In front of you is the seventh newsletter of Reconstruction Women's Fund. Stay tuned, join, donate!!!
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A Little Revolution

Within its programme General Support, Reconstruction Women's Fund supported Counseling for Women with Breast Cancer – Jefimija from Užice, a group which has been, for 15 years already, dedicated to improving living conditions of women through supporting their rights – and first of all their right to health.
Jefimija has an elaborated programme of comprehensive, timely and the only accessible support in this county, that includes psychosocial, experiential and informational support to women with the diagnosis of breast cancer, whether newly diagnosed, recovering or with recidivant disease or metastases, as well as to their family members of other persons supporting them.  
Gender dimension as an important determinant of women’s health and intertwinement of issues of health, violence and poverty are the fields Jefimija members emphasize in their work with women, public lectures they hold and their cooperation with health institutions. Last year they worked with 40 young doctors and students of the Belgrade Medical Faculty whom they sensitized and introduced to the concept of gender and gender dimension of the disease, thus making “a little revolution” in the heads of these current and future doctors. “Some time after they are cured and stop coming to the Counseling, women often can not resist the influence of gender stereotypes and stick to the changes they made in order to get cured. Some of them come back to Jefimija because they want to get stronger, even though they are healthy, and some come back to us when they get metastases. We became fine-tuned into recognizing gender patterns that are closely related to internalized beliefs and attitudes that subconsciously shape the lives of women”. 
Their regular activities also include self-help groups of women who survived the disease and can be of help through providing information on therapies (what procedures to expect, what is hardest physically and psychologically, at which point women usually lose hair, where to find wigs etc.), professional medical and psychological workshops, psychotherapy, hotline for information and psychological assistance to women and their families in moments of acute panic, as well as through art workshops as forms of nurturing creativity and relaxation and improving self-confidence and self-respect.
They plan to achieve better involvement of local community by negotiating with the associations of taxi drivers and hairdressers in order to get free rides for Jefimija members when going to chemotherapy and free maintenance of wigs as well as free first visits to hair salons after their hair starts growing again. They also plan to extend their activities of experiential support to at least two towns west of Užice, where there is a lot of women with breast cancer – Prijepolje, Priboj and/or Nova Varoš – in order to improve availability of support for women who live far away and can not directly use the services of Jefimija.
Official data of Užice Institute for Public Health show that Zlatibor county has significantly lower rate of mortality caused by breast cancer in comparison to the Central Serbia, and one of the reasons can be found in the work of Jefimija. Once, by chance, we heard two women talking and one of them was in the remission after breast cancer and was telling to her neighbour that all the doctors she „dealt with“ while on the therapy did not help her as much as Jefimija did. This woman had no idea who were we and if we had anything to do with Jefimija. It was important for us to hear this information from the best possible source, confirming that what we do does make sense. Thus, we did not need any magic tools for „monitoring and evaluation“ to „measure“ the results.
Critical Life, Spring
Disciplining works through inclusion and exclusion, whereby control works as everyone is included, but how?
So, discipline is interested in a kind of self/other/subject/object construction, whereby control is thinking about these micro-states of differentiation.
... because while discipline works at the level of identity, control works at the level of intensity.
Discipline and control are mutually entwined with each other and they are perhaps incoherent and disjunctive to each other, but are not necessarily incompatible. And they are produced through feedback loops and not in the kind of teleological progression...

This is Jasbir Puar whom you will soon hear/watch/read in the serial Sources of Epistemology: Critical Life, just after Wendy Brown who has already been announced.
Support Matters!
„General support from RWF is the essential support to our organization, especially in times when all women’s human rights that we seem to have had and support for realizing them are in danger of being abolished through various recurrences of dangerous social trends we see in Serbia at the moment.
RWF’s support enabled us to feel much more comfortable regarding successful realization of our programme of regular activities. At the same time, this support also implies the development of the organization. Therefore, we have overcome the developmental crisis due to both financial and logistic support through talks and new perspectives – i.e. general support fully reached its goal. The result is an organization with strengthened human resources and clear goals and objectives. General support gives us the freedom from making any kind of compromises that would be against our mission.
Equally important is the fact that this support makes it possible for us to plan our work through budget and not only through projects, which became very hard since, for various reasons, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain support for projects. It feels good when your task is to move forward, to grow, and you have enough space and „air” to make such effort without too much strain and losing breath.
If you work without the pressure of uncertainty whether you would be able to cover the expenses in near future, then you have a chance to work productively. And then you can also achieve a lot. That’s what this support means to us.”
Slavica Simić, Counseling for Women with Breast Cancer „Jefimija

SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence, Vlasotince
Your support provides sustainability, safety, higher capacity of the organization and efficiency in realizing certain activities. Thanks to the support, we efficiently and professionally hold workshops in schools and in our office. It's very important to us to achieve high quality of planned activities – which are the highest priority of our organization – without worrying whether we are financially safe. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to realize workshops and motivate young persons to attend them.

Svetlana Šarić, SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence, Vlasotince

Roma Center for Women and Children Daje
General support from RWS is important for our team since we know we can make a plan for the whole year and realize it with dedication. It means that we can make long-term plans and bring a process to en and and reach a tangible result. That’s how it was in the processes of providing psychological support to women, work with institutions, providing documents and monitoring court proceedings. General support enable us to prolong our work in certain settlements where it is needed.
On the personal level it provides our fees and thus gives the stability to our team, since each of us can plan her development and obtaining new knowledge and skills.
General support was the most helpful in making our work safe, recognizable, sustainable, as well as in networking and gaining acknowledgement.

Nada Đuričković, Roma Center for Women and Children Daje
Floods 2014-2016
Reconstruction Women's Fund started interventions in the field and informative fundraising actions “Sisters Are Doing It Best” as our form of rebellion against arrogance and spreading fear during floods in May: by the Church that blamed LGBT for the scourge of floods, by nationalist conservatives who wanted women to make corn breads for men working at embankments, by the State that censored exchange of information and thoughts among citizens. Our policy of solidarity has always been based on activism, cooperation, information sharing, inclusion and learning from each other, and these are ours and experiences of our closest collaborators.

When it all started, we entered a big invisible world – a world of displaced and expelled people, people who experienced floods or fires more than once, people who grew old and deprived of their rights, people with asthmatic children, with cancers, heart attacks, a world of widows, of families with many members. Living conditions in these settlements at the periphery are bad and poor. One can see the long history of negligence and exclusion, and the options these people can choose from are either to remain invisible or to get into danger. They fight for themselves by themselves alone. Our interventions are unexpected for them, and unusual for us: from buying a crib, looking for a chimney sweep, building a roof on tall pillars over a ramshackle house, lobbying for a channel to be cleaned, to finding accommodation and trying to stop the obstructions of the repairs we did.

This is the report that kept growing during the two years of our work, and we are proud to share it with you:

We are also presenting you the publication about the cooperation of (then) students of architecture with Reconstruction Women's Fund: A Model of Temporary Housing. From Concept to Realization: The Roma Settlement Example. We published the printed edition of this publication in January 2016, and virtual edition was published at the RWF website -

This book has a life of its own. This group of students who worked with us, today graduated architects already, was invited to present their project at the BINA (Belgrade Architecture Week) exhibition in May. In the meantime, their work was presented and awarded in the category Experiment/Research at the Salon of Architecture in the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. For the sake of all of us, it is good to see this profession recognizing what it should really do.

We are very grateful to the
Oak Foundation. Without its financial support, the activities we realized would be impossible. We would like to thank the Oak Foundation for the trust and recognition, as well as for the support we got when we needed it the most.
Meaningful and powerful circle!
Reconstruction Women's Fund develops the programme line Feminist Philanthropy through researching, learning about and applying the best ways to raise money for women and women's groups. Our action Sisters Are Doing It Best aims at supporting a specific person or a family in different troublesome situations.

We need to draw the public attention to the importance of the only local women's foundation that, throughout the 11 years of its work, distributes money across Serbia. Also, we need to open up towards others, to share our experiences and needs, and get heard by more people who could spare small donations to support the work of a women's group, a stipend for a woman or to invest into actions that mean a lot.

Every month we organize donation suppers in order to connect with our friends and maybe meet some new people who might come along with our friends and open new horizons! Exchange of information and advices is precious.

We are glad when after these meetings we get new individual donors who believe in our efforts to change the world and make it a place where women live better. Small donations from more and more people make our circle powerful and meaningful, and we are inviting you to join us and donate too!
Support us!
Join in the circuit of positive energy, donate for our programmes!!!

Reconstruction Women's Fund goes on with the campaigns and promoting local philantropy. We motivate our friends to think about investing in the future of women, women's groups and in the only women's foundation in Serbia. We keep raising money because Women are everywhere you go and women know where to go!

Instructions for payment to our bank account:
Account name: Reconstruction Women’s Fund
Address: Braće Baruh 6/41, Beograd
Account number: 205-0000000185125-38
*** Purpose: donation
Tax identification number: 103330891
Identification number: 17544420
All banks require you to determine the amount you want to donate and the day of the month when you want the amount to be taken off your account.

Instructions for fiscal sponsorship:
If you live in USA and want to donate to Reconstruction Women’s Fund, you can easily do it through fiscal partnership of RWF and Global Fund for Women. Your donation is tax deductible. To donate, follow the link: > > >
From September 19, after 10 years of RWF work, you may find a reconstructed RWF website at - read, watch and apply! For even more contents and faster exchange, visit our profiles at FacebookTwitter and YouTube!
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