Spirit Of The Phoenix- Healing with Horses
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Let Go- of past experiences influencing future choices

Love- who you are even your uniquenesses

Dream Big- believing in your own ability to succeed.

The theme for this year's newsletters are about letting go, lovng yourself and dreaming big. I am going to share with you the lessons that have revealed themself working with the horses and people over the month, as well as my own lessons that I have learnt from life.

We have started to theme the post we put on our facebook page, looking at differet types of disabilities as we continue to change the conversation into one of celebration. Each month we are including an article of someone's experience with the horses and how it's helped them see their disability/ obstacle in a different way, which you will find at the bottom of this email.
Today's lesson- Is incredible!! What if your intuition is your INner TUITION

(This is a sneaky peek into an insight of what the next book is about.)

The horses have helped develop but most of all helped me trust in my intuition, that whisper inside that says to do something and some of the times me not knowing why, or thinking its obscure. But it always works out better than I could I have thought.

On the flip side when I don't listen to my intuition things don't go so well or an opportunity is missed.

For me intuition is our guidance system full of experiences to teach us something and help us receive that which we are asking for. But the interesting thing is this guidance system isn't based on fear it is based on truth of our unlimited potential.

We all have experienced moments when we new we should have followed our gut feelings, well what if you do for the next 7 days? I'd bet things would definitely run a bit smoother.

One of the most profound lessons in following my intuition is things don't have to be difficult, it may reveal a part of me I didn't know existed and most of all its ok to trust in myself even if it means going against the crowd once in a while.

Today's lesson- don't be afraid to ask for help.

It's becoming more apparent that people are afraid to ask for help sometimes because they think it makes them look weak, or other times it's because they have to say aloud that they don't know something.

Working around horses you are always learning, each day bringing its own challenges.

Yet they have demonstrated that there are times when you persist with what you know and there are times when you stop, ask for help from someone who has a solution for the problem and develop the skill for yourself.

I love life long learning and I love great teachers/mentors who bring out the best in a person but most of all gives them tricks and skills that they didn't have before which helps them reach their greatest potential.

The horses have and will continue to be a great teacher to mankind.

Today's lesson- reaching a point where you are healed.

This is something really interesting to see how each individual has responded to the healing path.

The healing path isn't something that you stay on forever, it is something that you move in an out of.

To see the realisation in people that they are healed and are ready to just go and have a whole bunch of new life experiences as this new person they have transformed into. This doesn't mean that later on in life it throws another curve ball and you need to jump back on the healing path, but it's not a place to stay forever.

I understand for some their 'condition' is life long but it still has its own ebbs and flows, I have an inspiring person I know who takes the opportunity when they are feeling well to live and then when back in the ebb jumps back on the healing path, but they are still full of life and flare.

I love the thought of constantly improving and learning new things, is fantastic, but be ready for the time when that problem, pain or perception is dissolved away and is no longer a problem but just another tale to your story.
Today's lesson- celebrating even the smallest of accomplishments.

This is one of the greatest lessons the horses have shown people. Sometimes a person can become so focused on trying to reach the end goal that they don't even notice all the other accomplishments they have made along the way.

There is a reason why the saying it's not the destination it's the journey has been around for so long because there is such truth and wisdom in it.

Red is definitely one to stop once she has succeeded at something normally pointing out to who ever is around that it is time to celebrate with a bum scratch.

By celebrating the small accomplishments it sure makes the journey more fun and the end goal seem less far away/ big as you celebrate instead of stress your way towards it.

So go and get a bottle of something and a sticky label write something down what you want to accomplish which will help you to be one step closer to you main goal- and once you have achieved it that's the time you open it and celebrate.
Today's lesson- no matter how busy life gets, or how many jobs are left to do on your list, there is always time to smile.
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A Journey of Empowerment  
Equine Assisted Therapy and DID

How she learnt to trust herself 

Dissociated Personality Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a mental disorder that results in two or more distinct 'personalities' that show in a person's behaviour. These alternating personality states are then followed by memory impairment that cannot be explained by the usual forgetfulness. DID can be triggered by a traumatic life event, in this case, it was initiated as a form of protection.

This is a story of transformation, acceptance and how a 'sufferer' of DID learned to love herself.

The identity of this person remains anonymous for protection purposes.

When she first came to Spirit of the Phoenix, she felt isolated, unloved and misunderstood. The condition means she is unemployable, as she never knows who will be waking up in the morning! Certain situations can trigger a child like state that leads her to cope with challenges differently to that which society deems acceptable. Before Spirit of the Phoenix came into her life she was incredibly aware of this fact and as a result suffered low self-esteem, low confidence and lacking in communication skills. Relationships were strained as she felt that she would be a burden to others and that they could not cope with her emotional reactions. Their assumptions and expectations of 'normal' behaviour were becoming too much and she valued herself less and less.

Enter Red, Mac and Naomi...

Through Equine Assisted Therapy, Naomi led sessions with both Red and Mac to work on self love, communication and teamwork. The lack of judgement and pure truth from the horses created a setting in which she could thrive. Red and Mac's unconditional love and lack of expectation allowed her to open up in a non-discriminating, accepting environment. Through the challenges faced during the therapy sessions she learned coping mechanisms that now enable her to squash the triggers that send her into the protective behaviour states.

Together they created a memory book and videos, which allow her to tap into her experiences with the horses. Whenever she is feeling vulnerable, she is able to go back to that place of truth and stability. Enabling her to regain control and navigate her way through various social situations in the real world.

Through various emotional activities carried out at Spirit of the Phoenix, she has learnt her true self worth, improved her confidence and has established building blocks on which to grow.

She set many goals with Naomi, Red and Mac, the biggest of which was to ride Red. However, she wanted to be a certain weight beforehand. She therefore set herself the target to lose three stone, which she achieved in six months flat. The days on end spent under the duvet are a thing of the past as she now has the confidence to exercise outside, enjoying riding her bike and walking the dog. 

The tools she has gained from working with the horses have enabled her to attend social and family gatherings as well as maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. She requires far less support from others as she is now able to cope with the everyday pressures of life. She is taking on more and more responsibilities and now feels that she can help and support others in their difficulties.

Her view of her 'disability' is now that of a gift; it has served as protection for her in times of trouble. But most of all it has brought people and opportunities into her life that she would never have experienced without it.

In her own words, she now describes something that we can all strive to achieve,

"Everyone is unique. Through having my disability I have discovered that it is OK to be me. That even though I am divided within myself, that I am whole - and that is what I am proud of. Accepting all parts of myself and loving them. My disability has taught me that I am important and deserve to live, to have a life, and most of all enjoy it! That I can laugh and have a joke. Spirit of the Phoenix and Equine Assisted Therapy has revealed my sense of humour".

She offers one further piece of advice "Be yourself! Love yourself for who you are and your uniqueness!"

Have A Great Day!
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