now according to the DSM-5, autism spectrum disorders cover a wide range of disabilities and diagnostic conditions. Much of the statistical data we see includes patients who are diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and conditions like Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).  So although we are going to talk about autism research statistics, I want you to understand that these statistics don’t represent the autism population that we treat, as our criteria is a much more narrow one than is represented by the DSM-5. Those studies are using ASD as an umbrella term that incorporates disorders that are not autism. We define Asperger syndrome as a very different genetic, epigenetic, and biochemical creature. Asperger syndrome is a condition with much different cognitive capacities.

Continue reading this article on our website:

Create an Anonymous Patient Testimonial on Our Website

Patient testimonials are both heartwarming and inspiring for the physicians, nurses, and staff at Mensah Medical. We thoroughly enjoy hearing your many wonderful stories about how Advanced Nutrient Therapy has positively impacted your lives. Because this integrative and nutrient-based medical treatment protocol is one that requires commitment over a period of 3 phases of treatment, many new patients in their early stages of treatment can greatly benefit from phase 3 patient testimonials. If you have been there and can offer a word of encouragement to our newest patients who are in their darkest hour, please take a few minutes and fill out our patient testimonials form. It will make a huge difference in someone’s journey.
Find our patient testimonial form at the bottom of our testimonial page:

Autism Diet: When non-GMO, Gluten & Dairy free isn't Enough

by Samantha Gilbert, Nutritional Therapist and Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner

Autism diet and GMO foods: “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong” the mother of a 12 year old autistic patient said to me when we started working together. “I’ve cut out GMO’s and put my son on a healthy diet and he is not getting any better.”

Sadly, this is something I hear daily in my practice.

Flashy headlines and celebrity stories will have you believe that GMO’s and vaccines are to blame for the alarming rates of autism in our world today, but these things are only one factor, what we call environmental triggers, that comprises the set of behaviors we describe as autism.

Of important note: our definition of autism, as defined by Dr. Mensah of Mensah Medical, is much narrower than conventional medicine statistical data which includes Asperger Syndrome and conditions like Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). Those studies are using ASD as an umbrella term that incorporates disorders that are not autism.

The missing link in autism requires a paradigm shift in thinking that must include genetic susceptibilities, environmental triggers, as well as timing and development.

Autism: What's Going on Biochemically

Autistic individuals suffer from a severe amount of oxidative stress, abnormal methylation biochemistry, and dysfunctional enzymes that cause food sensitivities, malabsorption, gut inflammation, and abnormal intestinal permeability. When triggered by environmental assaults, the effects can be devastating. Underlying chemistries include low zinc, toxic levels of copper, low vitamin D, and impaired B6 processing to name a few. Biochemical imbalances are far more sensitized in autism than any other condition making it so much more intense.

Autism Diet: the Role of GMOs and Other Environmental Triggers

Genetically modified foods and their chemicals (such as Monstanto’s glyphosate Round-up), vaccines, water and air pollution, are merely triggers to a preexisting, underlying, genetic predisposition. They are important, (and have greatly contributed to our overall genetic decline) but not the “single most important factor in the autism epidemic” as some would have you believe. It’s headlines like these that make treatment so confusing for individuals and caregivers alike, as all factors require equal attention in the care and treatment of autism.

Keep in mind that any substance that is tolerated by one individual may not necessarily be tolerated by another. Any substance that is tolerated by itself may not be tolerated in the presence of other substances (synergistic toxicities). In other words, there’s no one size fits all. The take home is that an organic whole foods diet devoid of GMO’s, and gluten and dairy products is not enough. The diet must be custom tailored to the patients biochemistry.

In fact, many foods that are deemed healthy and nourishing, such as bone broth, can create immediate, violent behavior in an autistic individual. In the case of bone broth, it was the free glutamates that created what my patient’s mother called a “Jekyll and Hyde like transformation” of violent, verbal outbursts, whereas just minutes before consumption, she was a “sweet girl.”

Using Synergistic Efforts in Autism Treatment Through Biochemistry

I have found that synergistic efforts work best in the treatment of autism. For example, when dietary changes are in synergy with immune modulation and strategies to correct methylation and transsulfuration, the patient responds very well. As a result, many of the behaviors associated with autism, such as: stimming, violent rage, severe anxiety, depression, lashing out, emotional instability, are greatly diminished.

Tips for Adult and Adolescent Caregivers

Figuring out what to eat is often very difficult because the autistic patient is inherently picky, and also afraid of food. This is because to them, it’s a “monster that makes me feel bad.” Sadly, I speak with too many folks that do not realize the impact food has on themselves or their child, and miss this important part of treatment.

We live in a world where home preparation and planning of food is a must. This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself or your child. If you are going to be out of the house for a while, pack a cooler with your food and some blue ice blocks. I do this all the time when I’m shopping. I simply pull out my cooler and eat in my car when I need to, then go about my day without the worry of where to find decent food that’s appropriate for my chemistry.

Adopting a regular eating schedule of protein-rich foods creates purpose and continuity. It also supports blood sugar regulation and elimination of yeast toxicity, which is another common component of autism. Yeast feeds on sugar, and when it is consumed, will create drug-like effects and an intense desire for more. Even in small amounts, sugar can create a cascade of acute, adverse symptoms.

If there are textural challenges, food can always be masked with something else or broken down. For example, caregivers can mix ground beef with a parsnip puree for palatability. This is also a good medium for taking powdered nutrients, such as inositol for calming, when pills are difficult to swallow.

Why a Non-GMO Diet Doesn't Heal Autism

As I mentioned previously, there is no one size fits all even if two people have similar chemistry. Two autistic patients may have identical lab numbers, but the impact of those numbers will vary significantly. This also explains why food choices and guidelines must be custom tailored to the individual and adjusted over time. Again, an organic whole foods diet devoid of GMO’s, and gluten and dairy products is not enough. Keep in mind that most GMO free products are still heavily processed, and are often loaded with sugars and additives that can significantly impact an autistic patient’s underlying biochemistry.

I cannot stress enough the importance a custom tailored diet is to the healing process.

With compliance, I have found that adolescents and adults alike prefer home cooked meals over fast or processed foods, especially when healing starts to really bear fruit. The key here is compliance and faith in the process.

I’d be honored to help you navigate through all the confusion and overwhelm with a protocol that is appropriate for your unique chemistry.

If you would like, schedule a session with me so I can help you navigate food choices that are in your best interest based on your biochemistry. 



Northern California Outreach Clinic

May 2-4, 2015
New and existing patients can call our Main Clinic to make an appointment at:
Embassy Suites
150 Anza Boulevard
Burlingame, CA 94010
For hotel questions and accommodations:

Autism One Conference

May 26, 2016
Dr. Mensah presents: "Bio-Nutrient Therapy: An evidence-based model for autism recovery"

Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel, North River Rd., Rosemont, IL 60018

Click to Make Reservations

Southeast Florida Outreach Clinic

June 28-29, 2016
New and existing patients can call our Main Clinic to make an appointment at: 
For hotel questions and accommodations:

Nauseous after Vitamin Dose?

Patients can alleviate symptoms of an upset stomach from your vitamin dose by using ginger. If you suffer from nausea after taking your vitamin dose, there are a couple things you can do to help avoid that feeling. Most patients who have nausea can simply avoid the feeling by eating more food just prior to taking their morning dose. In addition, patients can use ginger to help calm the stomach: fresh ginger, ginger capsules, ginger lozenges, ginger tea. For best results, take it with or directly after your vitamin dose to help calm your stomach.

Titration Tips

Patients should visit our Nursing Tips Blog for information on titration during the first month of supplementation. Titration is for patients with unpleasant symptoms.  If you believe you may need titration, we suggest you call our nursing line and leave a message with your call back number, and one of our nurses can advise you. You can also read our article with general guidelines for titration. The titration advice your nurse gives you during your consultation should be followed if it differs from the general advice offered in our online article.

If you don’t hear from the pharmacy after you get your information packet, you can give them a call.

From time to time there may be a slight delay in response from the Village Green Apothecary due to a fluctuating volume of orders. If you have not received a phone call from the Village Green Apothecary within 72 business hours of receiving your information packet, you can contact them by phone at: (301) 530-0800, prompt #4, Ben Lazri, RPH.

Our Patient Forms are available online through our website.

New Patient Forms

If you have made your initial appointment but have not yet been to the clinic, you can click this link:  New Patient Forms, to download and print this 8 page packet. The forms will take some time to complete, so feel free to complete them at home and bring them with you at your first appointment.

Monthly Progress Report Forms

If you have had your initial appointment, you should download our Monthly Progress Report Form. Wait until 30 days after you have begun your Advanced Nutrient Therapy protocol to fill out this form the first time. 

The Monthly Progress Report forms can be emailed to: with the subject line "Mensah Medical Attn: Nurse" or faxed to the nurse line at: (630) 791-9554.


Samantha Gilbert is a Nutritional Therapist and Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner who works with Mensah Medical patients on dietary plans that compliment patient biochemistry results.

Samantha’s new clients receive a 1 hour comprehensive assessment from her. She provides them with an online assessment to complete prior to their initial phone consultation with her where patient health history, emotional traits and triggers, and environmental influences are discussed with her.

Mensah Medical patients who become clients of Samantha Gilbert get a customized dietary protocol based on their biotype and nutrient protocol from Drs. Mensah and Bowman. She will also provide her clients with recipes and supportive action guides.

All Mensah Medical patients receive a special rate. For more information, Mensah Medical patients can contact Samantha through her website by clicking here.

Click the image to download the National Autism Indicators Report, a publication series produced by the AJ Drexel Autism Institute's Life Course Outcomes Research Program.
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