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This week we're diving right into the "meat" of being a plant eater (haha). All jokes aside, this is a touchy, emotional, confusing topic for most people. After all, if they serve it in schools and hospitals, offer it at every grocery store, and it's been the bulk of every meal you've eaten since you can remember, then how could meat be so bad?

The tides on this topic are slowly changing. The research coming out of the medical and environmental fields is confirming that meat is a leading cause of destroying our health and a leading cause of destroying our planet.

It's easy to ignore these truths - to continue doing what you've always done and eating what you've always eaten. It's much harder to accept it and start changing your habits. We think the path to change is 150%, without a doubt, no questions asked, worth it. And we want to help you make it happen.

Now, for some real talk…

It's Not Good For You...

People who eat meat are putting themselves at a higher risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and a host of other preventable diseases. Even the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans now suggests eating less meat. 

Meat might contain protein, but that protein comes with lots of baggage - disease-causing cholesterol, saturated fat, trans fat, and other cancerous compounds. It's void of all the good stuff - cancer-fighting antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients. So, don't fall for that Paleo/low-carb/high-protein nonsense. It might make you skinny tomorrow, but eventually it's going to make you sick.

...or the Earth

Most people are embracing the idea of taking care of the environment. We want to be green, sustainable, etc - we want to help fix climate change. We drive hybrids and recycle. We buy "natural" household goods and turn the water off when we brush our teeth. We buy organic and shop with reusable grocery bags. But when it comes to giving up meat, we don't see the connection. Guess what? Raising animals for food is the #1 offender to our planet. Check out this infographic:



Crowd It Out (Go 50/50)

If you aren't ready to go "cold turkey", that's totally okay. Start nudging out meat by cutting down your portions and adding more veggies, beans, and whole grains. Instead of beef tacos, replace half the beef with black beans. Instead of four pieces of lunch meat on your sandwich, try one piece with a spread of hummus. Give your taste buds time to adjust and your brain time to accept that a meat-free meal can be hearty, satisfying, and crave-worthy!

Dig Into Some Books and Movies

  • From how to reverse heart disease, to the best weight-loss diet, will explain (and entertain!) why meat is not part of the health equation.
  • Watch Cowspiracy (also available on Netflix)

Add Umami

Umami is known as the fifth flavor. It's responsible for the savory flavor we associate with meat. Lucky for us, we can get this yummy flavor from vegetables like tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, seaweed, vinegars, and miso paste.

Start Making Swaps

If you're not eating meat, then what the heck do you eat?? Don't panic, we've got you covered.

Whole, plant-based foods are the "holy grail" for meat replacements - the healthiest choices. Think beans, lentils, edamame, tempeh and tofu. That being said, meat alternative products can be fun, tasty, and really helpful when you first start decreasing meat. Our suggestions:





Seaweed gives a great "fishy" flavor! We sprinkle dulse flakes on ramen, soups, and stir-fry.




A final note: don't let the fear of giving up meat entirely hold you back from making little changes. If tomorrow you eat two meat-based meals instead of three, that's progress worth celebrating!

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Missed the last guide? It was the guide to fueling exercise, and you can find it right here. First newsletter? Find all past issues right here

Thanks for reading,
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