stanford center on poverty and inequality

Featured Research
Academic Achievement and Socioeconomic Status

Sixth graders in the poorest school districts score an average of more than four grade levels below their peers in the richest districts, according to new research by CPI research group leader Sean Reardon and his coauthors. 
New Education Data Archive

Explore the brand new Stanford Education Data Archive! The archive includes test scores from 200 million standardized math and reading tests given from 2009-2013. The publicly available data allow anyone to obtain detailed information about American schools, communities, and student success.
Coming of Age in the Other America

In a new book, CPI research group leader Kathryn Edin and her coauthors highlight the resiliency of some of the youth in the nation’s poorest neighborhoods and show how the right public policies might help break the cycle of disadvantage. 


Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century

Missed our conference on the future of poverty measurement? Check out our videos addressing how we can measure poverty better:

What Leads to Large Achievement Gaps?

University of Toronto professor Anna Chmielewski considers how educational attainment in the U.S. stacks up against that of peer countries in the sixth installment of our “State of the Union” video series.

Talks and Events

Sociology Department Colloquium: Sean Reardon

CPI research group leader Sean Reardon examines the relationships among family socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, segregation patterns, and inequality in educational outcomes.   

Thursday, May 5, Mendenhall, 12:30pm

The Future of Higher Education in the Bay Area

This panel explores how the Bay Area can nurture its colleges and universities to make the region’s economy resilient and opportunity widely available.

Thursday, May 5, Barnum Hub, 4pm

Yellowface: A Comedy about Race and Identity

What is identity, and who gets to define it? This question is the centerpiece of Stanford Asian American Theater Project's production of Yellow Face.

Thursday May 5 - Saturday May 7, Elliott Program Center, 8pm

A Culture of Identity Choice

Tufts University professor Natalie Masuoka argues that Americans increasingly accept the idea that individuals can choose identities that were once seen as immutable.

Wednesday, May 18, Brandon Room, Black Community Services Center, 12pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 5H79AE000101-05 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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