Our mind and body are connected in fascinating ways. Have you ever experienced an upset stomach on the same day as a big meeting or event? It’s the body’s way of responding to stress. The connection is also valuable for inner health. 
When we feel confident and radiant on the inside, it shines through to those around us.  By feeding our body with nourishing food, encouragement, and kindness, we can reduce stress, improve energy, and glow from within!

Let Your Inner Beauty Shine Through

Cantaloupe and Mango – These sweet summer fruits are loaded with nutrients benefiting skin. They contain vitamin A, important for the growth of new cells keeping skin looking young and healthy. They also contain vitamin C, an important antioxidant essential to collagen. Collagen is a protein that provides elasticity, and thus tightness, to the skin. Make a fruit salad for a delicious, skin-benefiting treat!

Leafy green vegetables – Greens, like kale, swiss chard, and collards are touted for their fiber, folate, iron, and calcium. But did you know the vitamin K they contain can reduce visible veins? Varicose veins are caused by weakened valves causing blood to collect and veins to weaken.1 Vitamin K is important for vascular health and normal blood clotting.

Nuts and Seeds – These ballgame-friendly snacks are also friendly to skin tissue! The vitamin E in nuts and seeds (like sunflower seeds) is a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals damaging tissue. Fighting free radicals keeps skin looking young and radiant.

Seafood – Seafood benefits skin with its protein and healthy fat. However its high dose of zinc makes it especially unique. Seafood has more zinc than any other food. This mineral is necessary for hair follicle health, skin cell turnover, and healthy mucous membranes—providing protection to the mouth, nose, and eyelids among other things.

Water! – This important liquid is significant to glowing from the inside out. Health professionals often mention drinking water as an important habit for maintaining bright and radiant skin. Like other organs needing water, your skin is an organ that needs water to be as healthy as possible.

Vitamin K: The missing link to prostate health
1. Donaldson, Michael S.
2. Medical Hypotheses , Volume 84 , Issue 3 , 219 - 222

Tips for a Radiant Mind

Choose a mantra. Your mantra (daily motto) can change from day-to-day. Think of a phrase that will help drive you forward. Remind yourself you are strong, capable, and have unique abilities to share with the world. Say to yourself, “I can do challenging things". Use your mantra to motivate yourself to start a task, get through a tough workout, make healthy eating decisions, or build positive relationships.

Find a breathing technique that works for you. Counting breaths, in and out, draws attention away from the stressor and focuses your mind on the present. It can be different for everyone. Some people close their eyes. Some sit cross-legged. Some exhale with the mouth open. Find what centers you and makes you comfortable.

Encourage others. Another way to draw attention away from a stressor is to focus on someone else. Boosting someone’s confidence or helping them with a problem will in turn, build your confidence and give you more strength.

Focus on the moment. It’s not easy and takes practice! By constantly reliving errors of the past and worrying about the future, the present moment gets pushed aside. Immerse yourself in the current moment. Pay attention to little joys around you and practice gratitude for where you are.
Apple-Cabbage Smoothie

10_Apple-Cabbage Smoothie

No need to fall into a citrus and berry rut to get in your Vitamin C. Purple cabbage yields a good amount of Vitamin C and adds a a striking color. This smoothie is a powerhouse of vitamins for rejuvenating the skin. Bottoms up to flavor and health benefits!

1 small, green apple (cored and cubed)
¾ cup purple cabbage (roughly chopped) (Vitamin C)
½ cup frozen blueberries (Vitamin C)
1 Tablespoon chia seeds
½ cup coconut water or regular water

Directions: Put everything in a blender. Blend and pour.

For more anti-aging smoothie recipes, check out: 25 Anti-Aging Smoothie Recipes for Revitalizing, Glowing Skin by Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN.

Quote of the Month
“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

- Buddha
ABOUT Allison Topilow
Allison Topilow, MS, RD, CEDRD, CDN, is a private practice nutritionist in New York City and New Jersey. In her private practice, Eat and Be Well, Allison specializes in eating disorders, weight management, pre/postnatal nutrition, family nutrition, and general wellness. She also counsels individuals seeking guidance for cardiovascular health, vegetarian nutrition, sports nutrition, diabetes, meal planning and disease prevention. Allison emphasizes making realistic lifestyle changes and will focus on healthful eating patterns, physical activity and behavior modification. Using a non-diet approach, she will help you to eat mindfully and intuitively. Allison will work with you in a nonjudgmental environment to learn how to listen to your physical hunger and fullness and develop a more healthful relationship with food. 
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