1st Newsletter HOORAY!!!
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"What the hell is this?" I hear you ask, so let me tell you...

(I might be just a little bit excited!)

So how do you even start a newsletter?

It's all well and good talking about starting a newsletter, promising you that I won't SPAM you with an email so boring it might as well be read in congress, but then it's a totally mind warping thing to actually do it.

So here I am doing it.  I hope you like it!


One of the things that I have wanted to do this year is to read more.  But I'm too fussy for my own good.  I will NOT read on a Kindle or whatever the cool kids are using nowadays, oh no thank you.  It might be the hair talking, but NOTHING can beat holding a book in your hands.

But buying books is an expensive process, especially if you're not sure that you're going to enjoy it, so here's what I'm thinking...

We round up 12 people (or 24 or 36 depending), each person then buys one book, they read that book within a month and write a short little review on the inside cover. We all post the book that we have read to the next person on the 1st of every month.  The only catch is that you kind of HAVE to be committed, it won't work if one person drops the ball.

Whose in?  If you're keen drop me a mail on

It's occurred to me that I might actually thrive under stupid amounts of pressure.  I can't really explain this phenomenon, but when Mandy affirmed to me that the "old Cindy is back" after reading some of my latest posts, well I did a little happy dance.  I can only put it down to the fact I'm too stressed to worry about the little things that I usually worry about - like sentences that make sense and that kind of thing.
The World's Favourite Cookie is hiding out in the Waterfront this weekend - you should go check it out.  But if you don't get there, don't worry, this is the SECOND lot of goodies that I'm giving away to the subscribers of my newsletter.  Really - there's no other way to get it!


So be a doll and forward this on to your friends, because like we tell our children every day (and mostly when it comes to chocolate) - SHARING IS CARING!
How Do You Ever Leave The House With All THREE Kids?
Read more

Autumn Musings - All About Stress
Read it
How To Snapchat - So You Don't Have To Feel Out Of Touch
Learn more
Stumbled on this post the other day - it's the one where they recommended that we should ABORT KNOX! Imagine we listened to them?!
Read all about it
Around about the same time, we celebrated our anniversary by staying at the Grand Daddy in Cape Town.  It's such fun to act like tourists in the town that you live in. Have you tried it?
Read all about it
Thanks for reading!  I hope that I haven't bored you to tears or made you want to rip your eyes out with your toenails?!

Have a super duper weekend!
Copyright © *2016* 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House, All rights reserved.

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Cindy Alfino - 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House · The Shadow Of Table Mountain · Cape Town, Wc S-8001 · South Africa

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