April 18, 2016: Are You Blocking the Way to Jesus?
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Dear <<First Name>>,

Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me! Luke 18:39

This verse has challenged me every time I have come upon it. Here is the story of a blind man crying out for Jesus and the disciples and others were doing everything they could to block his way. I wonder how many times I have been a hindrance to others in their quest to connect with Jesus. As I reflect on this, I believe there are three primary ways we may block others. 

1) The first is simply by our actions. What we model in our home, with our family, in the work place, and in the world either reflects the glory of Christ and His reality in my life or deflects it. When others observe me, am I exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit who has taken up residence in the dark places of my soul, or am I still exhibiting the fruit of my flesh. Anger, impatience, unforgiveness, and lack of love keep others from seeing my witness for Jesus. 

2) The second is by my words. Are my words the kind that bring peace to every situation? Can people tell by my speech that my heart is being purified. Since my words are the best indication of what is happening in my heart, am I blocking others from Jesus with my words. In this account, the people's words were controlling and dishonoring to this man. Do my words honor others?

3) Lastly, am I blocking people from Jesus by my lack of compassion? When we do not consider others better than ourselves and spend time elevating and dividing ourselves from others, we show that Jesus is really not the Lord of our lives. 

The last thing I want my life to be about is blocking others from Jesus. Let us live our lives fully committed to living and reflecting the life of Christ in a deeper way every single day. Let us confess our faults and repent of our actions, words, and lack of honor that are keeping others from seeing Jesus. This is our mission. Let's get on with it.

Here is today's reading.



Pastor Stuart


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