The world changes everyday here are some resources to help you go with the flow
Insights from the Edge
Thrive by Design - August 2016 - big changes

Greetings Thrive Tribe.

We have moved and are now at 586 The Parade at Auldana – in a dragon’s eyrie that overlooks the whole of Adelaide and is truly a fun and fab house with a beautiful energy attached to it already – the universe always does provide spectacular houses – a compensation for how often they move me lol.
Well it has been quite a while between newsletters and this is mostly because of a deep personal journey I have been on in the past year.
The process of metamorphosis – change from the inside out – is a lifetime journey – requiring a constant examination of ones’ beliefs, ones’ behaviours, ones’ emotional reactions to the created and co-created unfoldings of reality in which we find ourselves.


In the Heidegger world view we are thrown, fallen into a historicity, culture, society and family from which we absorb – like the blank slate of the Tao – all the stories, ways of being and how to think, feel and behave in certain situations – and in many ways this is how cultures and civilisations maintain themselves.
However for the individual person caught in any life, who also absorbs all of their personal families’ shadow material, inherited emotional trauma and other issues of containment and pain – this accumulation of all that we are and are allowed to be and not allowed to be, ensures that we are basically sleep walking in life.  Acting out the script of the play that we have been allocated and at the same time powerfully inhibited by the rules of such a life - from ever listening to the rumblings of our soul’s journey – which desires a great deal more from us than being an obedient servant of those that determine the rules and oversee their enactment, usually for the ruling elite’s benefit.
“The unexamined life is not worth living” – a quote attributed to Socrates explores this very reality. Why do we do the things that we do, why do we continually act out the same patterns of behaviour resulting in pain – when it is clear even to us – that it is not in our best interests. The question then becomes, who are we without this pain. What force or Daemon is waiting to emerge from the constrictions of such a proscribed life – that ever pushes us to question, to unshackle ourselves, to create the life Erotic and the world we wish to dwell in.

How do we go about this metamorphosis – from an unconscious human animal “doing” - to a conscious, aware and awake human “being”.
This is challenging and requires us to become engaged with all aspects of the being  - the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual bodies. It requires us to look at  where in the body we hold injury and pain, how we judge ourselves and others, patterns of emotional trauma that regularly repeat themselves despite our best efforts to the contrary and to tap into the deep psyche – creating a bridge from all that rumbles therein – determining all our reality – despite the delusional conscious mind’s or ego’s inflated self importance and desperate need to avoid change.
It is a necessary and powerful journey – to confront one’s fears and inadequacies,  the ability to be vulnerable, to surrender control, journey through the multi-dimensional reality of your inner landscape – to explore, to communicate, to face what we are – warts and all. As Publius Terentius Afer [commonly referred to as Terence] said over 2,000 years ago, “Let nothing that is Human be alien to me”.

In other words we must all own our projections – that which we disdain in the other is simply that which our script prescribed that we could not accept and own within our own being – so we repress it within ourselves – project it out and judge it as less than within the ‘other’.

As we are a forward looking predator as a species – we will continue to see it first mirrored in the world, however it is a mirror to our own unresolved reality and will continually present itself to us in many and creative ways until we own it. For in truth, “we do not see the world as it is – we see the world as we are” – and if you truly comprehend that ancient awareness – it is mind blowing in its capacity to allow us to own ourselves and suspend judgement.

Once it is owned and accepted as an intrinsic part of what it is to be human then it no longer needs to recreate itself externally in the other and so space is then created to move forward. And the Soul will ever seek forward movement. Intensity of emotion and experience is one of its’ greatest tools – it does not mind if the experience is good or bad as long as it is intense, for it is with these experiences our life is brought into intense focus and we will move towards pleasure and away from pain. The movement is the key for it shakes the dead wood from the tree and stirs the stagnation of a sleep walking life.

One of the great tragedies of the current human Apollonian existence in the walled city state – in which the Mind has been made god king - is that the rules for living mean that we are not allowed to experience and express our emotions. In a patriarchy such things are considered feminine, unpredictable, weak or just plain wrong and this has done us each personally great harm [irrespective of gender] and done society even greater harm – as evidenced by the plague proportions of depression, anxiety and fragmentation of being [up to and including disorders of thought].
 In the past 100 years these mental conflicts, fragmentations and illnesses has gone from afflicting one in one hundred, commencing statistically around the age of seventy, to now impacting on a third of the population [much more is my sense of it and going by the vast levels of prescribed mood stablilising and pain management medications which are now taken by 70% of the american population] commencing under 5 years of age.

In the suppression of the Dionysus or Feminine aspect of being, we have bottled up all that which would protest against our insane lives, that would roar and bellow and throw it out of our systems, that would listen to the clues of our deep psyche as to what is valuable and safe, worthwhile and important. Our emotions can, in one heartbeat,  inform us of a vast array of information – however as we are shut off from them – generation after generation – life time after lifetime – then we become these strangled replicates of what it is to be human, on the treadmill, being ground down as economic slaves throughout our existence, until we die – alone and afraid – parked somewhere out of the way – so everyone else can remain a useful unit of production until their turn comes.
And we call this life? I think not. However life in its’ infinite wisdom will continue to offer us again and again that which we most fear – until we release the fear of it and become compassionate towards ourselves first - in the creation and co-creation of what ever we fear - for our own elucidation.

When we build the solid bridge through the ego between the deep psyche and what we comprehend the outside world to  be [and the outside world is as different to each human as is their DNA – we all just assume everyone is like us and experiences the world as we do lol] - so that the aspect of Self, that knows how to navigate the river of our existence, and can recognise in the wondrous mirrors of our co-created reality and how we relate to that, all the wounds that require healing in order for us to become whole and complete – then we do indeed emerge from the chrysalis of our proscribed beginning into the butterfly of innate unfettered possibility.

The mad mind also needs to be brought under control – for in its exaltation and the exaltation of scientific ‘reason’ – while at the same time denying all other forms of knowing – we have driven the poor wretch quite mad.  As an ancient Taoist proverb proclaims – “the mind makes a very good servant but a very poor master” – and in the west in particular our exaltation of it has come at a terrible cost. For in only accepting what can be empirically evaluated to the mind – we deny a profound wealth of information that comes in to our field all day, every day.

We are taught as children to filter this out – get your head out of the clouds, stop dreaming etc – until we have become the prescribed cog in the machine built to milk your creative juices for the benefit of the machine makers – the system is not broken – they built it this way.

And so the mind must be brought under control – to recognise itself for what it is – a tool of creation but not the creator – so that innate consciousness may be free to flex – to unhouse us – to free us from the constraints of someone else’s world view of how we are meant to be.

When man placed itself  ‘outside’ of nature, when Logos [logic] was distorted into its current small world view and all things Eros [mystic] were dismissed as feminine and foolish – so too then did we set up the great battle within – between objective interest and psychic relatedness – and until we resolve this – we are going nowhere in terms of evolution and will continue to destroy ourselves, each other and life on the planet. If we are to change, truly transform our selves and transcend this madness then we must take an entirely different approach – and as our whole world is based on a concept of the Logos superiority and the Eros inferiority and everyone is playing the same game – then one can see how difficult it is to break free and emerge from the chrysalis of struggle into a unified field of awareness and transcendence – the numinous as it were.

So the key to metamorphosis is ownership of the self – everything we think, feel, say and do is one hundred per cent our own personal reality. Even if the way we do those things have been laid down in us – we as adults are perpetuating the myth and keeping ourselves in it. We are not at all responsible for anything that anyone else thinks, feels, says and does – even if we are co-creating it with them and even when we have been powerfully cultured to be responsible for what we are not – it is how we are bound to a life time of servitude and not living – by family, school, society, church and state. The perpetuation of the lie is gobsmacking in its complete domination of our lives. Handed on generation after generation ad nauseam.

And in owning it we must suspend judgement of it – for that which we resist we do indeed ensure persists absolutely. There is much that is put into our shadow realm that is wondrous, powerful, magical and mysterious – for no other good reason but that  it was done to our parents and so they did it to us.
In other words we were taught to despise aspects of ourselves and until we recognise that and
own it for ourselves we are forever at war with ourselves for that which was put away must come back and will not stop until you do – life times later if necessary.
It does not mean that you are going to suddenly go out and behave badly – it just means accepting, that given the right set of circumstances, you too could commit murder, theft, violence etc.  

You own the displaced pieces of self. It means shaking the tree free of the dead wood of our reality – most of which is not ours – and washing the dead bodies out of our deep unconscious, opening the heart to feel finally all the unresolved grief of not being allowed to be yourself – from birth.

This will begin a process of transformation and renewal – in which Logos and Eros – or mind and heart – work as one in rhythm with the wisdom of the body [which holds and harbours all your pain and unresolved conflicts until you are ready to release them] and with the flight of the soul.
In the Heidegger sense again we must extract our selves from all that we were born into and had laid down upon us and discover who we are without all that – and then when free – we need to reinsert ourselves back into the society from whence we came and work towards its’ transformation also.


The last step is quite rare and needs to become less so. Those who know [the literal translation of the word Saman – misheard as Shaman - from the Siberian Tungus is “the One who Knows”] who have worked this out and done the necessary training to free themselves from the illusion – tend to retreat from the absurdity of life – now that they recognise how truly absurd it is – and live on the fringe or have nothing to do with it at all.

A perfectly reasonable reality. The live on the fringe – where all kinds of real magic happens. We need them to come back into the mainstream – to facilitate others knowing also and this needs to be being taught in primary schools – so that children can awaken and become aware before they have fallen too far into the sleep walking state. For then those who have been through the metamorphosis can facilitate it powerfully for others.
The death of my mother this year right on Winter Solstice also facilitated a deep shift for me. There is always a brief window of opportunity following the death of a significant loved one in which all the grief you have not resolved from this or any other reality – has an opportunity to move and I have been really struck by this – by the things that have entered my conscious awareness – that have not been there for years – and to release them.
Some of you may have been aware I have been on a very deep journey that began when Old Vajra – the Tibetan trained Buddhist monk that came to live with me some three years ago – that led to very deep connections with aspects of my own psyche and awareness that over this past deep year - and a series of birthings, transformations and processes – in journeys with the Madre, ceremony and ritual – that have led to a new level of being in the world.
This is still an ongoing process and will run for another year [I get the sense of] and has led to periods of intense activity followed by deep rest.

The Winter Solstice process was the biggest one so far and I am only now – some 6 weeks later – beginning to emerge from it. The work I do is changing quite significantly in many ways and will continue to do so.

I now run meditations with the new and full moons each month and the new [ancient] energy I am connected to channels through to run these sessions – this is new for me – I am so familiar throughout my life working with lots of energies that have been channelled by others – and now it flows through me – those who attend are finding it very deep and useful.
There is a programme that will be launched this year – based on many things we already do and new things as well – as received by this energy – and this will all be built around the Solar Wheel and the turning of the wheel.

It will be a full year programme and as in nature – where we get to practice each year through spring, summer, autumn and winter – or birth, adolescence, adulthood and aging and death – so shall we journey through our own existence and as we journey the seasons of the wheel over the year so shall we journey through transformation of the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental or psychological bodies.
There will be a series of programmes to run throughout the year – people may participate in any or all of them and the turning of the wheel at Solstices and Equinoxes will be celebrated and worked with deeply to draw on the energies held there in for change and renewal as will the energies of the 13 New Moons and Full Moons of the year.
I am very excited about what is happening – it will include women’s and men’s initiations, conscious parenting, work for pregnant women to allow them to reclaim birthing as a profound initiation into the next layer of being [rather than as a medical procedure in which the mother is basically got out of the way so the babe can be cut out or forced out in other ways as a consequence of the interference] and in which mothers are properly prepared for this most mystical of experiences - in trust and love.
It will include Naming Ceremonies for new children arriving – in which we welcome all to love and support the child through out their journey from birth to death and beyond and puberty rites for adolescents in which we honour and welcome them into this new level of maturation [rather than ignore the profound changes that are going on].
It will include many things – right up to death and mortuary rituals – where we can truly release those who have died with honour and gratitude for all that this life has brought [rather than the empty and often meaningless rituals of church in which someone pontificates about someone they have often not even met]
This programme will be sorted soon and will then go up onto the web site at - a lot of what is already up there will be renewed and refreshed so pop on over and check out what is coming.
The idea of the Diamond Heart Academy is coming into being now – to train new counsellors and healers in very ancient ways of working for a modern age for the four bodies of what it is to be human and beyond.
In the meantime the counselling practices outlined below continue to be offered and the meditations are at every new and full moon.


Prue is a Transpersonal Counselor, Art Therapist and Shamanic Practitioner.
Prue has over 30 year’s experience as a registered nurse in psychiatry and mental health, and has specialised in developmental psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, transpersonal counselling, trauma resolution and depth process work. She is also a qualified psychodynamic body worker and Lomi Lomi practitioner.
She has founded and taught in institutes and businesses that maximise human potential.
She works across the spectrum of life issues, transitions and crisis’ from conception to dying and death.
Her philosophy for healing is drawn from a wide and varied journey and she takes an eclectic approach. She uses mainstream models of healing as well as myth and ritual, ceremony, energetic and shamanic techniques. She has walked and trained in the Shaman’s path for over 20 years also.

contact her on 0419819089 to book a session

The Diamond Heart Academy 
The Diamond Heart Academy will offer, over time, and present, many tried and true, valued and trusted ancient systems of learning for training and education for the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well being and evolution of all who attend.

The purpose of the Academy is to bring that which has been hidden but maintained, in terms of education and training, over countless centuries into the 21st century.

Whilst under an umbrella of very real sacred and practical exercises that have been proven to bring forth the connected best of all who participate, there will unfold a series of exacting and methodical fields of study that will approach the human in its care from every level.

The correct approach to this will facilitate an academy of learning that will not only bring out the best in the students that attend – it will also facilitate these same students in moving beyond the teachings into their own creative endeavours that will in turn feed back into the hermeneutic of the perfect unfolding spiral of human genesis in and of the mirror of the Dharmakaya.

As the foundation is created in the mold of what is possible in perfection within the diamond consciousness and mind - what can unfold is a vehicle of transformation and transmutation in which all desires and passions of the human egoic state can be forged and directed into a gestalt that is much larger than the sum of its parts.

This will incorporate real magic and alchemical tools from the ancient blood rites and proven masteries of energetic reality to enhance all education, training and work that will flow from the academy.

The philosophy and mission of this Academy flows from a committed and motivated desire for a better world for ourselves, our children and grandchildren and for all life that dwells on this planet and beyond.

The workings of the Academy will be to move beyond the current outmoded forms of education that are filled with blockages to the energetic systems in order to hold an empire in place, into a new free flowing energetic system in which there are no limitations to what can be manifested - outside of the limitations of our own imaginations.

The duality of this consciousness and its judgments about what is good or bad or right or wrong will be superseded within the Academy, to facilitate a free flowing of energetic reality beyond such mundane concerns; and the denial of powerful energy such judgments create within each individual attempting to grow and evolve. As this is achieved for each student then the chaotic turbulence of thwarted energetic fields may begin to flow in a coherent fashion as a powerful river that will facilitate much that is beyond visibility at this point.

Every step of this foundation and building of the Academy will be guided by meditations within the Vajrasattva principles of existence to ensure that all builders and facilitators may not get lost within their own egoic desires and thus can continue to work for the group mind for the betterment of all that lives.

This will be critical due to the countless incarnations of all of us in the individual need and greed training that has beset this planet during the last Yuga that is critical to overcome.

The alchemical education and training provided by the Academy in its wisdom and potential - will indeed bring the real magical and mystical path into being - in which we are all connected to the diamond light and power within the inner planes of our existence – this then being the blue print for what we bring forth into the world.
What can be harvested or brought into fruition from this is indeed magical and will result in things at this point beyond comprehension.

As we gather with one thinking heart and one feeling mind so then shall we open the doors to other realms and dimensions, through which will come profound teachings and guidance facilitating a loving and compassionate form to arise.

The SambhogaKaya and the NirmhaKaya – the perfecting Yoga reality shall unfold, bringing into being an academy built on impeccable integrity and trust.

Built on the Elemental considerations of Alchemy and its practice, this will incorporate an innate insight and understanding and training -

In the principles of Earth – in which the extension of form is through which a being occupies space.

Through the principle of Water – which is the cohesion or the glue which holds it all together.

Through the principle of Fire – the dharma of energy exchange – a combustion in which the full range of temperatures facilitates different realities.

Through the principle of Air – which through the process of vibrating the periodic cycling facilitates movement of all things.
And this all falls into space and cosmos which includes relativity and spatial relationships.

The principles that will be brought to light and life through the Academy apply and are found in all life, in all forms - and it is for the betterment of all that lives that the Academy will be formed and maintained. 


 Simone Douglas at Social Media AOK continues to provide excellent programmes in all platforms of social media - both in setting it up for your company and managing it - and in training your staff to maximise the fastest growing sales strategy in the business now. 

The Business Review Weekly said that social media is growing sales in business at a rate of 20% compared to mainstream media sales growing it at 1.4 to 1.9% per annum. Its a no brainer really so check them out!! 

Follow the link to contact her and discover how powerfully social media . They are amazing - follow this link for more information -

What's Coming Up

The Diamond Heart Academy and Thrive by Design are delighted to present:

A direct channeled meditation by the entity known as St Germaine - greatly evolved these days - as everything in the cosmos is expanding and changing. 

"The Vajra Violet Flame" - by Vajra St Germain

I have been working with this energy for some time now and it has led to the most wonderful changes in my life - and I am very grateful to Vajra for initiating this and his ever present willingness to be available to channel these remarkable energies who are here to help us make the transition. 

Through this entity - known as St Germaine - although they are all evolving now - I have met a cosmological pantheon of energies - from those involved in the crafting of the blueprint of our existence and creating the simulation of Earth, to those who have assisted over the aeons of our known and predominately unknown history. 

I have met dark and primordial forces through this - and learned much about our nature and the nature of the cosmos we inhabit. I have locked horns with them occasionally and their patient good humour with my human foibles and fantasies, combined with their consistent, unfailing loving presence in my life has changed me in ways I cannot begin to explain. 

So it is my great pleasure and privilege to offer you a remarkable CD - the real deal - that is accompanied by a booklet of ancient chants and mantras for clearing the samskaras - or emotional wounds from countless lifetimes and this one. 


Follow the link to purchase directly this amazing transformative CD - that opens the door to the inner planes of existence and takes you on a journey to your own Divine Sacred Mystery - this is an opportunity to set your self free from life time patterns of blocked creativity and freedom. An opportunity to change the way you relate to the world. It will be posted within 24 hours.


Prue 0n 0419819089 or at

Meditations -August schedule  - Wednesday 3rd at 7pm and Wednesday 17th at 7pm for the New and Full Moons this month

There is a new energy to match the rising feminine that has arrived - an energy that has not been here for aeons - but who is back - with profound healing for all who are willing to encounter her. 

She will be channeled directly into the meditation circles in connection with the Moon's energies - the New Moon in Leo on the 3rd and the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 17th. 

All who have encountered her so far find her energy "awe inspiring", "massive", "powerfully releasing and clearing", "intense".

If you wish to attend please contact Prue on 0419819089 to book a place as places are limited. Cost is $20. 

Services Offered by the Diamond Heart Academy and Thrive by Design:

Anxiety and Depression are exploding in terms of diagnosis and severity - and the main stream models of "treatment" are struggling under the weight of it. 
There are other approaches that are much more effective in getting to the root cause of what ever is out of balance in your life and causing these symptoms - and releasing them from the system - dare to be different - to heal your self - from the inside out - rather than from the outside in [ie meds] which will only serve to numb you against the pain - but do nothing to resolve the issue in the heart of things! 

Prue speaking on what makes Thrive by Design's approach different -

What is Transpersonal Counselling - What is it and Why would I. 

Appts available by contacting Prue at or on 0419819089

It can be quite hard to describe in some ways however here are some of the things that are often repeated to clients when working in this way. 


What comes out of someone else’s mouth is not about you.

People do not see each other – they see a projection of the other – all the things they are yet to resolve or understand within themselves, are projected out onto the other and disliked, rejected, hated or fought about there.

We are of course all in active acts of creation and co-creation with self and others so it can be useful to hear what is being said with honour – however take out of it only what is of use to you and let the rest fall on the ground without reaction or even comment if needed. Some times we teach best by saying nothing at all remember.

When someone is pointing the finger at you and saying “You……….” – simply change the word ‘you’ to the name of the person doing the speaking and you are quite close to what is actually being said at this point lol. Remember when one finger points out – three fingers point back – that is where the truth lies. For the person doing the talking and pointing. This applies to us as well as them – when you catch yourself doing this – stop and own it work it out for yourself and once the emotion is dissipated and the communication is open – there may not be much left to say at all lol.

How do you know when you are in a projection? If you are having an emotional reaction to what ever is going on and the communication lines have broken down – it’s that simple peeps – if either of that is going on then you are caught in your own pain – step back and sort it.

counselling post - zen

Stay in the Moment – dwell there.

This is difficult but absolutely necessary. Most people live in the past or the future. In the past anguishing about what went wrong or caught in a sub conscious wound that simply wont let go. When we do that it is a powerful entrapment for we are living and behaving as if that ancient process were still going on and if we do that – it may as well be. Patterns of wounding and pain will give you clues to when you are doing this – ‘not this shit again’ – type of thing. We all have them and we all recognise them however without help we are often struggling to free ourselves from them. There are many powerful tools that can immediately help with this, however as a first regard – stop and witness it. Here I am in this rubbish again!

When ever we do this we are using the past to recreate painful aspects of it, again and again in the present and we will keep doing it until it is resolved - for each of the wounds in our subconscious must heal and will continually recreate themselves in the current moment in an effort to bring them selves to conscious awareness. However each time it appears it is as painful now as when it was created and we push it away again – it is how we end up in patterns of the same shit, different day, different people, same shit. The wound constantly recreating itself and us constantly pushing it away.

Or we are dwelling in the future in the fear it is going to happen again. The ‘what if……” questions [always foretelling the worst possible outcome by the way] and the predicting of negative outcomes and worrying about it all. In other words using the past to recreate the future built on unresolved or inherited wounds while bypassing the present [the only reality we have] altogether – no wonder the world is in such a mess lol.

counselling voice

The Voice in your Head is Not Yours.

The voice in your head – you know the one – the nasty little fucker who constantly tells you that you are hopeless, useless, incompetent or guilty – and you may as well just do the world a favour and top yourself. We all have it. We have been listening to it all our lives. The Hold Fast Tyrant! The Super Ego or the Voice of Conscience are some of its names.

It is not you – it is the voices of your parents, your siblings, care givers, teachers [ a lot of whom should never be allowed near children in my opinion] and your society and culture about what you “should” or “Should not” be doing or being in order to maintain the status quo of the power brokers in your world.

It is just that you have been listening to it for so long you think it is real and if you think that? Guess what – it may as well be as you are a creator god and you create your reality absolutely with your thoughts.

And of the 50.000 thoughts you had yesterday – 49,999 you had yesterday and the day before ad nauseum and they are not your thoughts – they were put there by other well meaning, well intentioned people who had the same thing done to them when they were small children – all completely ritualised and stupid and all completely unconscious.

The single most destructive thing you do in your life is listen to that crap and the most useful thing you can do first up is learn to delete it. There are powerful healing processes that eliminate that driver from the system however in the first place stop listening to the rubbish. There is not a word of truth in it!! Think of all the terrible things it has told you over the years – not a single one of them has come true however you have been running around your whole life as though all of it is true having a pretty miserable time of it – stop it

counselling emotion

Just because you are Feeling something – does not mean it is Real.

Your emotional body has a conditioned response to certain stimuli – as outlined above as well as other ways – a bit like Pavlov’s dog really. [google it if you don’t know] So every time your partner, child, sibling, co-worker or employee behaves in a certain way and you are having a very predictable patterned reaction to that – remember what is outlined above. Most people when they feel something – usually painful, negative or overwhelming – simply believe it must be true and therefore I have to react to it – no you don’t. stop – own the feeling – this is mine – breathe – ask the question – what is this about - really. Breathe it up – let yourself feel it deeply and then simply go to the terrified child within you [the one that is caught in the unresolved wound] that is feeling this and simply reassure them that a] this is not happening any more and b] you are there to ensure it never happens again.

While you are in the world of pain and observing it you can acknowledge the emotional body for a moment – put it outside of yourself for a bit and say to yourself – “well that is what my emotional body is feeling about this situation now – what does the rest of me want to do. Step back and breathe – look at your projections or unresolved pain and do something about it – unless you want to take this garbage to the grave – and worse – into the next life or ten lol.

counselling perception

It is not what Happens to You that causes Pain – It is How you Perceive it. 

Most of the events in our lives that cause pain and ongoing suffering in our current existence, are perceived through the eyes of fear and pain and so when ever we get any kind of tweak that reminds us of that event [consciously or unconsciously] so does the pain and fear get tweaked along with it.

This will continue absolutely until the fear and pain are resolved and that can happen permanently in the space of one hour. Yes it can. There are simple and powerful tools to move the pain and allow for a shift of perception from fear to love.

counselling love

There are only two emotions – love and fear.

Fear comes in many disguises – hate, greed, envy, jealousy etc however it is all fear. However there are only two emotions and each of these has a magnetic pull to them. [the work of Buckminster Fuller and Dan Winter is interesting to look at – sacred geometry and heart math]

We are indeed creator god’s who create with our thoughts and most people are constantly preoccupied by what is not working for them – so guess what they are constantly creating over and over again – more of that which is not working for them – magnetically drawing it in until we learn not to be afraid of it for that is how the universe teaches us that some of our patterns are not useful – when the boredom with the pain outweighs the pain itself the situation will resolve.

When we look at the situations we are in through the eyes of fear that is the reality we create for ourselves. When we look at the situations of our lives through the eyes of love – that is the reality we create for ourselves – your choice – each moment – what will you choose – love or fear.

counselling - cant handle

You are never given anything that you cannot handle.

This is despite every thing the lunatic in your head will tell you to the contrary – remember we discussed aspects of the voices before. The conscious mind is a seriously disturbed unit. It was given far too much responsibility in the west, where we made it god king – a job it simply is not equipped for.

The whole being must make decisions really – however we are cut off from our emotions so they don’t get a look in, we despise our physical bodies predominately as too old, too fat, too ugly, too skinny or whatever else the mind tells us is wrong so we don’t listen to it – despite the fact that every atom in your body was once a star and remembers everything it has every done or been – they are connected to everything and know what the weather in Africa is doing but we have so learned not to listen to it either.

And as for the soul’s musings – start listening to that and the main stream medical model wants to medicate it into submission. We must reconnect with the whole – allow the feeling mind to be guided by the thinking heart – allow the whole being to move us and then we know absolutely that what ever challenge we have created or co-created in our lives – that all answers to that challenge lie within the challenge itself – that is what it is to be human.

But when we let the mind rule – to attempt a job it is not equipped for – then it becomes paranoid and over zealous and becomes a poisoned chalice – filling us with fear and dismay. All suffering comes from the mind. Take charge of it – stop listening to its insane mutterings and get rid of the distortions and lies and let it go back to what it was created for – logic and reason – to guide and support the souls journey. The four bodies – emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual must all work in unison for us to move in the direction of our responsibility – the ability to respond to what makes our heart sing.


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You Always Have Been, Are and always Will Be – Enough.

The great terror in all of us is that who we are is not enough – a message that has been reinforced to you throughout your childhood by constraints and script messages placed on you that tell you not to be you – to be what your parents and society need you to be in order for all of them to feel good enough as parents and to maintain control.

This has become so seriously screwed up now that we are carrying generations of fear, war, horror and what ever else your genetic line is carrying and that you will willingly unconsciously shoulder, out of a deep love for your tribe – and that will stalk you throughout your days as you attempt to wrestle your way through the nightmare.

Each infant is born perfectly into a world that is ready for it, into the arms of the person contracted to bring them into the world – however the pain is so great that is being carried around that the mother and father feel inadequate, overwhelmed and unable to instinctively do what they are born to do because of all this garbage – it is then fed into the next generation obliging them to do the same.

Each generation of children is the most advanced of the species – this is logical as each infant takes all of its’ mothers’ blood line knowledge and all of its’ fathers’ blood line of knowledge and takes them forward – however we are so busy controlling and containing children – putting them into the same little box that we were put into as children that we rarely stop and receive the wisdom on offer. Why do you think old people and kids get along so well? Because old people are remembering and working out what they knew instinctively when they were children – before it was pummelled out of them.

Remember who you are – get up off your knees and unshackle yourself – anything less is unworthy of the great soul that you are.

There are wonderful techniques now available for pregnant mothers that allow this to happen in utero – where the mother loses her fear of childbirth [a race memory carried by all women understandably] and releases the baby in the womb of all the inherited fear in the process.

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No one ‘Makes’ you Feel Anything

We live in a world that is so dysfunctional emotionally we are literally drowning in misperception about what is real. It is quite simple really – if you are feeling something it is because it is internally generated. No one makes you feel anything – ever. You may be programmed or conditioned to have certain emotional responses in certain situations however they are still your responses and your responsibility to deal with them.

The minute you say to some one “You make me angry” – you have just given all your power to them for if they are doing it to you then they are the only ones who can change it. Much better to say “When you do that – I feel angry” for then you are feeling it, it is in your control and you can change it when you are ready.

Conversely the opposite is true. Do not let other people load you up with the responsibility for their emotions in the same way. When some one says to you “You make me angry” – simply say to them – “Actually I am not that powerful – if you are feeling angry at anything I am doing that is your choice and your responsibility and you need to deal with it because I have enough shit of my own to deal with thank you very much”

It does not mean things cannot be discussed – it just means things can be discussed without projection and hooks being brought into the process.

These programmed emotional responses by the way can be removed very easily and it really does make day to day communications with your nearest and dearest much easier to manage and facilitates peace.

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You can Trust the Love of a Human however you Cannot trust their Pain.

The love that exists in humans is very powerful and very real and it will stand by and support you in all things. What you cannot trust in your parents, your partner, your work colleagues or others is their pain.

That pain will sacrifice the very life of a child in order to protect itself and that says a great deal about the pain in the other and nothing at all about you. People really do terrible things to each other to protect the internal wounds – it is sometimes impossible to imagine the kind of pain that is going on in someone that would have them be cruel to an animal or a child – and your inability to imagine what kind of pain could do that, gives you some insight into just how huge that pain might be.

This is not to offer excuses for such things – only understanding. As the great Philosopher Terrence said, “Let nothing that is human be foreign to me” – meaning there but for the grace of god go anyone of us for each of us is fighting the same great battle between the polarities inside. And if we were raised in a different family with different outcomes we would be as capable of anyone else of horrific things – don’t kid your self to the contrary. Every time you are judging something in some one else – taking the moral high ground or looking down your nose at someone – it is just the story you were given as a child about what you were or were not allowed to be and so you bury that deep inside – reject it, project it and judge it as less than – in the other. Beware of such hubris dear ones for it is always – without fail – followed by nemesis.

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Love is the only thing that is Real

Coming back to the two emotions – it is true that the only one of them that is real is love. Everything else in the universe – even death – is an illusion created for the experience of it – for the sake of compassion. Each is a step back to the source from which we came and the only way home is through love. Letting go of our minds determined beliefs, its ability to pick the scabs and ruminate over past injustices, future fears – seems so real that we live it as though it is and while we are believing it – it is. That simple really.

However when you begin to see that there are parallel streams running with you all the time with different possibilities, different beliefs and different outcomes – then you are free to manifest a different reality, built in love and not fear.

Unpacking some of the pain can be a life time journey because of all the successive lifetimes and genetic lines of wounding – however it can be done and it behoves you to move in that direction for that is what you are here for.

Do not doubt the perfectness of your being here – no matter how wretched it may seem. Remember you are a spiritual being having a human experience and only humans judge – we create the gods in our own image – not the other way around and when you perceive that – suddenly a lot of the mad gods we have created begin to make sense. We made the devil in same way – we are not yet grown up enough to own our own divinity or own our self created demons so we build a god and a devil and make them responsible – see how pervasive it all is?

If you are going to be free then that requires you to take responsibility for all that you have been in, done, think, feel, say and do and the only way you can do that is by developing self love and self compassion for all that you are – which is a divine note in a divine symphony that would not be the same without you. You matter a great deal more than you realise.

There are billions of entities lined up to be here at the moment – why else do you think there are so many humans currently – more than at any other time in human history [which goes back a damn sight longer than you are currently told lol] – they are all here to experience the evolutionary shift – not a physical shift but a shift in consciousness.

You made it to this planet – many will not – so trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be doing exactly what you are meant to be doing – otherwise you would be somewhere else doing something else – trust me.

So if you wish to experience counselling - therapy of a different kind, steeped in a back ground of 30 years in mental health, deep immersion in transpersonal techniques and shamanic practice, art therapy and energetic paradigms then contact Prue and begin the journey towards authenticity.

Healing with Sound

Whole Being Healing - [Harmonic Convergent Vibrational Healing]

There is a technique for healing that is beyond transpersonal counseling, beyond psychotherapy, beyond mindfulness and cognitive change, beyond behavioral challenges. This has flowed from experiments with sound in the recent past but also many years of gently playing with this that in a way is all now coming together.

We all carry things that have accumulated within us both genetically and over life times. Things that erupt in our lives in patterns of familiarity ( not this again!!) and in patterns of pain. As the veil is thinning and we are evolving more and more of this is ‘bleeding’ through into our current existence for healing.

Anxiety, guilt, shame, inadequacy, powerlessness, frustration, rage, resentment, loss, grief and despair.......

Utilising deep emotional release, personal connection with your own Higher Self, body mapping, hands on balancing of the fields around you and harmonic sound – this process reaches you deeply at the heart, mind, body and soul aspects of your reality in a profoundly healing way!

This work has grown out of many years of work in psychiatry and mental health, Psychodynamic and Lomi Lomi bodywork, Harmonic Overtones, Shamanic Practice, Transpersonal Counseling and Art Therapy – amongst many things in my life time of learning and unfolding.

This process follows the pattern of pain around the body, then takes it to the core emotion of that pain and using joint toning, ancient instruments of vibrational healing, ancient words of harmonic power, intent and symbology – a process is set up of a vibrational movement in which nothing that is disharmonious to the system can reside within.



“it felt as though layers of light and healing were being built up around me – I was in my body but also not and I felt hollow and yet incredibly grounded”

“I feel amazingly light and my whole body seemed to be vibrating – there were places that got hot or heavy and then it would just melt away”

“I had a vision of many lives as a healer, and paying a price for those lives and of of that falling away as I existed under this bell of light and vibration and none of it mattered any more”

 "It was a series of amazing "aha" moments - from my very first breath I could see how this pain was created and then repeated over and again - it was very powerful - and very healing"

"There was a powerful sense of a whole tribe of ancient women filling me up and lifting me up and I was flowing with them”

“I feel lighter – my head is empty – I was told that I can trust my life!”

” A very intense feeling in my chest and throat – amazing as it melted away and then at the end my third eye seemed to explode as I disappeared and then it all regathered, coming back in slivers and rejoined with new information for me”

“I went back to the beginning of time and picked up the clay that I was made with and I remade my self and then found myself standing outside my body while you worked with my [deceased] mother watching you – so peaceful”

Contact me at or via to come and experience this remarkable process.

Shamanic Healing - what is it and why would I...

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Shamanic healing is a very ancient form of working with a client and these practitioners have been around in recorded history for over 60,000 years - from the Tungus in Siberia, from the rock art deep in the mountains of Europe, to the living art of the first people of Oz - in fact they are recorded in all cultures that have occupied this planet through the rituals and ceremonies handed down through the ages.

This profound and powerful way of release and renewal is based upon the principle that what ever is occurring in your current life - break down, break up, illness, grief and loss, guilt and shame, addiction, anxiety and terror, inadequacy and feelings of lack of worth or value - what ever pain or life circumstances you are currently dealing with - it is all based on a disturbance of equilibrium within you.

Something is out of balance. And if it is manifesting in external or internal symptoms to point this out to you, it is doing so that you may do what ever is required to restore balance.

shamans mask

This presupposes a very deep truth. That you are never a victim. That what ever is occurring for you is being co-created by you - with others or with your own physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual reality in order for you to heal [not cure] yourself of the imbalance and allow your life to return to equilibrium.

And you have the power to do this - absolutely. The placebo effect is a classic observation of this ability.

We are taught in the west that an illness is beyond your control and must be medicated or cut in order to subdue it, control or eliminate it and the same with your emotional and psychological world - that it is like a Newtonian clock in that when it breaks - replace the broken bit and all will be well.

Again let us drug the heart and mind into submission. And as for spirituality - well we actually don't get much of that on the planet currently - we have religion instead which is all about giving your power to the priest and they will get you to "god" lol. Crowd control really.


From the moment of your birth unto the moment of your death everything is connected to the web of life - of all creation and your life is a rhythm of ebb and flow, waxing and waning and we are forever experiencing the 'little deaths' of life's changes, release and renewal.

But we are also taught in the west that we can only flow - forward - forcefully - and that change is to be resisted at all costs and the only movement allowed is expansion - there is no room for letting go, for the cycles of life, the seasons, we are death deniers and terrified of our own mortality and this whole process creates an immense imbalance that leads absolutely to the pain and heartache that has become the given norm of the world we currently dwell in.

When a client comes to a Shamanic practitioner for a healing - all of this is understood and woven into the experience. Where the client is - in the long journey between life and death - in the fabric of their social world, included or excluded, valued or not - in the balance of their physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual bodies - is all taken into account as they present - willing to change.

shamans journey

A Shamanic healer will have already done a divination for the client before they present for the treatment - to see what is there in the landscape of the soul's journey.
And when the client arrives and the process begins - the healer enters this landscape to see what is there - they meet the client as their medicine - their connection with spirit nature - bird, animal, a creature that may swim or crawl - and if that creature is bound or trapped or wounded in that landscape - that deep and primordial landscape - then that is resolved in that world in the service of the client.

The are the earliest navigators of consciousness, skillful to a high degree in journeying and bringing back the resources needed to aid the client in the ‘here and now’ process of their lives.
They have many resources and skills at their disposal to ascertain what has led to the client’s symptoms – as they present to them. No matter what the problem, while addressing those symptoms and restoring balance to the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual realms of the client – they are always at heart observing the flight of the soul and where the client is in the journey of their life between birth and death.

soul flight

The Shaman is a healer, a priest or priestess, a medium and story teller, an actor or entertainer, a trickster and prophet, a world builder and sorcerer, a mage and magician and many possibilities besides. There is a great deal of misinformation out there but in truth it is a lens through which the world can be viewed in new and visionary ways and is the oldest medicine ways practiced in human society.

This profound and deep healing will then flow out into the external world of the client - over the next hours, days, weeks, months and years and it continues to flow into the river of their life.


There may things that the client needs to do after the treatment - what is there is there and instructions are given as required however the balance is restored in a deep and powerful way that then allows other things of imbalance in the clients life to fall back into place.

If you wish to experience this unique and powerful way to discover the depths of your being and journey to that which awaits you - contact Prue on 0419819089 or at to set up an appointment x


" I do not know really what happened however there is a great cloud lifted from my life - i am more present in the moment and more aware of being here - quite remarkable"

" I have been wrestling with this issue for many years now and have tried many approaches over the years - I cannot believe the difference this has made and I am very surprised and grateful for what happened"


Cosmic Connections

Neptune and Pluto continue their retrograde motion throughout this month with all that is associated with this and Uranus joined them there at the end of July. The New Moon in Leo at 11 degrees occurs on the 3rd, Saturn goes Direct motion on the 13th, the eclipse cycle begins on the Full Moon on the 18th in Aquarius at 26 degrees, Mercury goes retro at the end of the month and there will be a Solar Eclipse on the 1st September in Virgo at 9 degrees. Plus the Piscean moon later in that month!!
Basically this is a full on month peeps. The energies continue to build here and all that was put in motion, during the Uranus – Pluto square over the past few years, is now coming home to roost – with a vengeance. Everything is being torn down by the rising feminine and it is only going to strengthen as we approach the eclipse cycle.

Uranus began its retrograde motion on 29th July at 24 degrees Aries and turns direct on the 29th December this year. Uranus going retro is a kind of shift of focus, after its involvement in the chaos of the Uranus – Pluto square and will move into a smoother phase as it trines Saturn next year.
There have been so many changes going on in your external world of late – particularly with relationships – all reflecting the inner changes that have been going on and now the focus returns inside. If anything is left unresolved or something you have been trying to create is just not working yet – then the inner changes required to  move you forward will unfold during this transit.
The theme of these will be personal freedom.
The chaos of the great Uranus – Pluto square has permanently changed the nature of politics around the globe and we have seen revolutions across the arab world, attempts to overthrow dictators and also the emergence of that extraordinary beast - created by the western world’s arrogant manipulations to meet their own nefarious needs – Islamic state terrorism. It is not the only face of terrorism peeps for we are what created it. Over 3 million dead in the middle east and 12 million displaced by western interference and having arms manufacturers write foreign ‘policy’. And that is just in this latest 10 years.
The waves of refugees fleeing this horror has brought about mass drownings, kidnappings, rape as a tool of war and 10’s of thousands of people being carted off as slaves. This religious reaction and extremism in Islam is also now producing a contra response in western countries on nationalism and fascism and still no end – in any way – in sight. 
Saturn’s alignments with Uranus at this time means that the collapse of the world as we know it will continue unabated. However it also points to a level of exhaustion emerging – the ruthless carnage of governments and those rising against them has many on their knees - but peace is not yet ready to emerge. The hard hawks of patriarchy on both sides are determined to soldier on as it were.
Personally it means you are also getting tired of the immense changes going on in your life and yet you too, still recognise there is more to unfold for you to emerge as yourself. You may have smashed things open of late, left detritus behind, walked away feeling shattered or isolated and this retrograde time can be used for you to develop the inner strength you need to continue to change and let go.
As Mercury comes into play at this retrograde phase your mind will also allow you to look at things in a new way, to see new possibilities and around corners in stimulating and incredible ways and it is a powerful time to trust your intuition and let it take you where you will. Vivid and wakeful dreams may come into play at this time and a good time to meditate with clear intent. Share this energy with like minded others.
Venus trining Uranus here will open the door to new and surreal encounters with others and even if attached you may be drawn to the obscure and bizarre. This is a good time to experiment sexually with your partner if you have one and if you don’t want to drift beyond. If single then anyone you are likely to meet will not be from your normal parameters of acceptance lol.

Shortly before the New Moon in Leo on the 3rd [here in Oz] Mars re-enters Sagittarius – following an incredible sojourn through Scorpio and Sag, including an extended period of its own retro – which led to high levels of anger and violence and we certainly saw a lot of this in July - and this will provide a big energy lift.

As it arrives just prior to the new moon it provide some long overdue optimism to the moon, which is fiery enough as it is.  The long transit through Scorpio provided sharp focused energy for cutting through the poison of our relationships and existence as it went about setting us free – often in extreme ways.
In Sagittarius, Mars is still at home but moves to the more spiritually focused areas of culture and religion with ideas about belief systems now all up for grabs and debate and question. Mars here will cut through the crap and call the hypocrisy as he sees it – while still ensuring people’s rights to believe what they will – just don’t foist that rubbish on to me as it were lol.
This energy can also be very aware of the environment and can come powerfully out in support of animals and nature and do not be surprised to see yourself being more drawn in this way and groups rising to defend animal rights and other environmental activism now. This placement will push the boundaries of the status quo and push them hard and if you can harness this energy well you can achieve great things.
Because of the fire of this though, there can also rise an impulsivity along with religious zeal, wars of ideas, wars between nations and legal issues – all of which are expressions of this placement. Detachment here is the absolute goal. Stop and think before you act and when you are clear  - act in the best interest of all concerned where possible or let go with love.

On Wednesday morning [here in Oz] the 3rd of August the New Moon rises at 11 degrees Leo. Like last new moon in Cancer this moon also has a positive link to the great Saturn-Neptune Square that dominates the stage currently.

The square known as the Great Depression with all of its waves of fear, angst, guilt and disappointed helplessness has dominated the landscape this year and will continue to be prominent for a while to come. As this new moon aligns with it you will have an opportunity to tidy up a bit of the chaotic loose ends and prepare for the next round for the testing times are still coming fast with the Solar Eclipse that will square Saturn on September 1.
For this New Moon trining Saturn, it offers some practical guidelines on how to deal with all the pain and confusion that has recently been brought to the surface. It is a wondrous balance of intuition and practical reality. You will able to be strategically manage things from a regal, detached perspective, if you focus. And the thing to focus on with this moon is your personal security and stability. It will provide you the work ethic, stamina and quiet patience to see things through.
And of course with all things Leo the warmth and sociability of this decan 2 will ensure wondrous gatherings of like minds and souls with grace - and also an excess of indulgence if not careful. It is a natural benefactor of the arts and protector of children and animals – although the challenging square from the Black Lilith Moon may bring forth those who would harm such creatures and during this moon we may see an upswing of abuse of animals and children - as recently exposed in the horrors of aboriginal children in detention.
The whole cycle of this energy represents thesis, antithesis and synthesis as we break out of what we know into what we don’t know, integration and then to move forward, the same – but different.

Saturn square Neptune [the great depression] here will exacerbate a festering sore at this moon – an old event or conflict that you have failed to resolve – a setback or separation, a failure or loss that is being made worse by all the hall marks of the great depression.

Be mindful at this moon of anxiety and depression or even paranoia – they will be in full flight. This can really impact on your ability to function if you let it have its’ head – again stay detached and focused on the step by step process of getting through it.
Sun trining Saturn will exacerbate the Leo Sun’s desire for adulation and approval – fame and fortune for some of you at this moon and if you feel it - be bold, seize the day and overcome your fears – this moon rewards the bold and delivers the gold with ease and grace. Be looking out for exquisite timing and synchronicity – for the rhythmic dance of life unfolding perfectly. Carpe Diem.
 And if something you have been working towards for a while and have experienced road blocks and frustrating times with – that effort can now bring rewards. There will be mentors available and elders who share their wisdom and make sure you share your knowledge at this time with the next generation also.

There is an intense energy aligned with Black Lilith Moon squaring the new moon and will offer up peculiar and challenging three way relationships – these will be super charged and will certainly bust things open if allowed to come to a head.

You know the kind of thing – it might involve a third party in a marriage, an interfering in law or parent, co workers, choice between the mundane and the spiritual etc. Pay attention to these if they rise. It really could mean great loss depending upon what you choose. Follow your heart though.
With the Sun squaring this same black Lilith moon – some among you will rise up to champion a cause, expose dark and disturbing reality to the public sphere – a bit like what we are seeing in aboriginal children tortured by australian police, supported by politicians and prison guards. This is the moon of exposure and of giving people the feisty energy they need to stand up and say – enough. This will also have the same effect on extremists so an upsurge of that kind of violence is also likely. Those who feel estranged or exiled within their own worlds are very likely to allow that rage to emerge at this time.
It really is a time to tidy up any loose ends before the solar eclipse new moon in September and these loose ends may relate back to the March eclipse season this year or anything rising out of the great Saturn-Neptune square. Its all going to get very intense shortly and again the key word is detachment.

The asteroid Siva [named after Shiva] – the masculine principle – the divine positive animus [as came up in the last meditation] aligns with Leo at this moon and is a potent possibility for releasing the negative masculine principle that so wreaks havoc in the world. 
Think family power brokers and heart break, manipulators and maniacs, sex and sorcery, exposure and scandal, war of the sexes, obscenities and overthrows, ancient wounds and new expression, exquisite timing – and you begin to get the feel of the moon!

On the 5th Venus enters Virgo which will heighten issues of diplomacy for us and our ability to work as part of a team both personally and globally. It will have us focus on applied cooperation and shared values and love and also heighten our appreciation of the beauty of the world and a strong desire for harmony.
As with all things Venus and Virgo though – relationships will be the vehicle for analysis and there will be lots of analysis as to why we are in the relationships we are in – what’s in it for us – is this good for me or bad for me – pulling it all apart and putting it back together again – this will certainly heighten tensions between allies – geopolitically, at home and in the office. Pay attention.

On the 13th August Saturn turns direct in Scorpio and this retro motion we have been in here has exacerbated the whole fear and angst thing of the square but honed the focus of that into issues of love and finance over the past few months due to the square with Venus.

We have probably all had some pretty hard lessons recently that encourage us to focus, apply self discipline, confront deception [including our own] to remember that motivation follows action – not vice versa. If you have applied yourself to Saturn’s harsh lessons the future is looking very positive as Saturn turns back direct again.

Also with this energy expect banking scandals to emerge, raging bushfires [northern hemisphere currently] and failings in the court and justice system to be exposed as Saturn rules all of these.

The next significant event this month is the Lunar Eclipse on Thursday 18th August at 26 degrees Aquarius. As with all lunar eclipses the big hitter is how the Sun is Opposite the Moon here. And again as all things lunar – emotions, family and all other relationships reach their peak at all full moons – they will be particularly up for analysis re disharmony and where you sell out your needs to meet the needs of the other – often habitually – and so it continues the work of the new moon and other aspects this month. It also tidies up the last eclipse cycle from March and so anything you have been wrestling with over the past 6 months is now open for finalisation.

There are some very interesting alignments with this eclipsed moon and here we encounter a significant Yod [finger of god] during the eclipse itself. These are a finger in the eye in fact that has you go ‘ouch’ and to want to resolve it – a pushing along to resolve something – even though it is uncomfortable to change and do so. As with all Yods there will be a sense of fate or destiny in this and as it points towards Jupiter at the eclipse we will seek an alignment of perfection with the great beneficent – Jupiter – grows upon the back of the Moon sextiles Uranus.
This sextile will bring our self assured rebel to the surface – who quite frankly does not care what the other thinks and has no desire to be one of the herd of sleepwalkers. This aspect of being is willing to act despite envy and criticism and will have the courage of conviction to do what needs to be done.  With increased intuition and a desire for personal freedom you are likely to engage with new and different people, have crazy and spontaneous adventures – to break free. Pay attention to where you let that pony run lol.

This is a very powerful alignment and means religion will be up for discussion and reform [thanks to Uranus] and as the notorious star Alkaid is aligned here with Jupiter also during this eclipse - we can expect many deaths re religious nutbaggery during this time – so this hot august is likely to be very explosive with strong religious overtones to it all.
There is a real possibility of false flag events and sacrifices going on at this time and in Islamic astrology – Alkaid is known as the “destroyer of nations”. This can be done ideologically as well as physically and isn’t religion the greatest game in the world for that lunacy.

So as exhausted as those in the war zones are - from the horrors of the western world still playing out their agendas anywhere but on their home ground – my sense is there is still too much apathy from the subdued and drugged herd of humans in the west to actually get up and do anything about it yet. There will be much worse horrors to unfold at home for that to happen yet.
This Lunar eclipse at decan 3 though will certainly work out the wheat from the chaff – personally and globally. There are many paradoxes here and many will realise they are awakening in a world still sound asleep in the face of manufactured madness and the most deadened of all are those who lead this madness – the modern day romans.

During this phase people who are used to living on the fringe or the edge of their society – looking at it with stunned amazement at its insanity often – will become more relaxed with their fringe dwelling status and more detached entirely from the world.
 And with the Sun trining Uranus expect the unexpected, the shocking and unforseen! It is here to un-house the world and shake the dead wood from the tree of life lol. Many will be able to rise above the mundane at this time and let go of it all – stay focused on the prize.

And with other alignments here re Moon and Jupiter – aspects of the authoritarian parent and dominating mother will arise. Geopolitically this means heavy indoctrination of children will happen or be exposed – for those with mother abandonment issues these will certainly rise and this affects a lot of people by the way.

Over the top fanaticism to a cause or a cult [seeking the dark mother’s approval and love] are definitely on the cards here. It will also cause a deepening of the polarisation of the political divide as the ‘have nots’ fight with each other through the manipulated political processed allowed them [ie labour vs liberal or democrat vs conservative etc] instead of uniting and sweeping the supposed elite and their monkey’s in parliament out of the way lol.

With this eclipse think destiny, big brother, lies and manipulations, fascism vs freedom, war mongering, hope vs doom, rebels rising, death and destruction, religion vs reason, reaction vs responding, detachment vs nutbaggery.
The month finishes with Mercury going retro in Virgo and so along with all the other usual admonitions re Mercury retro we will tie ourselves in knots with a variety of analytical ponderings as it trawls through this detail obsessed sign and we can get caught in the miniature of our existence if we are not careful during this transit and by trying to make sense of it all. Don’t
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