Taking the Gospel to the Nations, so that, "A great multitude..from every nation..standing before the throne" may happen!  Revelation 7:9
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Year End Celebrations

It always amazes me how quickly the school year comes to an end.  This week I am having the last coaching conversations with my campus leaders, celebrating and evaluating the year. Some of them are going on summer mission trips and others to work internships.  One other is staying on location and continuing to reach out to the internationals who are taking classes this summer.  

It would be impossible to share all the stories, but the following is an excerpt from the prayer letter of Ruthanne Price who leads the Bridges ministry at Boise St. University.  I have coached her for several years.  It has been fun to see what God has done in their ministry this year.  Celebrate with us!  “Yuka from Japan, who accepted Jesus in December, and Nayoung, a strong Korean believer, got to be “besties” when they came to our house Christmas Eve and are now both meeting with American student Amanda. Nayoung wanted to be trained how to share her faith and disciple someone so she is learning as Amanda disciples Yuka! Yuka is getting prepared for her return to Japan in May and we have given her the info for Cru in Japan so she can continue to grow in her faith.

This reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to tell you about.  Bridges International has developed a website called “Sending Pad”  www.sendingpad.com  Students like Yuka can go there to enter their information.  The hope is, a student can be connected, without any delays, with new friends and people to continue to help them grow in their faith.  

The theme of our staff conference was Being Sent into the World, and Being Sent Well.  There were talks about being aware of what specific things “passions” God has given us as “sent ones”.  We, as staff, also heard updates on the ministry Bridges has done as a whole.  Sending international students back to their home countries who are equipped to do ministry the rest of their lives is our end goal!  If Bridges International can get this a little sharper and clearer, we literally would see the Gospel preached to the ends of the earth!

Staff Conference 2016

Praise God for the 270 participants who gathered last week in Vancouver, British Columbia for “BUILD”—Bridges’ biennial staff conference.  It was a wonderful time of spiritual refreshment, ministry training and fellowship in a beautiful Canadian city that is populated by people from throughout the world. Pictured below, my sis and I got out of the hotel for a little fun one sunny afternoon!  Where are my sunglasses?  On a more serious note, I learned many things.   There are 5 million students in the world who study outside their own countries.  We have 1.3 million in the USA, but this leaves 3.7 million in countries like Korea, Australia, Ukraine and so on.  As an organization, we have trained our eyes on this whole scope. Our work together has never been more important!  Thanks for all you do to participate in this good work!  

In Christ,


My Prayer Requests:
1.  The people I coach; Jordan, Audrey, Becca & Jaclyn are finishing their studies and being sent into the world for this summer.  Pray they would be a witness to their family & friends, spend consistent time with Jesus, and be ready to continue leading their campus ministries this fall.
2.  I need to meet many potential financial partners this summer in order to raise the finances I need to continue this worthwhile work in the fall. Pray for me!!

Support Raising in Oregon

Before our staff conference in Vancouver, BC, I spent some time in Portland, OR talking to present financial partners and looking for new ones to join my team.
Here I was taking advantage of a sunny afternoon to visit Multnomah Falls.  I used to hike up these falls when I lived in Oregon!
As I said in my prayer requests, I'm trusting God to lead me to new prayer and financial partners.  Cru has no central funds to pay the salary and other financial needs of its staff members.  It is a faith journey, but one that I kind of enjoy.  Pray that I would ask in faith and be able to add 30-40 new financial partners to my team this summer.  Thank you!

These lovely girls are Yuka & Nayoung from Boise State University.  They were the students in the quote from Ruthanne Price's newsletter!


Our End Goal
Revelation 7:9
So that, "A great multitude..from every nation..standing before the throne.."

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