Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. | June 14, 2016.

Australian visit, Richard Caro, July

Dear <<First Name>>:

This is a reminder that I will be in Melbourne during the weeks starting July 18th and finishing July 30th, partly on business and partly on pleasure. (The pleasure part will extend into August as well).

If you already contacted me about this trip, please ignore this email. If we did not yet swap emails, and you would like to interact while I am down under, let me know.

Tech-enhanced Life 
Since my last visit to Australia I have been pretty busy working on a project called Tech-enhanced Life. This is a public benefit company (cross between a for-profit and a non-profit) that has the mission of improving the quality of life of all of us as we grow older. We are exploring a number of different things, mostly involving technology of some sort. You can see what we are up to below.
Visit Tech-enhanced Life

If you see some potential for collaboration, or just want to learn more about what we are doing, send me an email.

Through TangibleFuture, I am still very engaged in helping companies that have some innovative science or technology, and need some guidance figuring out the best way to turn that into a profitable business.

If you think you might want some advice of this type, especially in the context of how things work in the USA, let me know.
Learn more at TangibleFuture

Let me know if you want to connect

If you would like to discuss my ideas, talks etc, or to talk about your business and how we might be able to help, please reply to this email as soon as convenient, as I would love to connect.


Richard Caro.

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