Spring 2016
Stanford Earth Insider
A quarterly newsletter for the Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences community

 School News

Students in Alaska

Learning by doing in Alaska

A powerful immersive course at the edge of wilderness helps Stanford students understand the connections between humans, nature, and sustainability. Video + story
Marcia McNutt

Tailored messages key to pro-environmental behavior

Science editor and soon-to-be president of the National Academy of Sciences Marcia McNutt (a Stanford Earth Advisory Board member) talks about leveraging knowledge to create sustainable impact.
Hawaii field program student

#EarthDayEveryDay@Stanford Earth

A slideshow and Stanford Earth Twitter campaign (Follow us!) created for Earth Day celebrates the activities of Stanford Earth faculty and students — all day, every day. See the pictures.

More Stanford Earth gear in bookstore 

New items in store: quarter zips, hoodies, coffee mugs, and umbrellas. Polos and water bottles coming soon. SAA alumni members, faculty and staff enjoy a 10% discount. Selected items on online.


Stanford Farm produce

Brunch at the Stanford Educational Farm during Stanford+Connects Bay Area

10:00-11:30am, May 21. Dean Pamela Matson invites alumni to the farm. Register by May 13.
Melting iceberg

Conference: "Setting the climate agenda for the next U.S. president"

8:45-4:30pm May 6. Features George Shultz and many others, Paul Brest Hall, Stanford. Register
California landscape

Earth Matters: What "Virtual Earthquakes can tell us about the Big One"

7:30pm, May 11. Features geophysicist Greg Beroza, Cubberly Auditorium, Stanford

In The News

Women in Africa/Natl Geo
Quotes Stanford Earth professor Rob Jackson.
National Geographic, April 21, 2016
Tanya Patrick (CISRO) photo
Stanford Trustees create climate task force and vote not to divest oil and gas.
Stanford University News, April 24, 2016
Stanford classroom
Class teaches students science communication skills. Submit a question to the student blog
Stanford Daily, April 25, 2016

Earth Matters - Research and Ideas


Protecting coral reefs with bubbles

Bubbles – yes, bubbles – could help protect coral reefs, oyster farms, and coastal ecosystems from increasing ocean acidification, according to PhD candidate David Koweek and Professor Rob Dunbar.
Mark Zoback

What's behind the Oklahoma earthquakes?

Geophysicist Mark Zoback explains that the spike in Oklahoma earthquakes is primarily due to the injection of wastewater from oil production. Video.

Pursuing Sustainability

In a new book, Dean Pamela Matson coauthors an integrated approach to sustainability for practitioners, academics, and students. Video

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